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I’ve Read It in Books

This Saturday’s PhotoHunt isn’t very challenging. Books is such a cool theme. By now everyone knows that my Aunt is P.M. Griffin, the famous Sci-Fi/Fantasy author who’s also written some very cool books about cats and other creatures. The cat books include THE GIFT OF MAGIC (the award-winning novel with the four marvelous cats), TROUBLE THE CAT, the two-story collection leading to it, and THE BASTET TRILOGY with three unconnected tales (except by Bastet's presence), two of them award winners. You can read my review of Trouble the Cat and my short innerview with Aunt Pauline. TW has been her friend for four decades. Andre Norton was Aunt Pauline’s mentor. I posed with a few of Aunt Pauline’s books when we gave them away during the annual SciFi pawty on Twitter.

What you didn’t know is that even though TW never wrote a book herself—unlike some of your smarter and more talented humans—she did contribute to several during her former life as a music "journalist.” I use that word very loosely. She did everything from transcribing innerview tapes to loaning memorabilia to be photographed. She even has a concert photo she took in one of the books. How weird is that? What wouldn’t she do to get her name in a book? Below I’m posing with several books in which she got an acknowledgement.

Why do I have to pose with these? The pic on the right sez it all—what I think of TW blowing her own horn. It isn’t very becoming, TW. I wasn’t even doing my Gene Simmons of Kiss impression. The two people who are innerested could click on the image to biggify..

For my art entry in the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by Athena and Marie, I’ve made a video for you. The video, entitled CK & the Tree of Pain, consists of, er, ME on my Tree of Pain. You can make video up to 30 seconds long for free. They have plenty of themes and music for you to choose from. Be warned, they will, at every turn, try to get you to upgrade to the paying version.


Let’s see, I’ve provided books, music and video for you. All you need is some noms along with a soft bed and you’re set for the weekend.

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  1. I think this Photo Hunt theme is a pretty easy one for all the cat bloggers because all our humans read (and some write too - and even some kitties write!). But not that many can boast of having such a cool author that is a relative!

  2. How grand that you have a famous author in your family CK!

    Hugs, Sammy

  3. and I missed it. I did get to the pawty but at the wrong time.


  4. Those are all great CK and so is your video!!!

  5. I couldn't image a world with out stories.
    Coffee is on

  6. Well, you are wrong about one thing, CK, we didn't ALL know about Aunt Pauline and her books! I didn't. But now I do!

  7. Great post!

    We love the video!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  8. I should promote the famous author relative as much as you can, CK! Though, have to say, the famous author relative should really be boasting about her famous furry blogger niece!!

  9. It's so cool you have such a famous author aunt!
    Love the video, it looks wonderful and exciting!

  10. Concatulations on having a famous author in your family ! Purrs

  11. I did not know that was your Aunt, very cool. Please visit us for the last chance to win thoe catnip turkey legs.

  12. A true multi-media feast for eyes and ears. The video was great. We'll have to ask Mom to check out that site sometime. Hope you will join us Sunday for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. I didn't know you had an aunt who is a famous author. That is a great video CK.

  14. So cool CK on all fronts! Tell your Mom our Mom is thrilled about her being part of those books! Neat to find out about your Auntie too. Your video is spectacular this week. You are the Media Queen! Rock ON Stunning Keisha! Rock ON!

  15. Dat are cool dat your aunt are an author!

  16. SO...we were one of the two folks who biggafied! Mommy loves R.E.M.

  17. Wow, CK. We didn't know your aunt was a famous author. Very cool!

  18. Excellent post CK! And wes going to has to reads those books!!
    Who knew that yous was related to famous!!!

  19. Luv yous fotos. Yous look so cute. Specially wiff yous tung stickin' out. :)

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  20. You all look very intelligent with these books, lol !

  21. Meowee, a famous aunt pawsome it that! Your catitude seems a little envious...mol. The video is fun...thanks for sharing! =^,,^=

  22. Love the video!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  23. Wow, that's such a cool video of you on The Tree Of Pain, awesome!

  24. holy cat!! I am over the top with your video CK. Totally pawsome!!! And you know Mom L read your auntie's books, right?


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