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Wednesday Word—Cats

Isn’t National Cat Day everyday?? I certainly think so.

Remember to do something nice for your cat today and—more importantly—to do something nicer for a homeless cat you encounter on the street or in a shelter who doesn’t have a nice warm bed to lay in or may not get three square meals a day. If you’re a cat, milk this day for all it’s worth!!

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  1. Every day is National Cat Day around here - you can be sure of that! Sparkle taught my human well.

  2. Ditto Summer, every day is Cat Day here too.

    Purrs and peace.

  3. Well said CK and we are hoping you are making the most of it. Have a wonderful Wednesday and Happy National Cat Day to you.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Happy N'tnl Cat Day CK! And yes, peeps need to think about those that aren't as lucky as we are to have safe, loving homes. MomKatt's going to sit down with Oliver, our Porch Panther, tonight and give him extra treats in addition to his nightly gooshy food!

    Much luv

  5. Yep CK so do we. :)

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. CK so true ..we always think of how lucky we are here..even if we complainz often...MOL lookin furry sweet CK paw pats Dinnermintz xxx

  7. Awwww, that is an adorable picture of you l- a real heart melter. SMOOCH Sorry, I just couldn't help myself. You are so kissable right now. Even M wants to give you a kissie! I think that is my all time favorite picture of you ever!

  8. Me too thought it was National Cat Day Efurryday ?!


  9. You look beautiful there and this is a great message.
    Happy National Cat Day!

  10. Every day IS Cat Day around here. And yes, as a matter of fact, we DO milk it. MOL!

    Hugs and headbonks,

    Moosey, Gracie and Zoe

  11. I lucky that every day is National Cat Day here, and I'm thankful too.
    Love your one-eyed photo!

  12. Love your super spooky header!
    Happy National Cat Day!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. Hope you had a good Cat Day CK. I think I need to find a new holiday calendar on the interwebs. The one I used for October didn't have National Cat Day listed. Ultimate fail!

  14. Belated Happy National Cats' Day, CK.

  15. My sweet darling girl! Beautiful picture XOXOXOX I was so worried about you today--am very relieved you perked up! Smoochies!


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