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A Funny Thing Happened …

TW thinks this picture is funny, which is this week’s PhotoHunt challenge. It also happens to be the photo (#1234) that Katie and Waffles of Glogirly chose for the Foto Frenzy. I usually run these on Friday but this fit the Funny theme.

Yes, TW was laughing at my foto but you can see I’m laughing too. As the old adage goes: whoever laughs last, laughs best. I got the best laugh as they performed yet another stupid human trick, which I’ll give you the 411 on next week.

Now onto the Caturday Art Blog Hop hosted by Athena and Mum Marie. Since next Friday is All Hollows' Eve aka Halloween, I thought I’d show some Halloween art. Last week I mentioned that PicMonkey was having a #FrankenPet photo contest. I went over there to see what I could concoct. I started with 2 photos of me on Pop’s bed and set to work making them scary with their pawsome Halloween filters and doodads. Here's a slide show so you can see all the filters I used and maybe you can get some ideas for your entry.

Click to biggify if you dare!
Which one do you think I should enter in the contest?

Would you like to comment?

  1. That picture is hysterical and your slideshow is fantastic! I like the bloodstains and spider :)

  2. Great pic!
    Your slideshow is spooky. We love it!

  3. That first pic is the most scary!! ;) MOL

  4. Those are great CK. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. That'/ that is a very funny and cute picture of you. TW got you at funny position moment :-) But you did get the best laugh indeed!
    The Halloween images are all spooky! I especially love the close-up ones!

  6. That IS a funny foot, CK. Happy weekend!

  7. The color one with the blood splats is pretty scary

  8. Great!

    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  9. Oh I like! I like either the one with the blood splatter or the same one but with the flames over it.... tough choice. I entered a photo of Gus killing his broccoli since they have an "other pet" category.

  10. Oh! Wow! Mes LOVES your gif!!! Yous is totally fabulishious!

  11. hahaha!!!! i do love that photo!!!
    I love love love your halloween photos too!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. The first photo looks like you were caught in the act of singing and tapping your back paw to the beat of the music.

    You were very creative over at PicMonkey. Lots of very scary pics!

  13. That's a funny picture ! And we love your Halloween slideshow ! Purrs

  14. Reaching paw one for sure CK! Love what you did with them! Great pic of you laughing too!

  15. CK, They are all good. We think we like the ones with you on your belly and your paw out the best. Good luck in the contest. Please try to join us tomorrow for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. We wonder what you are laughin' about CK and what your Peeps did now! Ok, we like all your Halloween photos but we like the ones with you sitting with your horns on and the haunted house border. Have a great weekend!

  17. Oh Wow those awe sum scawy fotos alwight CK. Weez wuldn't know what to enter thay all be gweat. Glad yous got a laff in, weez wuz fwaid yous wuz mad 'bout sumfin'. Hope yous hav a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  18. That is a funny photo! I like all your Halloween photos, but I like the spider and blood spatters the best.

  19. You gave us the giggles CK! That slideshow is spooky cool!!!

  20. Those are some pretty spooky pictures, CK!

  21. We can't wait to get the dirty lowdown on your peeps!

    And...NICE BLUDS!

  22. ooh yeah, you are totally laffin your tail off in that pic!!!

  23. Yes, A funny thing happen here up in woods of North Idaho.

    Coffee is on

  24. That's amazing!

    We like the first one best :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  25. Luvluvluv the photo, but when we tried Pic Monkey everything we want d to use required upgrading so we left do so much better than we can...signing with envy...


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