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Blogging From A to Z: H is for …

Hola kitties! I'm participating in the Blogging A to Z Challenge! During my 10 years of blogging, I've been axed to pose with some crazy stuff. This month I'm sharing some of them with you. No cat was harmed during the taking of these photos but a human may have been harmed. I was never put in any danger or made to do anything that would hurt me. Most of these image have never been posted before. My likeness was not photoshopped into any of the pics during this challenge. Today's letter is H.

Blogging From A to Z: H is for …

H is for hedgehog. When I first started on Twitter, I had a good furrend named Hella Hedgie. This may have even been before I started blogging. Hella has since gone to the RB. I dunno if her account is active anymore. TW has since taken my hedgehog and put it on display cos she's selfish.

Blogging From A to Z: H is for …

Hella came to visit me so I had to pose for a few pics. Hedgies sure are small.

Blogging From A to Z: H is for …

Since TW has a thing for hedgies, a new Christmas hedgehog came into the house in 2016. I refused to pose with him so I guess he posed with me while I dined. No, I didn't share.

I also posed with all kinds of hats that TW thought I'd wear and a hair band that she tried to kill me with. What do you think I'll be posing with for the letter I?

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  1. I've never seen a hedgehog stuffie before!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Whitley dog LOVED her hedgie toys.

  4. I couldn't imagine what you were going to come up with for "H." Well done! We like hedgehogs, altho I can't figure out why they'd have a diet of hedges...hmmm..Oh, on I. I don't don't know..wait, that's it! I for I don't know..hehe - Tom x

  5. Well, we never would have guessed that. Hedgehogs are super cute! Never have seen one dressed for Christmas before now. Did anyone guess hedgehog? We really liked photo #2. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  6. I never would have guessed a hedgehog for your 'H' in a thousand years, CK!
    Ice cream for 'I', maybe?

  7. I think hedgehogs are pretty darn cut CK!

  8. Awwww.....those hedgehogs are adorable!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. CK, what a cute hedgehog! We love your blog today. Be safe, friends. It's crazy where you are, too.

  10. I have never seen a Christmas Hedgie before, but it is cute.

  11. Those are the best kinds of hedgehogs to have. Just saying.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥

  12. Cute photos. That reminds me that my Moo is still missing, I guess she is gone forever. I guess ice cream for I- I always think of food :) XO

  13. How cute! Now I want a hedgie stuffie for the cats.


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