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On the Beach

 … or not! Hola kitties! It's been hotter than a hound's tooth around here. You'd think we were on a tropical island but where are the niptinis or iced nip tea? *fans self* We have central air which provide some relief for the humans. I'm wearing a fur coat so I can still feel the heat and humidity. This weekend the heat index will be 105-110 degrees F (about 40-43C). You can fry an egg on the sidewalk or on TW's head since she just came in from outside. Why did she go out in this heat and with an air quality alert? you may ax.

On the Beach

She had to go out and use her free beverage at Dunkin coupon before it expired tomorrow when it's supposed to be hotter than today. Can you believe the stupidity of humans?

On the other paw, I stayed indoors on my air conditioned bed. Nonetheless I wore my itsy bitsy teensy weensy gray and white stunning bikini! It's got a few years on it but it's no worse for the wear.

On the Beach

As a bonus for the humans, TW axed me to share some iced coffee recipes with you. She promised I'd be paid in treats tonight. I would have taken the treats up front but she made the offer just after I was presented with dinner. For once a smart move on her part. I better get more treats than the one measly piece I was offered last night for showing my bikini.

On the Beach

She's been buying those Java House [Note: We are NOT associated in any way with Java House.] cold brew cups cos she stole has a bunch of BOGO coupons plus last week ShopRite had them on sale for $1.50 off. Lord knows I'd have a fit if she was buying them at regular price. (BTW, it also comes in 10-oz. bottles or as concentrate but we haven't seen those around here.) You know this recipe has to be simple if she does it and it is. A few ice cubes in a glass, pour the coffee from the Java House cup over the ice, add cold water and milk/cream and sugar to taste. If you're really adventurous, add chocolate milk and make a fake mocha latte. They have some recipes on their website which are way above TW's level of expertise and concentration.

You can also make a fake iced or hot mocha latte by making your own cold brew coffee and combining equal parts coffee and chocolate milk. Pretty cool if you're a human, right? If you're a cat, it's not so cool. I wrote a post on Why Cats and Caffeine Don't Mix which is worth reading.

On the Beach

While you're sipping your highly capitated [sic] beverage, you might want to give a listen to my summer playlist if you missed it a few weeks ago. There's some cool tunes that are CK-approved like this remake of the Martha & the Vandellas' song. This kitteh is too cool for the room.

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  1. OMC, that's awfully hot ! Stay cool, CK ! Purrs

  2. Ugh, that is WAY too hot for a kitty! Stay cool, CK!

  3. Mom just saw on Facebook that you are going to be hotter this week than we are here in Florida!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Free coffee? I would totally go out in a heatwave for a free coffee, and I don't usually drink coffee. Yeah, humans are crazy. TW better hand out more treats, you know where she lives. ;)

  5. I am the same way with coffee. I would go out in a heatwave for a free one. :) I like iced or hot. I love your built-in bikini, so cool. Glad you have a/c, it is going to be HOT In the Northeast. XO

  6. Yes, it is way to hot CK, our feel like temp is 112 here!

  7. One of my favorite old-timey musicals "Kiss Me Kate", had a wonderful scene about it being too hot...I found it on YouTube:

  8. ck....we bee fryin perch on de side walk heer two.....last nite a bass terd hare hopped up on de porch N we thinked him waz gonna help hiz self ta de lawn chair....then haz nerve N ask fora beverage..... { just bee tween uz we due feel sorree for whooz gotta live out side in thiz $#!Tz azz } ♥♥♥

  9. The heat is so terrible. We hope you enjoy the great air conditioning. I would definitely would of left my house for a free ice coffee. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day and stay cool.
    World of Animals

  10. I never thought of adding chocolate milk to iced coffee! What a pawsome idea! CK, that bikini barely covers you! It's getting crazy hot here too.

  11. It’s hot here too, CK. It’s hot everywhere. Even Alaska is hot. Thank cod for AC!

  12. CK, I too don't understand the logic... er ... non logic of humans to want to drink something hot on hot days. Mom is still drinking her morning hot cocoa. You'd think she'd wise up and make it an iced cocoa, though I wonder if the marshmallows on top would freeze and sink to the bottom. Hmm... Tee hee hee. Hugs.

  13. The heat and humidity are terrible and dangerous, CK. Tell TW sometime it ain't worth it! Stay cool, okay? XO

  14. That is stupid hot! Make TW stay in the cool with you.
    I have to get some chocolate milk for my iced coffee now.

  15. Ugh, that's hotter than here! Stay cool! Now I wanted an iced coffee...


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