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Getting Back at the Peeps

Welcome to another wild and wacky edition of Senile Saturday, where the peeps are featured—and usually roasted.

I told y'all that I was gonna get back at TW for those Easter hats she made me wear. I don't care if I didn't physically have to wear them. You guys seemed to like #2 and #4. I'll have to go with #2 since it doesn't have birds and eggs and stuff on it. I like Katnip Lounges' idea of making TW wear #4. As the old saying goes: you say it and we play it!

Getting Back at the Peeps

In the spirit of revenge, I found these old photos hidden in the back of the closet. Please excuse the poor quality of the subject matter  scans. The photo of TW was taken April 19, 1965, which was almost exactly a hunnert years ago. Don't ax me why she's got her hand all outstretched. She musta seen it in a magazine and copied it. It sure looks dumb.

Getting Back at the Peeps

Pop's photo isn't dated and it's possible it could be for a different occasion than Easter. You can see it's from the days before they even invented color fillum. Heh-heh. Maybe he had a hot date the night before the way he's yawning or maybe he's trying to catch flies. Must be the latter since my Pop couldn't get a date looking like that.

Getting Back at the Peeps

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  1. We love TW's Spring Coat in yellow. With the outstretched hand. Very good revenge for Senile Saturday, CK.

  2. Ha ha Keisha that is some revenge. Pawsome! Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. TK is doing "jazz hands" BOL! Happy Easter!

  4. I have a feeling this is only the beginning!!!

  5. Well ya sure done good picking out those photos CK, they made us grin!

  6. TW is doing the very first JAZZ HANDS!!!

  7. LOL, good revenge! But TW looks very nice in the photo. Pretty dress and magazine hands :-)
    We wish you a very happy Easter weekend!

  8. Well, I must say you did a marvelous job of roasting TW... I'm sure that she has learned her lesson and will no longer make you wear stuff that you really didn't have to wear... Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang!

  9. Great revenge! I always enjoy looking at people's old pics.

  10. Hi Y'all!

    Just hopped by to check on your happenings.

    Happy Easter.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  11. Haha! CK, you got them back good! Happy Easter to you and your peeps...and we don't mean the marshmallow kind, :)

  12. GREAT WAY TO GET BACK AT THE HUMANS, AND THEY DEFINITELY DESERVE IT. WE VOTED FOR HAT #2 SO WE'RE GLAD YOU SELECTED THAT ONE. HAPPY EASTER. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  13. I think my human has destroyed all evidence of herself from before the mid-1980s, so I guess I am out of luck with this fun game!

  14. Heh heh. They look MADE for each other! The Human LOVES the "hand pose"!

  15. I wish I could get such good revenje, you iz brillyant! Hoppy Easter xoxox

  16. MOL!!!!!
    Hilarious photos, CK!
    ...I think that TW was just showing off a little Jazz Hands. ...did they even HAVE jazz hands back then???
    ; ) Katie

  17. Oh CK, you crack us up with your commentary! Cool photos of your Peeps.


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