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TW, These are all Wrong! #ChocolateWaferDay

Hola kitties! Do you know what special day it is today? I didn't think so! Whatchoo say? No it's not Independence Day. That's tomorrow. It's Chocolate Wafer Day! Yeah! There's a reason I point this out and a reason I'm laughing at the peeps. Can you guess what it is? I'll bet the post title gives it away.

TW, These are all Wrong! #ChocolateWaferDay

Last week the peeps played geriatric bingo again. Don't laugh. It's the only time TW leaves the house since she's become an eccentric old recluse. Plus they were having "make your own ice cream sundae" before the bingo. Apparently that's a score for humans. They didn't want to miss free ice cream that their tax dollars were paying for anyhoo.

TW, These are all Wrong! #ChocolateWaferDay
Pop won a couple of games. He won some snot rags aka tissues and the second time he won, they didn't have any good prizes so he took—actually TW picked his prize—a package of wafers only they were vanilla—vanilla sugarless sugar wafers. Dunno if I'm following but I hope you are.

Since TW didn't win anything, they let her pick a booby prize. She picked the strawberry wafers so no chocolate wafers in the condo. Yet, I had to write this stupid post and pose with those stupid wafers that are wrong! wrong! wrong! HAH! (TW says chocolate is no good for cats but none of these wafers are good for cats or humans.)

Any chocolate wafers in your house that I can pose with?

TW, These are all Wrong! #ChocolateWaferDay

Would you like to comment?

  1. If you had some chocolate ones, you could make a Neapolitan wafer pile, CK!

    Happy Chocolate Wafer Day, and Happy Fourth to you, TW and Pop! :)

  2. That is really a lame bingo game, CK! My human has sworn never to play bingo, not even drag queen bingo, like they have near here in West Hollywood.

  3. We're thinking tuna wafers should be a thing. Just saying.

  4. No chocolate wafers here. Free ice cream is good though.

  5. I love those and haven't had them in years. I'm coming over to your house.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. We don't have any conventional wafer cookies, but I'd be happy to take a selfie with Manny and CB on either side of me, like a vanilla-human-and-chocolate-cats cookie...?!?

  7. Chocolate, strawberry, sugarless? What? No bacon wafers? No chicken wafers? What is wrong with humans?!?!?

  8. MOL that's not a very good prize!!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. food servizz gurlz a big fan oh theeze waferz knot straw berry tho.....onze.. like manee moonz ago.. her leeved sum vanilla on de table ; her leeved de room, de waferz left de plate.... thanx ta me & sauce ;) ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  10. Sugarless wafers? Who knew eh? That sounds really off the wall to me!

    I hope * cough * They enjoy the wafers * cough cough *

  11. Chocolate Wafers are the way to go. Not a fan of the strawberry ones. Bingo with ice cream, where do we sign up. LOL. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming holiday.
    World of Animals

  12. Those are lame prizes, they could do better. Have a happy 4th! XO

  13. No wagers here either. Happy Independence Day from all of us CK!

  14. I haven’t have wafers in a very long time. Now I want some! But nope, none here for you to pose with.


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