Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Blogging From A to Z: N is for …

Hola kitties! I'm participating in the Blogging A to Z Challenge! During my 10 years of blogging, I've been axed to pose with some crazy stuff. This month I'm sharing some of those crazy pics. No cat was harmed during the taking of these photos but a human may have been harmed. I was never put in any danger or made to do anything that would hurt me. Most of these image have never been posted before. My likeness was not photoshopped into any of the pics during this challenge. Today's letter is N.

Blogging From A to Z: N is for …

N is for Nirvana. No, not the pawsome band. Although TW has all of their records and CDs, I wasn't axed to pose with any of them. My peeps have always hoarded water and here's proof. It doesn't matter which brand if it's on sale. Don't need no Verona virus to inspire their buying habits. I kinda like all these cases of water to sit on. Sadly, they no longer sell Nirvana water around here but now we have Bowl & Basket! Bet you're jelly!

Blogging From A to Z: N is for …

N could have also been for Nice candy and No Nukes t-shirt, both of which I posed with. What do you think I'll be posing with for the letter O?

I'm thankful we hoarded all this water in advance cos bottled water has been in short supply in our hood. TW just informed me they had some in Lot Less last week but we didn't need any. I'm joining the Thankful Thursday blog hop over at Brian's Home.

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  1. We get water deliveries here, so we are never without.

  2. The Hubby has a filter on the water tap, so we mostly drink filtered tap, and that's also what I pour in the cat's water bowls.

  3. N brings on all the cool happy feelings for water Nirvana. And mom says, cool band too. So happy to hear you guys have plenty of N to hold you over. Mom says we have a filter on our kitchen sink so it's safe to drink and bathe in. Purrs

  4. It's great to have a stock pile of water for those just in case times, like now CK!

  5. I didn't even know there was a brand of water by that name. I am glad we have a well so we don't have to buy water. My mom has been having me fills gallon jugs for her because it is hard to find here now too. XO


  6. O? Owl, olive oil/Oyl, octopus' garden, overhauls, (please don’t have TW pose in overhauls)

  7. I've not seen this water brand either. I like that name.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  8. Mom says she’s never heard of that water brand. Our peeps don’t buy bottled water. We have a whole house filter and a filter on our fridge. Cute pose, CK. We think O should be for Oreos or oranges! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  9. I don't buy bottled water, but it all gets filtered before use. Your water made a good perch to sit on.

  10. Hey CK, I'm pretty excited you hopped in, thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I've never heard of that brand of water. But it makes a good N choice.


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