Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Blogging From A to Z: P is for …

Hola kitties! I'm participating in the Blogging A to Z Challenge! During my 10 years of blogging, I've been axed to pose with some crazy stuff but this might be the craziest. I'll be sharing others all this month. No cat was harmed during the taking of these photos but a human may have been harmed. I was never put in any danger or made to do anything that would hurt me. Most of these image have never been posted before. My likeness was not photoshopped into any of the pics you will see during this challenge. Today's letter is P.

Blogging From A to Z: P is for …

P is for Pixy Stix. If you read the secret messages, it's for pillow too. I've posed with my custom pillow my placemats, our prayer wheel and even a pink pussy hat but I've posted about them all except Pixy Stix. OK, we did post on Facebook but nobody saw it. TW got a good deal on these before Halloween years ago so she bought a few bags. Talk about unhealthy crap! We still have one bag and that's what trick or treaters will be getting this October if they ring our bell even though we're not signing up for them. The peeps ain't eating them after all these years. MOL!

Blogging From A to Z: P is for …

What do you think I'll be posing with and do you even think I'll have something for the letter Q?

Blogging From A to Z: P is for …
Since P is for Puzzle, I've made one for you.

I painted this week's art on canvas using lots of blues and greens. Even my beautiful furz are green. Next week I promise to have something completely different. This will be my entry into the pawsome weekly Caturday Art Blog Hop. Thanks to Athena and Marie for hosting. Even if you don't have my artistic talent, you can participate by using an online editor or template.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I really like the oil paintings you've been coming up with, CK.

  2. I love this art! Thanks for the puzzle which I will do tonight.
    I have never heard of Pixie Stix and it sounds like it is just as well!

  3. OMC you have such an eye for the artwork, CK. It's marvellous💗I wish I had a pillow like that...MOL😺Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

  4. I am happy you made a puzzle for today, I was hoping you would :) Thank you. And I am going to guess Q for quilt- maybe I will finally guess correctly. XO

  5. Cool art, CK!
    The Hubby remembers candy called Lick-a-Maids, that was sweet/sour dust in tubes.

  6. Your Mom never used them and kept them for years - a woman after my own heart - MOL! I love your art today CK, you are beautiful as always.

  7. Oh how cool, the Dad says he remembers Pixie Stix back from when he was a kitten, they were a penny each. Love your art CK!

  8. I never quite understood the attraction of Pixy Stix...

  9. CK, you and TW are really talented! Your art blows us away! And we LOVE your Ps!
    They are Purrfect! Just like YOU!
    And your puzzle...We LOVED it!
    PS we turned Cinnie into a puzzle...we had to "fix" the email for that account before we could get in

  10. That's some spectacular art, CK. And those Pixy Stix are straight up colored sugar. Whose idea was it to ever make that for kids???

  11. Brilliant piece of artwork – alost as good, nay great, as you.

  12. Oh, my! What absolutely beautiful artwork, CK!

  13. Hello from Idaho and stop in from Brains and I believe it was about year ago that I had some pixy stick and I am far from teenager.
    If you have time stop in for a cup of coffee


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