O is for ornament. Several years ago, Aunt Pauline gave TW an ornament that closely resembled her favorite niece—ME. Of course I was pressed into service to pose with it although there's only one pic before I

I also won an ornament in 2015 from Mollie and Alfie. I posed but TW couldn't seem to get me in focus. Hmm, I wonder how that happened since she's such a good photographer.

Strangely enough, ornament seemed to be the only O item I posed with, not counting oatmeal which may or may not be coming up under another letter. I hope P will be easier. What do you think I'll be posing with for the letter P?
Aunt Pauline and Uncle Neil can use some good thoughts. Uncle Neil who's been retired a number of years went back to work on the frontlines. Lincoln Hospital is a hotbed for covid activity and according to the newspaper they make their medical personnel go back to work before they are completely recovered. Stunning Keisha salutes those brave humans on the frontlines working long shifts without the proper PPEs and risking their lives to save others.

Now it's time to join the Friendly Fill-Ins, a weekly feature held at this time, which is already in progress. Our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs need no innerductions as they are giants in the cat blogging world. They're both participating in the A to Z Challenge too. They come up with the fill-ins and my answers are underlined and in italics. Any further comments are in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. Today it applies to number one.
1. I can't wait for Chinese restaurants to reopen after the quarantine. We can't even get delivery since they don't pick up the phone if they are open. I'm dying for some fried mice. TW wants baseball to begin but we read last night that live concerts and sporting events might not return to Fall 2021.
2. I am in no hurry for Pop's office to reopen after the quarantine. I like that he's home all the time and I can snoopervise him. I also like that he's still getting a paycheck for working at home. The best of both worlds.
3. These days, sleepiness is my default mood. I've been doing a ton of sleeping lately but I've taken an interest again in Furbie so I do get my exercise.
4. Have I ever told you I'm stunning? I know I haven't used that word in long time or at least since we've been doing the A to Z Challenge. Who thought we'd get this far?
I just wanna say... I'm glad I didn't take this blogging challenge! MOL
ReplyDeleteSending good thoughts for your Aunt Pauline and Uncle Neil to stay safe, and of course you and your humans too.
ReplyDeleteI do remember that ornament from your Aunt Pauline.
We're sending purrs and prayers for your Aunt and Uncle.
ReplyDeleteWe don't remember that ornament but it was a great choice for "O"
The Florida Furkids
CK, I could see you posing with a bowl of oatmeal...
ReplyDeletePrayers for your loved ones; we all appreciate their sacrifice!
Ornaments are a wonderful thing to have.
ReplyDeleteHave a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥
That's a very cute ornament. I have one that looks like Sophie because it's easy to something all in white. Sending good thoughts to your Aunt Pauline and Uncle Neil!
ReplyDeleteThat ornament is really cute and looks so much like you. Purrhaps you will pose with Aunt Pauline for P. Mom and Dad haven’t tried the Chinese restaurant they like to see if they are open. They have ordered from some others. Can you order on-line? Nice that you have your dad home, and he still has his job. Stay safe and healthy. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
ReplyDeleteI love that ornament from your Aunt Pauline. I will add her and your Uncle Neil to my prayer list. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I knew your Pop's office would be your answer for #2. Around here, a lot of pizza places are open for takeout, but the Chinese restaurants are closed. I will guess purse for p, I have been wrong every guess though :) XO
ReplyDeleteOf course you and your ornament are stunning CK! I enjoyed your fill-in answers too. Hey, we all send prayers for Aunt Pauline and Uncle Neil, scary times fur sure.
ReplyDeleteI love ornaments that bring back special memories! Major purrs for Aunt Pauline and Uncle Neil.
ReplyDeleteSending purrayers and POTP to Aunt Pauline & Uncle Neil - and all the others on the frontlines ! Stay safe yourself CK !
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Chinese place is closed, but we got some Chinese food from a different place. Sending good thoughts to Uncle Neil and Aunt Pauline. I hope your Peeps are doing well too.
ReplyDeleteThose are cute ornaments, CK. You’ve been doing good so far with the challenge. The mom can’t wait for hair salons to open again...but they’ll probably be really crowded.
ReplyDeleteThese ornaments are so cute, CK, and they're making us crave Christmas. We're crossing our paws that the world will be back to normal for Christmas this year. And we figured you were enjoying having Pop working from home every day. We bet you make a purrfect snoopervisor for him. Do you ever bite him to get him working faster?