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Feral Friday: We're Going Where???

Hola kitties! I hope you had a good week. Mine started out not so good. I was blindsided! Yes I was. This morning I was subjected to my annual trip to hell trip to the V-E-T. I was rammed into my PTU and whisked away before I could realize what was happening. Usually I have a clue by hearing TW make the appointment over the phone but this was a total surprise. Is the pandemic over already? They told me I wouldn't have to go unless one of them could come in with me. That one turned out to be Pop who doesn't write this blog.

Feral Friday: We're Going Where???

There I was sleeping on Pop's bed when suddenly TW burst in holding the dreaded prisoner transport unit. I was once again manhandled by Pop into the carrier while the woman shoved my privates in. I kicked, screamed, sang the songs of my people. Aunt Theresa picked us up and the non-stop chatter started. It was like they hadn't seen or even talked to each other in years. Oh, that's right—they hadn't. I wailed and loudly sang in the car. [Ed note: there was hardly a peep out of her.] We called from the parking lot to announce our arrival and they told us Pop and the cheat notes TW provided him with could come in with me. TW and Aunt T. sat in the car and gossiped about me (prolly).

Feral Friday: We're Going Where???

Would love to say how happy I was to see Dr. D., but can't. She was happy to see The Celebrity Cat who's a buff 9.5 lbs. She and the tattooed and multi-pierced vet tech opened up the PTU and slowly removed The Cat and immediately burritoed me in a towel. Dr. D. checked my ears and teeth and mouth and stuff while talking to Pop about me. He listed all the issues TW included in his cheat notes.

Dr. D. then started to take my beautiful, long, sharp claws that get caught on everything one by one. I struggled, hissed, growled and tried to escape to no avail. The final insult was when she grabbed my leg, poured some liquid on and started looking for a vein. Again, I screamed, hissed, growled and tried to save myself to no avail. I'm proud to say it took not one but two vet techs in welding gloves to hold me down. [Ed. note: no cat was harmed at the vet]  I think Pop enjoyed just watching The Cat tortured. (Ed. note: not true; it was painful). I am sad to say, she got half a vial of my bloods and I did not get any of theirs.

They spoke in hushed tones about The Cats age! How rude!

Feral Friday: We're Going Where???

When we arrived home, TW and Aunt T. were still chattering only now unfortunately Pop joined them. I thought they'd never shut up. Yadda yadda yadda—oh wait, did TW suggest ordering Chinese takeout for lunch? Well they better shut up and get in the condo or the Chinese lunch specials would be over. I believe I should get more than one Chinese lunch outta this.

Once back upstairs in the condo, I hurt all over, especially my pride. Revenge is a dish best served cold and over and over and over.

All photos are file footage cos Pop forgot neglected to take any. 

UPDATE: My bloodwork came back fine; all within normal range. Dr. D. said my blood sugar was a bit high which she attributed to stress of being at the stabby place. Not bad for a 16-year-old ghetto kitteh!

Friendly Fill-Ins

Now it's time to join the Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics. This week my image relates to fill-in number three.

Feral Friday: We're Going Where???

1. I would like to be more feral and less domesticated. I seem to be getting softer as I age although you wouldn't know it from the v-e-t. Sometimes I go days without biting any of the peeps.

2. The color of my furz is smokey gray and white. My tail is actually tabby striped.

3. Climbing in my cube today was a difficult choice for me to make. Should I give it another chance? After all, that cube has attacked me at least four times. Pop told me it was safe since my claws are nubby and less likely to get caught.

4. I never have trouble sleeping during the day. I'm real restless at night and keep getting up to sing the song of my people. I got soul but apparently the peeps prefer some other kind of song.

Caturday Art

Sunday is Drawing Day so I decided to share a drawing I've been working on. It's also Sea Monkey Day but I didn't draw any of those. I knew you would rather see something stunning. I just have so many talents. Should I paint this or leave it as a drawing?

Feral Friday: We're Going Where???
Click to play

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using the many different digital apps, Photoshop or original art.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Cool art, CK! I'm glad your bloodwork came out good, that's always something to celebrate. Bring on the Chinese food!

  2. I'm glad you had good results on your blood tests. Of course Aunt Theresa and TW talked about you when you went inside, what else would they talk about? I can't believe the v-e-t and Pops were discussing your age! How rude! You don't discuss a lady cat's age, at least, not in front of her. I hope you got some Chinese food for your troubles. Cool artwork.

