Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Feral Friday: CK Joins the Bad News Bears

Hola kitties! This was the week that wasn't. HAH! The title is true. I thought we were mixing the bad with the good but I was mistaken. Last week I bomited; TW bomited. Whatta week. We're a family that does stuff together. I ate potentially bad food and TW got another jab in the arm which obviously overloaded her system. Too much of a good thing isn't good … unless you're a cat.

Feral Friday: CK Joins the Bad News Bears

If that wasn't enough, we learned that my Dr. D.—as opposed to TW's Dr. D.—is leaving her post at Foster Animal Hospital and moving back to South Carolina where she's from. She's the only vet I ever trusted to steal my bloods and trim my claws without my killing them. Of course there were heavy towels and welding gloves involved too. My loss is some cats in SC's gain.

The peeps left me to go to bingo Wednesday night. It was the first bingo since March 2020. They were both appalled to see everyone unmasked and sitting on top of each other. Crony virus isn't going away any time soon if this is the attitude people even in our blue county and blue state have. After cases dwindled to a few a week, last week there were 29.

Wednesday was also my 12th Blogoversary. Whoop. Why is this bad news? Our computer is ancient and the fan isn't working right so it keeps overheating. This means TW has to stop and let it cool. Everything that used to be done quickly and easily is now taking all day to complete. This means TW has no outside life according to her and my playtime is reduced to nothing. There are many and I mean many HBO words uttered and screamed in despair by TW.

Friendly Fill-ins

We'll start with the Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This week my image relates to fill-in number one, possibly number two also.
Feral Friday: CK Joins the Bad News Bears

1. Is it wrong to bite the hand that feeds you? No, definitely not. A cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do to keep it real. It is wrong to keep waking TW up every two hours during the night while she's trying to sleep? No, even though she claims to need rest now more then ever.

2. I wish I had kept my feral ways. OK, I've kept some of them but I guess if I didn't show affection now and again the peeps might kick me out.

3. Finding a forever home is my idea of living happily ever after. Next week on Remember Me Thursday, I'll be talking with some kitties looking for new forever homes.

4. It's been a long time since I could enjoy our neighbors on HTV (human tv). Since the pandemic is over, no one enjoys time on their patios anymore, except Bob. The tree in the Hippies' yard is so overgrown I can't see in there. It's almost not worth sitting at the window anymore during the day so I do so during the night to annoy TW by banging the blinds. The HBO words she used the other night! Heh heh.

Caturday Art

I call this piece Counter Surfing CK. After not climbing on the counter in years, I've made it a part of my daily routine. I like to walk around the Clorax and Lysol to make sure the peeps don't get the idea to start injecting it. Cos of my asthma and me being a cat, they never kept that toxic sh— stuff in the condo. I know my Churu's are up there someplace. You know, the treats I only got once and loved?

Feral Friday: CK Joins the Bad News Bears

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using the many different digital apps, Photoshop or original art.

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  1. Your peeps would never kick you out, CK! But with that said, it's still a good idea to show affection now and again (and not by biting!).

  2. Those were all good answers CK and Happy Blogoversary!!! Your art is purrfect, of course!!!

  3. Happy Blogoversary, and we'll never understand why you and Sweetie have to bite everybody!
    Again, love the art; I'll puzzle soon. Thanks!

  4. You just have catitude and there's nothing wrong with that, Hope you have a great Blogaversary CK,xx Titch

  5. e emjoyed your answers to the fill ins, CK We enjoy thegood life so we're not biting anyone in the family. Although Tyebe does try to bite me....she's not very good at aiming her teeth so no problem.

  6. Good answers and nice art, CK. So sorry your vet left, we love a good vet here too.
    I'm in a computer jam too because my ancient computer quit, and etc.
    I agree with your concerns about the crony virus. We live in a red state (we are blue dots) and the hospitals are slammed. It's a terrible situation both for those who catch the virus and need to be hospitalized, and for anyone who needs a hospital for other reasons.

  7. Well Mom says Chimera is the feralest cat she has ever known which is totally weird since Chimera's eyes weren't even open when she came to live with us. We don't know where she picked up her feral ways.

  8. Happy Blogoversary! Noelle likes to get up in the window and bang the blinds at 5 am!!! Sorry you and TW bomited.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Happy Belated Blogoversary!! We've been with you the whoollleee way!! I am sorry about both you and TW "bomiting", no fun! Hoping you are both ok! Our CORONA cases are over 2000 a day.....people don't get it......ugh...and...LOVE your artwork!

  10. If you didn't bite the hand that feeds you I would think you weren't feeling well! I am sorry TW copied you and vomited. I hope you are both feeling better now. Congrats on your 12th blogoversary.
    Your art is always lovely, and thanks for the puzzle.

  11. I am sorry you were both sick. I hope you have a better week this week. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Your peeps would never kick you out, but it is good to be affectionate sometimes. I hope you can see more human tv soon. I love your art. Thank you for the puzzle. XO

  12. I hope you and TW have a better week ahead, CK. Happy Blogoversary!

  13. Love the art! Barfing together is taking family togetherness a little too far :( My laptop is slowing significantly too.

  14. Happy Blogoversary CK ! We hope you all have a better week !

  15. Hee! Hee! I gotta say this little ex-feral kitty LOVED your #1 in the fill-ins! I even mentioned that my pal CK bit her TW! We are sorry that you BOTH bomitted! But both of you had terrific reasons for THAT! Happy 12th Blogoversary this week! We are proud to be your furrends! Sending you and TW purrayers! Marv and Mom

  16. Nice art, CK! Sounds like it wasn't a great week for you guys.

  17. Happy Blogoversary, CK! We are sorry you and TW had such an icky week. Here's hoping the next one is much better. Love to you both, and to Pop, too.

  18. Happy Blogaversary!!! I'm sad to hear that you and TW are sick. Sending healing thoughts in the hope that you feel better soon. Sometimes computers s*©k! All the good stuff is on the countertops including you, CK. Have a good weekend!

  19. We love your art,CK - those laser eyes! Wow!
    Hope you and TW are feeling better already.

  20. Love your artwork, CK, you're a great artist🎨We hope you both feel better now, will send you an Extra Healing Pawkiss just in case. Happy Blogiversary, CK, hope your computer speeds up again, maybe you put your paws on to it and give it a magical touch, it worked with Granny's✨🐾😽💞

  21. Lots going on at your place. Too bad about the barfies, losing your favorite vet, people being a bit reckless, and computer woes. Even with an old computer, maybe you can just replace the fan (or take the side off and use a regular house fan to keep it cool). Great art this week. I like whatever filter you used to get that texture.

  22. There sure is a fine balance between keeping those feral ways and showing affection to the peeps, isn't there, CK? Eddy likes to toe the feral line, just to make sure I don't forget it exists. Oh, and we sure hope Human TV improves soon. It's a real bummer when your favorite program starts losing its appeal. Purrs!


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