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Feral Friday: Weave Me a Keisha

Hola kitties! This is gonna be an abbreviated post—just fill-ins and art/puzzle. Come back tomorrow for a very special encore presentation. Same cat time; same cat channel.

Feral Friday: Weave Me a Keisha

Friendly Fill-ins

We'll start with the Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs—need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are boldface. This week my image relates to fill-in number four. 

Feral Friday: Weave Me a Keisha

1. My cure for the hiccups is surprising Pop with a sneak attack bite. I'm not sure *I* get hiccups but I can cure Pop's hiccoughs this way. I usually surprise bite him when I jump on the chair next to him at the table. He doesn't know I'm jumping up until it's too late and he feels the bite on his arm.

2. I am currently watching (or reading) some junk Pop has on the tv. Rather than the usual junk, this week he has watched some inneresting documentaries on 9/11. Spike Lee's three part NYC Epicenters 9/11 through 2021 and a Half on HBO is riveting as was the special on the Smithsonian channel. The last part of the Lee documentary airs tomorrow night. There are finally some new shows and footage with different angles. 

3. I would recommend Lucy Pet's sardines and tuna to anyonecat who likes smelly fishy goodness. I'm not being compensated for saying this neither. TW says it's the stinkiest cat food ever so you know it's good.

4. I can do without eating as long as I'm fast asleep. Occasionally I'll sleep through lunch- or dinnertime but don't fret, I don't miss any meals. When I wake up, TW feeds me.

Caturday Art

TW thinks this looks like a basket weave but that's not what I set out to do. I think she cray-cray. No matter. It highlights my stunning eyes and that's what matters. This was part of the looking up pics that didn't make that post.

Feral Friday: Weave Me a Keisha

Caturday Art is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to showcase the latest art by anipal artists using the many different digital apps, Photoshop or original art.

Remember to visit tomorrow for that very special encore presentation. There will be some new and stunning photos of The Cat.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Nice art, CK! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post.

  2. Keisha,

    Hiccups are pesky. When I get them it sounds like I swallowed a mouse as I make this high squeaky noise which is funny and annoying at the same time. :) Have a purrtastic weekend, my friend!

  3. Someone said, "I shall return", someone else said, "We'll be back". June says, "You are stunning". Mom says, "hic-cup, dratscats, June jump on me and scare 'em away". See you on Saturs-day.

  4. Those were terrific answers CK and lovely art too. We're looking forward to reading your post tomorrow.

  5. Good answers CK and I love your art today!

  6. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. How kind of you to help your pop with the hiccups, you are so sweet. I will get some of that food for Emmy, she loves fishy flavors and I have been topping her food with real sardines to entice her. I love your art. Thank you for the puzzle. I will see you tomorrow. XO

  7. That's nice of you to help out your pop with a sneak attack bite. No one is kind enough to do that here.

  8. ck.....we due knot like ta say thiz but TW mite bee rite.....may bee just a little...knot a lotta baskit...but....sum

    we will hafta chex out that fish dinner.....sardeenz AND yur talkin grate eatz ~~~~~~~~~~~ !! ☺☺♥♥

  9. I love your artwork!! Hoping they repeat some of those documentaries, or I can try and find them On Demand as well, thanks for the heads-up!

  10. You're so helpful getting rid of Pop's hiccups. That tuna sardine food sounds awesome, I'll make sure my human can opener orders me some. I'll make sure she checks your blog tomorrow, too.

  11. Love your art! I'm glad you found some new stinky goodness to enjoy. I try to watch as many 9/11 specials as I can each year too but don't get either HBO or Smithsonian.

  12. Your fill-ins are illuminating and your art work is as always so very creative!! Love you and TW

  13. Thanks for the food recommendation, CK. Mom and Dad are going to need to try that with Sawyer. Your art is beautiful and does show off your eyes wonderfully. We will be back tomorrow for your annual 9/11 memorial post. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  14. Great Art and we sure like that "sneak attack" fill in. I used to do that when I was a whipper snapper then I taught Rumpy to do it. Ahh those were the days
    We thought you were in our Follow it but MISTAKE. We just added you Purrs

  15. MOL I managed to convince Dad I didn't feel good Thursday night so I got Mom's spot in the bed. Mom is harder to fool ~Scylla

  16. Lovely art and we're glad you get fed after you wake-up!

  17. It does look kind of like a basket weave, but what does that matter, as long as it highlights your lovely eyes, which it does - beautifully?

  18. Again, such beautiful art, CK!
    Sorry that we've been a bit MIA recently...the full time job suddenly doubled in workload last week!
    Hoping this week will be calmer.
    Off to puzzle, thanks!

  19. I watched the Flight 93 movie and I quickly swung between uncontrollable anger at the coward hijackers and tears of grief at the humans who suffered as a result of the cowardly actions. I don't usually get that into movies - but it also right after I re-read Pop's account - so getting another piece of the puzzle was especially poignant.

    At BlogPaws in Myrtle Beach, I think I shared with you my love of airplanes. It also makes me unbelievably angry that some cowards took a feat of engineering brilliance and beauty - that I love so much - and twisted planes into such horrible and scary vehicles. I don't know if it means anything to you - but I can't think about airplanes without hearing your voice sharing the horror of that day. I remember with you.


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