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Hola kitty brothers and sisters! We are again participating in the annual BlogBlast 4 Peace. This is the 16th year for one of my favorite blogging events. I've been doing my part since 2011. Mimi Lenox, the founder, wanted to know what would happen if the entire blogosphere posted about world peace on the same day using the same title—Dona Nobis Pacem. It hasn't changed the world—yet—but it's provided some creative and wonderful images of peace.

"Courageous Peace in a Time of Great Change" is this year's theme but I don't really know what that means so we did our own thing. That's what creative art/license is all about.

Purrs 4 Peace

Some of you might be familiar with #Purrs4Peace on Twitter. A courageous cat, ConfuciusCat, started #Purrs4Peace way back when, around 2010. He went OTRB and stopped tweeting but eventually ChloeToby revived it because many missed it. Over time LilyLuWhoT became the anipal who hosted it.

When I was active on Twitter, I used to participate every Sunday at 3 pm. I haven't participated in a few years since I don't regularly tweet anymore but LilyLu tells me there are a number of regulars who tweet the hashtag and they always draw in a new anipal or two each week. Wouldn't it be great if everyone participated this Sunday? 


Won't you join in this coming Sunday when the anipals purr for peace? In 2021, the world needs our purrs more than ever! 

Would you like to comment?

  1. Truly a beautiful sentiment, and an appropriate one, thank you for sharing on this special day. Of course we'd be there Sunday, but it will have to be in heart and soul, not being twitterers ...
    (I hope and pray all is better with you now, hugs)

  2. That is a beautiful globe. I am not on Twitter but will be there in thought.

  3. Your Peace Globe is beautiful. We've did a Peace Globe today too. We had no idea the #Purrs4Peace was still going on. It's come up a lot in our Facebook memories.

  4. Beautiful globe, I love the colours! I'll check #Purrs4Peace. :)

  5. I absolutely LOVE your peace globe!! it is gorgeous and the message is purrfect!!! I think I didn't participate last year and this year I dropped the ball from being too busy......I always participated but just didn't have time. Will get back on board next year hopefully! Love yours!!

  6. I started back then too. Still blogging for peace after all these years. Smiles.

  7. Purrfect peace blog Keisha! Dona Nobis Pacem

  8. Great ppost guys! CK you and TW really know how to give Peace a chance! Sending you purrs! Marv and Mom

  9. That was a beautiful post CK, count us in for Peace. We hope Peace becomes more contageous than Covid and we hope Peace spreads everywhere quickly.

  10. You are such a talented artist. This is definitely your best ever. I will try to tweet on Sunday. XO

  11. Pawsome globe!!!!!
    Wishing you and your family PEACE!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  12. What a wonderful Peace Globe and message. Our Peace Globe is up too and we're purring and praying for Peace.

    Purrrrrs, Spike William

  13. You are such a talented graphic artist! These peace globes are truly stunning! (no pun intended)
    Purrs4Peace sounds like a lovely gathering. I'll be there in spirit and send out a purr from Snickers (my new kitty! and my FIRST kitty......) I have a lot to learn LOL

    Thank you for blogging for peace with us.
    Always a joy to see what you create!

  14. What a pawsome peace globe, CK! I’m purring for peace. ~Ernie

  15. Wouldnt it be cool to hear the whole world purring?

  16. Awesome Peace Globe, CK. You can count us in for purring for peace. XO

  17. What a beautiful peace globe - you always make fantastic graphics and art.


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