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Summertime … and the Kitteh is EZ

Fish are jumping. TW is hi-i-i-igh. Wait, back up a second. Did you say fish are jumping? I hope some of them jump into my mouth. I’m getting hungry.

This week’s photo challenge theme is Summer. Just like last week’s theme, Summer means many things to many people. For me, it means playing with leaves from the ginkgo trees that line our street. I don’t go out so TW brings the outside to me! I get to chase falling leaves and experience the smells  of the outside world from the safety of my condo where I won’t get hit by a car, poisoned or chased up a tree by woofies.

When TW thinks of Summer, she thinks of the boys of summer, our NY Yankees. She took this pic several years ago. Yes, that’s A-Rod. He may be a steroid cheat but he’s OUR steroid cheat. If Mariners' fans can cheer Nelson Cruz and Brewers’ fans can worship Ryan Braun, we have every right to support A-Rod.

The new neighbors in the back—their thoughts in Summer turn to settling down in their lounge chairs and relaxing. We don’t know their names, but the peeps seem to think they look “cute” all stretched out. Cute is definitely in the eye of the beholder. Can you believe TW took this pic from our window using a super zoom lens?

Thanks to Christina and The Lazy Pit Bull for hosting the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge this week and every week throughout 2015. For those who would like to participate, next week’s theme is Water.

Our art this week are oldies but goodies that keep the Summer theme. This is one of the earliest images I made before I even had a blog. It was created for the first PawPawty I dj’ed at back in 2009. The Friskies Explorer website used to have a fun feature—they didn’t call them apps back in the day—that provided eight different scenes for your your cat or you could use one of their cats and then accessorize. We did this one and I ordered TW to update it with a little radiance so it looks like the sun is reflecting offa the umbrella.

Since this is  MLB’s All Star Week, I decided to rerun an image I made when the All Star Game was held at NY’s “minor league” ball park, Shitti Citi Field. I’ve got my colors on; the same ones I’ll be sporting in Cincinnati this week. We used PicMonkey to add some stars to the All Star image, changed to a domed shape and used a bunch more filters.

Concats to Brett Gardner, Mark Teixeira and Dellin Betances who will represent our Yankees on Tuesday.

Many thanks to Athena and Marie for hosting the Caturday Art Blog Hop every Saturday. Stop by the see some creative anipals strutting their newest art images.

I hope you’ll be keeping cool this weekend. I know I will.

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  1. Our steroid cheat - ya made me MOL there.

  2. My human says Summer means ME from now on! BTW, Dodger Stadium is the dividing line between us and the rest of L.A., which means that during baseball season, we are stuck on the East Side!

  3. Great Summer themed post!! Like Lone Star Cars, we're MOL at "our steriod cheat"

    The Florida Furkids

  4. You sure have your stunning Summer on CK!

  5. Boy, you have more funs than I can get here with my dull Mommy. xox

  6. Your neighbor woofies are very cute all stretched out indeed!
    Love your image with umbrella and sun shining on it. Enjoy your summer, CK!

  7. I don't know much about the Yankees. In my family it was the Phillies.

  8. That is some fantastic art CK!
    Happy Caturday
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, and Mr Jinx

  9. M says thanks ck for planting the seed for summertime firmly in her brain. Now I will have to listen to her noise called singing alll day. Love all your pictures. That is ameecially good shot of you.

  10. Ah yes.....the joys and boys of's ALLLLLL good! Love the last photo of you all set for the big game!

    Hugs, Sammy

  11. Purrfect summer theme , CK !
    Me I have been outside and eating grass today :)


  12. Cool fotos CK. Weez not follow any spowrts so weez not know any of those peeps yous mentioneed, but yous can suppowrt anypawdy yous want. It's America and at da moment, weez still furee. MOL Have a gweat weekend and stay cool.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. Enjoy your summer! Our human brings in papyrus grass for us to play with and chomp on! It's makes us feel like we're outside too and we love it! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey Gang

  14. Your dog neighbours look very relaxed, and so do you under your umbrella. I don't know anything about baseball, but I have heard of Derek Jeter thanks to Jeter Harris.

  15. Welcome to my home town. We will be watching the all-star game on tv. Our aide couldn't or wouldn't get us tickets to the game. We hope you have great time here.

  16. I'm not a summer fan at all...and even less so after the last few years :( It's a nightmare time of year for me lately.

  17. I love the photo of you on the beach and your summer header.

  18. Loves your new header! Yous looks summerfied! And mes LOVES all the summerfication on your blog today!

  19. Oh's what summer is all about.

  20. You're having a very eventful summer. Your woofie neighbors look like they're bored of the dog days of summer.

  21. What a good idea to bring a piece of the outdoors inside for you to play with! Samantha has her very own catnip plant in her window.
    I love the photo of the dogs on the lounge chairs....that was a good shot TW got!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  22. That other "field" is nothing in comparison to Yankee Stadium!

  23. Yankee is going to see it one day. This year was New Orleans. Next year...who knows? I love the picture of you lounging in the summer.


  24. How fab you have ginko trees! Summer is our favorite season and Merlin lives for summer.

  25. Great art, CK. And by the way ... you made us MOL with that "OUR steroid cheat" line! :)

  26. Lots of fun in this post. Although we live in the Chicago area, we are secretly Yankees fans. Don't tell anyone.

  27. We love summer too... but right now there's just a little too much of it! Glogirly says it feels like we're living in the jungle. Meanwhile, Waffles is acting like a monkey.

    Pawsome photos, CK!!!

    ...and we hear a bday is coming up!

  28. Now I know why your name is SK..your pictures are all Stunning! Now, where can I find the fishies.. :D Pawkisses for a Happy Week :) <3

  29. Love your new neighbours! Are you going to take round a welcome gift? Probably, best to keep well away.....

  30. Mommy agrees with TW your new neighbors are cute, we are reserving judgement until we can sniff their butts.

  31. Cool Caturday art, CK! We are glad you get to enjoy the sights and smells of summer without actually having to go outside. That's the best way to enjoy the outdoors.

  32. That's a cool Caturday art pic you created and a stunning Summer photo.

  33. Love it all! We have AAA baseball here. Even though I don't follow baseball it's fun to go to the games. Your neighbors definitely are cute…just don't let their peeps catch you pointing that telephoto lens their way, BOL!


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