Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Nip-A-Thon for Baby Patches, Item 8

We're up to the penultimate item of our auction. Lest you forgot, this auction is to help Baby Patches' Momma pay her medical bills to keep her insurance and to keep Nip and Bones going so we can continue to buy Silvervine and all the other great pet products they sell. Many of the items in their shop are exclusive.

Whskr, Dash Kitten's human, has generously made a gorgeous necklace for this auction. Not only will you get the one of the kind chainmaille necklace, but you'll also get a New Zealand- themed cup and saucer of Fern/(Koru). The chain is aluminum and very light. It's handmade by Whskr, aka Marjorie Dawson, and will have a simple toggle clasp of Hill Tribe silver. After you place your bid, please check out Whskr's Etsy shop. I have one of her pieces and love it! Whskr and Dash Kitten have been working tirelessly promoting this auction and fundraising for Baby Patches. She's arranged many a pawty to help our anipal furrends.

The starting bid for the chainmaille necklace and cup and saucer will be $15. Since Whskr is shipping from New Zealand, there'll also be a $5 shipping charge. This item will ship anywhere. Leave your bid in a comment. Bidding will be open until 12:00 noon EDT on July 13th. Please bid whole dollar amounts. All money raised will go directly to Baby Patches, except shipping charges. TW will not even let me sniff it!

My sincere thanks to Dash Kitten and Whskr and everyone who's donated an item or bid on one. Also, thanks to everyone who's retweeted the link for, or blogged about, this auction. Lastly, thanks to everyone who visits, even if they're not bidding. It's very much appreciated! You guys ROCK!

THIS AUCTION IS CLOSED. Concatulations to Smokey Pimo. xoxo

Would you like to comment?

  1. OMC-what a beautiful necklace! I'm honored to be the first bid! I bid $20.00 because I can tell a LOT of love went into this necklace! Thanks @whskr & CK - you're both pawsome! ((HUGS)) OxOxO

  2. we bid $25. love the silver fern on NZ!!!

  3. *waves mommy's plastic card thingy* we bid $30!

  4. Hello darling, You are right that I was not around yesterday--the Human spent the morning at the Wicked Doctor of the West learning that Mr. Stoney has a lot of friends and neighbors--the horror, the horror--and then last night she went out to dinner and a movie and when she gotted home she said she was all 'zawsted and that I could jolly well wait till Thursday to do my visiting. Sigh. It's just ALWAYS about her needs--what about the kitteh??? XOXOXO

  5. So beautiful!!!

    I will be absent for some time (because for holiday).
    See you soon.

    Woof, woof,


  6. So beautiful!!!
    CK, you are doing a fabulous job as Auctioneer. I bet Baby Patches is doing her happy dance.


  7. Good job CK! That lot looks a little bit posh for us!! What do you think Austin? “I’m really into chains 8-0 and I could have a smashing time with the cup and saucer!!” Ok we bid $31

  8. $32.00

    I see you play the HARP whereas I play the xylophone.

  9. That is nice, CK! You've been auctioning off really great stuff!!

  10. Oh wow guys11 If bidding goes much higher I might have to say Free Shipping!!

  11. we are so bummed we did not bid WAY more for the last item...sigh...if the artist would agree to doante to Baby Patches, something...we would still be interested in having my portrait done...let us know...paw pats Savannah

  12. ok tried to leave a more time...would still be interested in last auction item of portrait of ME...if artist will allow proceeds or portion to go to Baby Patches...let us know


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