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Wednesday Words—Be the Change #BtC4A

Can you believe It’s already time to Blog the Change again. Four times a year, bloggers write about our favorite animal-related causes. OK, I admit, I’ve about run out of topics which is why this may or may not go live before the end of today.

We’ve been members of the UCFCC (Union City Feral Cat Committee) for over a year but we couldn’t figure out a way to really help them. Oh sure, we publicize their adoptable cats on social media and feed the strays TW encounters on her walks but so many people are doing so much more. We hang our heads every time we get an email axing for volunteers to trap a cat, drive one to the vet, help pay medical bills or foster a cat.

In January 2014 we helped Sadie/Nancy find a home.

UCFCC is attempting to do some important work around these parts. They’d like to take over local animal control in this four town area, build a local shelter so local cats don’t have to be warehoused an hour away, and make our little area kill free. That takes cooperation and only one of the mayors are willing to work with UCFCC. Mayor Stack has donated traps, crates and most importantly, a climate controlled holding space for feral cats waiting to be neutered. You’d think that being more efficient and saving the towns money would bring everyone on board but that’s not how local politics work.*

Formed in October 2012 by Fernando Portes, who was trying to fix a colony near the building he lived in and found the powers that be were no help at all in lending traps or information. He was on his own. By November, Mr. Portes and friends had TNRed 15 cats from around his complex, finding homes for many of them.

On their current agenda for this week is finding forever homes for Trixie and Lucy They’re also coordinating pick ups to and from the People for Animals low cost spay/neuter clinic for July 24 and August 21.

Most ambitiously, they’re looking for an apartment to relocate one of the colonies. Recently a large 20-cat colony they fixed found themselves in limbo. The caretaker of the colony has been evicted by his new landlord. He would love to continue caring for the colony if he can find an apartment with a patio and a rent around $1400/month.

Two from the colony that needs relocating. Photo © UCFCC

Unfortunately, beside spreading the word, there is little we can do without money or a car. One thing we can do is donate what we have. TNR organizations have many of the same needs as shelters. They need towels and blankets for their holding pens. They also need food and litter, which we donated over a hunnert lbs of Monday night. A little kindness goes a long way. UCFCC is the change for so many feral cats.

* The truth about cats and dogs?

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  1. 100 lbs of food is a lot of help! What an amazing organization. WE hope the 3 other mayors in your local vicinity will change or evolve on TNR and help make this dream a reality.

  2. We are so happy they are there for the sweeties who have so little and need so much. Great post CK.

  3. Well, you are still doing better than my human - she totally forgot about Blog The Change this month! So I got nothing except a nearly-empty bag of treats today. :-(

  4. That organization does a great job. And you're right, "a little kindness goes a long way". Purrs

  5. What a pawsum posty CK. Weez so wish we kuld help more than we do too. but ifin everypawdy helps in whatever way they can then we will sumday have no more need. Least dat's da hope and goal of most wescues. Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. That is a great organisation, and I hope the other mayors decide to help too. 100 pounds of food and litter is a great donation.

  7. I don't think anything we do is too little...if everyone did what they could, together we could make a HUGE difference. And in my opinion donating over 100 pounds of food and litter is a LOT!

  8. I’ll share UCFCC’s comment from FB here:
    Great write up Cathy, thank you! One of the best ways to help the UCFCC is to get the word out! The more residents that know about the work we do, the more likely the mayors of Weehawken, North Bergen, Union City and West New York will listen to our demands!

  9. This is a terrific post and UCFCC's work is immense and amazing. I understand TW's frustration about not being able to help if you don't use a car, but she does the feeding, and each little bit helps and counts.

    I can understand how frustrating it must be for the UCFCC to be stonewalled by heartless councils who simply do not care about helping the animals left behind by stupid, careless and heartless people - the ones who make up the feral colonies that you help so well.

    CK You Help, TW Helps. This matters a lot. All that litter? You BET it matters. Food - You BET it matters.

    Harvey, Miranda, Silver, Phoebe and Marjorie

  10. It's got to be so tough to do what you know in your heart is great for animals in need, but to be put up against barriers that keep you from doing everything you hope to do. They sound like an amazing organization and absolutely every little bit helps. It reminds me of the lovely quite "We can't do everything, but we can each do something."

  11. Sounds like a wonderful organization! We are big supporters of TNR out here, too. I sure hope that caretaker and his colony find a new home soon. Paws crossed. How long do they have to find a new place?

  12. UCFCC sounds like such a great organization, CK. Don't discount what you and TW do to help them. Every little bit counts.

  13. Great post, CK. I think what we Advo-Cats do is huge for these organizations. Like several have said, if each and every one of us did something, it would make a huge impact. Good luck to UCFCC! And, by the way, nice donation.

  14. UCFCC sound like a wonderful organization. We donated some cat litter to our local shelter a couple of months ago. We plan on donating some food this weekend for a special project they have connected with Meals on Wheels for senior citizens with pets.

  15. We think it's truly amazing that there are people and organizations doing such great work for animals in need. If each one of us animal lovers do our bit, no matter how small, it is a step in the right direction in helping to improve the lives of our furry and not so furry friends. Well done to all who help animals!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. UCFCC sounds a great organization. Every bit of help counts and nothing is too small. It's often frustrating not to be able to help all the homeless kitties, but helping one kitty is still one step toward a better world!

  17. I always feel so helpless when I see ads and posts to adopt this pet or that one. I want to take them all in, and of course I can't. I could never work at a shelter. My home would be overrun and I'd be more broke than I am now. :) Thank you for spreading the word about UCFCC. I will share this article as a way of doing 'something.' Thanks@

  18. It sounds like a wonderful organization, sadly there are so, so many animals in need, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. I think sharing the organization and there cause is a lot of help. Sometimes spreading the word is far more valuable than money or time.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Ck...

    pleez due knot feel bad & hang yur head; thoz who TNR may knot be abe bull ta foster; thoze who foster may knot bee abe bull ta transport; those who transport may knot be abe bull ta donate, those who donate may knot bee abe bull two TNR......N we iz bak ta full circle; but itz a circle that doez itz best ta help in what ever way it fact ewe did what ewe could, how ewe could, & mor important lee...bee coz ewe WANTED two.....iz priceless....

    de best two UCFCC and heerz hopin ya findz & iz IN yur forevers trixie & de end oh joo lie ~~~

    Heerz two an arctic char kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    { R other post had spellin errorz......can ya be leeve it !! ?? }

  21. Just tweeted with the proper hashtag #BtC4A (everyone is leaving that out)...........fabulous organization! As Summer said, you did better than I did, I nearly always participate, but completely forgot about it this time around!

  22. Excellent post. I must remember to participate next time. I hope he can get his apartment to take care of the colony. $1,400/month- yikes! Around here $600 is average.

  23. UCFCC sounds like a wonderful organization! I'm glad that you are giving what you can to them. It is the small things that make the biggest difference sometimes. Like you, I don't have a lot to give. I just help my local rescues when I can. I think it makes a difference though.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  24. What a wonderful - and vital - organization! And all you do surely helps tremendously. I know the feeling, like you're not doing enough, aren't in a position (for various reasons) to do what needs to be done....but you're helping, and making a difference, and that's huge.

    Wishing the very best in the political wrangling (ugh) - and sending positive thoughts for the powers that be to finally get their heads together and do something positive for all the cats in the area, as well as for the taxpayers. UCFCC is awesome - and so are you!

    Thank you for blogging the change for animals!
    Be the Change for Animals
    CindyLu's Muse

  25. p.s. - I love your kitty PinIt! And what a creative photo for your Blog the Change post!!


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