  3. Having survived the verbal and physical assaults of the vet and vet tech (ohmycat), and possessing only nubby claws for the time being, may we suggest stealing a chopstick or two. They could be useful in extracting revenge on the human beans who perpetuated all this misery.
    Or turn your back to them all weekend maybe!

  4. Great news about the blood work!

  5. CK that is all fabulous news!!!!! So hard to believe you are 16!!!! You and Pop are lucky, our Vet is STILL now allowing ANY of us to go in with the pets. Hoping that changes when Levi is neutered at the end of June. Sending (((hugs))) CK!!

  6. I hope you don't mind that I had to MOL, CK. I know, I know, it's not appropiate, but when I saw the gloves...well...😸🙊I'm glad your blood was okay and that you fit in the cube again. Your artwork is stunning indeed, it always is! Hope TW is feeling fine too. Healing Pawkisses to the both of you, and one extra for pop🐾😽💞

  7. So glad everything came back so good for you CW!

  8. I'm glad you got a good report from the vet tests at the age of 16, CK, even though the visit itself was not fun! That is really nice art!

  9. We're glad you got a clean bill of health, CK! And we hope you got lots of Chinese food.

  10. CK; in de amount of time that we haz been off line which we cal cue lated as 132,945,922 dayz....ewe haz grown MOR stunning. we iz buzzed happee ta see ewe again, leave yur drawin az iz, we iz buzzed happee yur testz came bak aye oh kay sooper grate, N we R in de procezz oh compilin a list oh revenge itemz two help ewe a long...we mite bee abe bull ta hook up with "de loan"....ta help out :) ☺☺♥♥

  11. Oh CK, I'm glad you had a good time on your day out girl, but that's really good news on your blood work, hooray! Those were good answers and beautiful art too!

  12. I am sorry you had to go to the vet. I am glad your blood work was good though. I must say I am disappointed that you weren't able to draw any blood from them. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Cubes can be tricky, Rosie runs around with hers like a turtle shell. I love your art exactly as it is. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  13. That sounded like a terrible day and your Pop betrayed you! I am glad your bloods are all good though.
    Your drawing is like you, stunning! Thanks for the puzzle too.

  14. Your blood sugar was high because you are all sweetness, CK! I didn't know you were sixteen! I'm only 12. I hope you like younger men..Meow!

  15. BOL it takes every vet tech in the place to deal with Fenris. BOL BOL although Mom and the vet can do it without any trouble. Our vet is that good. We are all pretty good at the vet.

  16. Thank Cod and Toona that’s over for another year!
    Rest yourself my dear, those trips can really take it out of us mature ladies.

  17. That sounds like quite an ordeal but the impawten thing is everything was GOOD! Thanks for the puzzle.

    The Florida Furkids

  18. Glad your blood work came back fine. The art is lovely!

  19. Hi CK! You had the dreaded Stabby Place visit without warning?!? Is than NOT ALLOWED in the current Cat Contract? I thought all visits to the stabby place had to be announced starting at 7 days prior and on each and every day until the date of delivery. And you did NOT splill any blood? AND they stole Your Blood! You must now wait for the claws to grow back so you can inflict blood shed. We are glad to hear that you are happy, and healthy. And the night time singing...Kozmo has started to do that. Mom though it was an old cat thing,(Queen Nellie did not start until she was 14) but Kozmo is 10 and a half. We LOVE your art, just the way it is! It is ourrfect, just like you! AND We hope you do get Chinese again!

  20. CK, that stinks that you had to do to the vet, but we are SO happy your blood work came back good. WOOT!

    Hugs to you, TW and Pop. XO

  21. CK, what a traumatic expurrience you had! We hope you have now recovered, and can concentrate on planning your revenge, at leisure.
    Your art is purrticularly fine this week.

  22. Those vet tech hands look so menacing around your sweet neck. I'm glad your labs came back normal. Wow, great art today! But you always create wonderful artworks.

  23. Hooary for good labs, that means no more stabby place for a good long while!

  24. Sorry for the indignity of having blood stolen from you but at least you know you’re doing well. We are truly astonished that you are Sweet 16. We thought you were half that. Looking good CK! Hugs n Purrs (signed: Peekaboo xo)

  25. Though we love all of your posts, CK, this one is like a horror movie. You had to go to the V-E-T?!? What a nightmare! We're glad you haven't stopped showing the folks at the V-E-T who is boss, though. They need to learn that lesson every time they see you. Purrs!

  26. Yikes, what an adventure! I'm glad everyone survived and that your blood work came back looking good!


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