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The Joy of Biting

Here's a little 8 second short showing how much I love to bite TW. I'm purring as I nom away. Believe me, the purring has nothing to do with the fact that Pop was just holding me and loving on me. It reflects my love of the flesh. That's Pop coughing at the end. Please ignore. He has to worm his way into all my videos.

If I would've been allowed on the computer yesterday, I could've told you about the SciFiPawty instead of having to include it in this post. You can't see me but I'm glaring at TW. We raised over $1700 for the kittehs at One By One Cat Rescue. We still need about $220 to reach the goal. You can still donate if your peeps have any extra green papers they won't miss. My set was a smash and I won an ultra cool pile o' kitteh toys from Ourpets brand. Looks like I'll be having some fun this summer. Check out the nip carrot and chili pepper and smousies! Woohoo!

My SciFiPawty loot!

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  1. That is a pile o'loot. Congrats to you.

    TW must be tasty. Sherpa is a biter too. Mostly of my hubby.

  2. Whew, I'm sure happy you didn't really take a big bite while the camera was rolling. At least we know TW didn't get hurt in the making of that film. he he

  3. CK, my mom said your human is really brave !
    What it taste like ?...tee..heh

  4. You sure did have a fun NibbleFest CK!

  5. TW should be glad you're not a zombie...BRANES!!!!!

  6. cathy keisha...pick sure this if ewe will..TW's hand be a stak of fresh trout....

    way awesum "get buzzard up toys" ya getted two !!!

  7. Oh CK! I like to bite too from time to time! But curiously, the humans don't like it!

  8. CK, that was fun watching you chomping on TW. The ScifiPawty was a lot of fun, and you really spinned some great tunes.

  9. Good to see you tucking in CK ;)

    Well done on the dosh raised :)

  10. Chomp, chomp!

    That is really awesome about the funds raised through the SciFi Pawty. Well done all!

  11. Looks like a lot of great goodies. Enjoy. Those look like little love nips, and we sure hope so. Purrs and hugs from the kittes at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  12. TW must taste better than my human. Bleagh! The very thought of munching on her makes me nauseous. Congratultions on raising all that money at the SciFiPawty!

  13. Tee! Hee! Mes does exactly the some thing to my Mommy!
    CK Grllfriend - Yous rocks!

  14. CK you know just the right amount of biting before the human pulls away with ouchies.

  15. Wow! CK! You could play with a new toy every day for . . . for. . . well, for a l-o-n-g time. I LOVE that video--I'm not sure I've ever heard you purr before. Very soft and appealing, my sweet.

    Plus, wallpaper? Really? Nah, okay, I knew you were just toying with me.

  16. Congrats on such a successful pawty!!!
    You made quite a haul from the toy chest too!
    ; ) That looked like just a little love-bite (or two) to me.
    (!) Katie

  17. Ouchie! What in the world does TW do, dip her hands in tuna?

    Oh lookie! You got the cosmic catnip! That's the BEST stuff and our favorite! MOL Lucky girl!

  18. Keisha you are sure enjoying a nibble or two there. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  19. Hahaha I wonder how TW taste like :-) Must be tasting very good! My Niko bites very softly when he is happy. Goro bites when he is in play mood, so owie!

  20. Faraday: I do the same thing when I nip the humans. PURR!

    Allie: we got precious LITTLE time at the SciFiPawty, since MOTHER was too BUSY to serve us (I mean, like really. Priorities, pelase???)

    But we did hop on and donate. We're glad we could help out.

  21. That looks like a "love bite" to me ;) At least that's what my brother used to call it when KKMM did it to us. And that is a lot of money to raise! Wow - great job!

  22. Hi Darling, So the Human is grateful to have one a them old-fashioned jobs that actually has something called PAID sick leave--can you imagine? It seems like nobody gets that anymore, eh? But she took more days off (like 5 whole days and about three 1/2 days) than she has ever taken before. She was crazy-sick! So she had enough green papers to give to PAWS. Besides, I made her.

  23. Love the purr. Gosh, you really do like human flesh.
    How wonderful that you managed to raise so much. Congratulations!

  24. Nice purr!

    Yes, Keisha, our techniques are quite similar. I think MomKatt's just yummy! MOL


  25. some day I am so gonna learn how to enjoy and pawticipate in Twitter Pawties!! You have so much fun!! Concats on the loot too

  26. You think you're being all bada$$, but in reality your Woman just tastes so darn good you can't help yourself! XOXOXOX


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