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A Foto Frenzy Pick From Sparkle

Everyone, including my famous furrend, Sparkle the Designer Cat, has joined in the Foto Frenzy fun. Sparkle picked #1029. Well, actually she first picked 3428 but that's a few years into the future. TW may be gone by then. MOL!

Her pick could also double as a Whisker Wednesday foto. It's a stunning picture of me yawning taken by aerial view from miles above by the Goodyear blimp TW. Most photographers would take a picture like that from the front so you could see my teeth and people would KNOW I'm yawning. Not TW. She's not your average photographer. She lives on the cutting edge and most of her fotos live on the cutting room floor. I guarantee if Sparkle didn't pick it, this foto would have never seen the light of day. Anyway,  I'm turkeyed—or as I've also seen it called, the Meatloaf position—in my favorite bed that TW ruined when she washed it with Tide. Gasp! I'm here today to tell you that after a good airing out and another washing, it's as good as new.

Go away Woman. You're boring me and take your flashy box with you.
If you'd like to chose a number from 1 to 2400 or if you'd like to change your number, speak or forever hold your pizza—or something like that. As long as you want to see them, the Foto Frenzy will continue.

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  1. Well that did capture your impressive whiskers!!!

  2. CK...I hate to say it....but it looks like you might be a little *wide* in the hips there. (gasp!!!) I happen to know you've kept your svelte kitty figure, so I'm SURE it's TW's camera angle.
    ; )

    LOVE the Foto Frenzy!!! I'm so glad you started doing it so we could copy.

    The girl's lucky number is 12. Can we see #12?
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

  3. Some whiskers there pal. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. we will still go with ponee 7 in de 11th race ore ponee 11 in de 7th...we will take 1313 if we dinna all reddy due sew.....math iz knot R best subject

  5. Sure is pawsome whiskers you have CK !
    I skip chosing a number , I just hold on to my Pizza *mol*

  6. Oh, CK, I did not realize the Yankee's position was so perilous! Well, remember: the Giants were down 2 games to zip when they headed to Cincy & took 3 straight. Anything can happen! Also, it looks like the Giants-Cards game might not happen today (rain in St. Louis). This is all just too stressful!

    I love your secret-yawn yawning picture! XOXOXO

  7. MOL! We've never heard it called "turkeyed" but that's TOO appropriate! LOVE the yawn!

  8. That does look like a turkey pose, CK! I picked a good number - anything that causes human embarrassment is worthwhile!

  9. Great Turkey shot :) we'd like to see #948 & (almost) Happy Halloween!

  10. That's a great picture! I dont see why she wouldnt use it! love the turkey position!

  11. WE pick number 1150. This is all too much fun. Take care.

  12. Uhm, yeah, CK, that might not be the entirely most flattering picture angle....we pick #333.

  13. What a great picture! We love them both :) Great halloween blog header and theme by the way! purrrs

  14. It is an interesting shot. Oomans are an interesting species CK, you just never can predict what they will do. Myself, I prefer the company of cats.

  15. Yoga pose? Happy Wordless Wednesday; thanks for hopping!

  16. We like seeing you from the top down, CK!

    BTW, those are mums that I was watching today.


  17. Maybe Scouty is right in his assessment of humans that they associate our pawsitions as food with turkeyed and nomming us. Another choice for the foto frenzy is #102

  18. awww...kitty, the humans are always running around with that shiny box. Wagging Wordless Wednesday!

  19. Shiny furs! And "turkey"? MOL! As if you weren't SOOOO much more attractive than some ole bird!


    PS - Did we say we picked 9? I think we did ...

  20. Love the meatloaf position!! We will forego the pizza and choose 121- if we haven't already picked??!! xx

  21. Oh Keisha!! your whiskers are like MINE! All white and shiny! very nice and I like the meatloaf position lots, especially when I am letting my huRents know I am not purrleased with something they have done

  22. Because I grew up in the country I call that position sitting like a hen. You look like you're waiting for eggs to hatch, Baby Girl!


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