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Sweet Thankful Thursday on Wednesday

Sweet Thankful Thursday on Wednesday
What am I eying so intently?

Last year when TW deserted me to go to the Blogpaws' conference, she spoke with representatives from Mars the Mars Company. You know them. They're the brand that gives us Greenies Dental Treats and SmartBites, Sheba, Temptations and a host of other pet foods for cats and woofies. While she was there she spoke to two different reps. After talking pet foods, she axed them both for a favor. I'm gonna tell you what she axed for.

Sweet Thankful Thursday on Wednesday
OKaaaayyyyy. No, I think I'll pass on these. Got anything better?

While Greenies SmartBites are my favorite cat treats, TW's favorite candy treat also happens to be in the Mars family. She loves Milky Way Midnight. Only problem is that Mars didn't make bags of Milky Way Midnight miniatures. She had to buy an assortment bag where they'd throw in three or four MWM along with the Snickers (which she can't eat cos they have nuts), 3 Muskateers and regular Milky Ways. She axed the reps if they could let the company know there were fans of MWM who would LOVE bags with just that delicious—her words, not mine—dark chocolatey candy.

Sweet Thankful Thursday on Wednesday
Can you see the bribe Greenie on the MNM bag?

Last week, she went to the store and was glancing at the candy, not really thinking she'd be buying anything. After all, they still have leftover candy from Halloween, including one of those variety bags from Mars. Then she spotted it. She says she let out a scream of joy as she picked up a bag of MWM miniatures. She wanted to buy them all but then reality set in. That, my furrends, is the story of why I'm posing with a bag of candy.

Sweet Thankful Thursday on Wednesday
I'm all about taking the bribe.

PS: she says that everyone should try a MWM at least once in their lives if they love chocolate. After all, dark chocolate is a health food—just like Greenies! This week we are thankful to the good folks at Mars.

Sweet Thankful Thursday on Wednesday
Be sure to enter to win valerian cat toys from Bavarian Cat Toys. Today is the last day to enter. If you have entered, you can get extra entries daily by retweeting about the giveaway. Readers of Stunning Keisha can get 20% off their toys by using the exclusive code: AgeOfValerian.

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  1. My human has had those and she likes them a lot!

  2. I have had them and they are yummy! Eating dark chocolate is kind of like taking your vitamins, right?

  3. How nice TW found a of MWM miniatures and not assortment bag :-) I don't think I've had it, though...should check it out!

  4. We love those too but they've been available here for quite a while (a couple years). We keep a plastic tub that holds three packages and stock up when they're on sale. Maybe the just weren't in your area?

    1. I thought about that after we wrote the piece. TW was just so happy to see them.

  5. Now I want to go try one of those!! I'm going to the store tomorrow, too....

  6. Mom doesn't eat candy...seriously she doesn't....but the biggest Greenies freak in our house is Dakota....he has one of their dental bones EVERY DAY! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  7. That's pretty pawesome!

  8. Glad TW found those chocs. I think I'm missing out as we don't have that variety in the UK. Kisses on your nosey CK xx

  9. We never heard of that kind of MilkyWay, but Mum is not a chocolate fan either, she's not well informed. Purrs

  10. ck.....thiz ree mindz uz kinda sorta when de food servizz gurl thinked her finded regal crown sour cherry candies, sad lee her finded em .... but de receipe waz knot EVEN close to thoz her had aza kid bak in 235BC❤️❤️❤️

  11. My mum loves Milky Way too, but she has never seen the dark chocolate ones.

  12. Mmmm...I love those too! Strange though I've been able to find whole bags of those for a long time now! When they first came out they only seemed to be around at Halloween.

  13. Oh CK those are mommy's favorites too. Mommy luvs dark chocolate but even more she likes da caramel and center. But she sez milk chocolate makes her sick and da dark stuffs dusn't. Mommy be droolin' now.

    Luv ya'


  14. Outside of helping kitties, my Dad's other goal is to free the world of any unwanted chocolate!

  15. That is so awesome! I'm glad that the good people at Mars listened to TW's request. :) It is fun when companies listen. Cinco and Manna think that Greenies are pretty pawsome too.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  16. That is so cool. I have never tried those, but I love chocolate so I will. Thank you for commenting on the blog about Spooky's passing. XO

  17. How cool to find the exact thing she told the Mars people she wanted! We're laffin' @ Brian's comment.

    The Florida Furkids

  18. Now you and TW can sit down and both enjoy your favorite treats together.

  19. Mom doesn't think she's seen them in the store up here. She doesn't normally look at candies...ack ack...ya right mom, I can't lie like that! Suffice to say she hasn't seen them. MOL


  20. I like regular Milky Ways but I'm not a big fan of dark chocolate.

  21. We can thank your TW for that!!! That's great CK!!!

  22. We love an informative post!! I actually drink a wine that has chocolate in it... Fruit and chocolate - the ultimate health wine! Purrs from Deb (the wine drinker) and the Zee/Zoey kitties!

  23. nope, no nuts in that candy, Mom L won't touch it. Whew!

  24. OOH, those do sound pretty delicious. Our peeps are going to look for those, for sure!

  25. Mom bought a humongous bag of Dark Chocolate Hershey's Kisses on Amazon for Easter. She says that she and Dad will probably still be eating them next Easter! MOL! So happy TW got her favorite dark chocolate. We hear it is super nommy. And it is good for you. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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