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Tuxie Tuesday—Remember Me?

Somehow Pop talked me into giving TW a new flashy box for her birthday. I wanted to just give her a few of my best bites. Let her know my teeth are still strong and sharp. She's still learning to use it and experimenting. I must admit, I haven't exactly cooperated. I turn my head whenever I see the camera aiming at me. It's big and makes funny noises. This is a picture taken with the old flashy box. The new flashy box has it's advantages cos she doesn't have to use the flash during the day but she hasn't been able to find the right setting yet. Sheesh! I could've learned by now!

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  1. Well it is a good first picture. It could be worse. It could be like my Mommie who has had the same camera for the last 6 years and STILL can't take a decent picture!

  2. My human always wants me to look directly in the camera lens and I HATE doing it! I will look every which way except at the camera! That is a really good trick.

  3. M is still using an old one too, but at least it's digital rahter than film. Now we'll expect expert photos out of TW with the new camera - no excuses for bad ones. hehe M says she still has an excuse.

  4. Humans are so slow with technology. Sheesh.

  5. My human sucks many times but sometimes she gets off a good pic even when I don't cooperate.

  6. Our mom has the same problem with the flashy thing. She's had the camera for over a year and still can't figure out the settings.

  7. That's a nice picture of you, CK. Our mom uses the flash on her box all the time...much to our dismay.

  8. Thank Cod, CK! Your Bloggy is back to being your own for awhile. I has missed seeing pictures of you!

    I loves your new header. Sorry about the new camera. My Human keeps threatening to get one but so far has not. She keeps having to pay green paypurs for other stuff (like kidney stones, MOL!!!). I guess it's just as well. XOXOXO

  9. Ooo does this mean we get more CK photos? *happy dance*

  10. No treat no picture , simples. Have a lovely Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. I'm not good at getting my picture taken either. I always close my eyes!

  12. think of it as a growth opportunity for TW. Patience, humans! Patience!
    Oh and teeth & claws just come with the 'hood.


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