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Wednesday Word—Suspect

My latest photo showing a healthy cat.

I told you the other day about how sick I was last week. I’ve always had a cast iron tummy even though that “other” vet said I had IBS. I could eat almost anything that I’d find on the floor or that I could get from the peeps. My particular faves are Chinese and Mexican food. While the peeps don’t like their food really spicy, I say "Bring It On.”

Recently, the peeps stopped letting me sample their food, except for plain chicken cos some blog mentioned how bad onion and garlic was for cats. (Hi there Maxie, Faraday & Allie!). They thought they were keeping me healthy but instead I came down with the stomach bug. What could be causing it?

I’d just starting eating a new kibble recently that I loved. It was the only new food innerduced into my diet. TW threw the rest of it away. Then she got an e-mail from a litter company, who shall remain nameless on this blog. She visited their website and looked up their clumping litter. Instant panic cos she thought she read that it contained a common household air freshener. She’d read that this air freshener which was added to one of this company's litters had made some cats deathly ill or worse. She grew faint. Was she killing me too?

We messaged the company who assured us that this litter formula didn’t contain the air freshener but TW still suspects the litter. Truth be told, that litter is older than I am and stinks to high heaven. She had never opened it because both she and I have asthma so she stopped using scented litters a LONG time ago but the container served a purpose. It was holding up our recycle pail.

Something got into her head a few weeks ago and she opened the pail and poured a couple of scoopfuls into my green box. Neither of us got the sneezes so she continued to add more every other day but only to the green box. Then I got sick. After I got sick, I stopped using the green box and used the blue one exclusively like I knew.

She figures that the chemical compound in the litter's fragrance may have changed and after I used the box I licked the toxin off my paws and other parts.

She immediately washed the box thoroughly and now uses Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat in it. No more old or cheap litter will touch this ghetto kitteh's delicate paws.

Thank Ceiling Cat I’m back to my playful self. I’ve been eating most of my food and my last two poos have been formed. We’re hoping it stays that way. We thank Dr. D for taking good care of me while I was feeling poorly.

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  1. I am very happy that you are feeling better again. Yes, we do know when something is making us ill. When I was taking the hyperthroidism pills that made me so ill, I would fight to not swallow them. I fought against the ear gel form of them too. Now I am taking prednisalone and it makes me feel so much better, I just swallow them right down with no fuss at all.

  2. Pee-Ess
    Are you enjoying those above the tail scritches in the first photo, or are you getting ready to attack those fingers?

    1. I’m in attack mode. She was hoping to get a pic of me bearing my fangs but I wouldn’t do it.

  3. That is really scary that litter could have made you that sick. I've used the same brand (scented) litter for years with 3 different I'm off to check out the ingredients!

  4. Glad you're feelin better! Dat are scary!

  5. We're so glad that you're feeling better, CK!

  6. We are so glad you are feeling better!
    Big Noodle hugs to you...

    Noodle and crew

  7. Yikes, that's really scary about the litter. So glad you are feeling better!

  8. The mom stopped using scented litters with us years ago. She never liked the smell and can only imagine what we thought of it. Phew! We use Dr. Elsey's now...have been for a long time. We're glad you're back to your ol' feisty self, CK.

  9. Your furs is just whiter than white, my beautiful girl! You look all healthy and so CLEAN! now XOXOXOXO

  10. We're glad you're feeling better CK. Mum has always been against scented litters for us because she was afraid of chemical issues if we sniffed or licked it on our paws. Purrs

  11. Mom says it is scary that it could be the litter that made you sick. So glad you are better.

  12. I'm glad you are feeling better, CK! You never know what is going to make a kitty sick. My cat show neighbor in Portland (who is one of the top ranked cats nationally) was getting horrible rashes and itching loads... it turned out he was allergic to corn, and his human was using a corn based litter! Who knew? So he switched and was much better after that.

  13. Good grief..that is a worry CK..we use chicken layer pellets for our girls trays..totally safe (cos chik-hens eat them ) and very cost effective with 4 regular 'visitors' ..i used a crystal litter once..opened the pack tipped it in the tray..piece of glass!! never again..imagine the joy my dogs have ..fresh tray truffles and chicken feed...hmmmm loves Fozziemum xx

  14. we still say it wuz de dam chckn BURD...plane, decorated, fancee, baked, broiled, seered ore fried....bass terd BURD...

    mega way happee ya iz feelin fine & friskee again tho ♥♥♥♥ pleez ta stay thiz way...oh kay ! ~~~~~

  15. You look like you are feelin tons better. Play makes the bad stuff go away

  16. Thank ceiling cat you're back to your usual butt whapping self!! Well done to TW for eventually working it out!! xxx

  17. Glad to hear that you are feeling better and acting more like yourself. It's really hard to know if the litter or something else caused your problems, but it sounds like a good plan to dump that stuff and stick with what you know is safe. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. We are so glad to know you are all better now CK!

  19. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to hear that the mystery(ies) have been solved and you're feeling better, eating well, and pooing to the satisfaction of TW and yourself!! We were in the mood to hear good news this morning and you did just that!

    Hugs, Sammy

  20. This is good to know. It's a relief you are well.

  21. Wow. I am so glad Dr. D could get you back in tip top shape.

  22. I am so glad you are feeling better. And I am glad your TW figured it out so it won't happen again. I only use plain clay litter, it is a little dusty, but there are no scented things on it. I don't like how those smell so I figured the kitties wouldn't either.

  23. Oh my stars, that is so scary that you got sick from litter! We're so glad you're feeling better. Our Mommy is careful not to buy litter that is too "perfumey". It makes Lola sneeze.
    Lola and Lexy

  24. Ewww! Wes pretty purrticular abouts our litter. Mommy has allergies to lots of the scents they adds so wes only gets the scented ones when Daddy buys it by mistake. Mes won't use the non clumping, the silica, the cedar or the paper based products. As mes old, mes does not digest foods as well and mes drinks a ton of water and mes uses the litter box a billion times a day, mes - all by myself - goes through a big container every 2 weeks! And if they gets the WRONG litter, all that Nellie waste ends up outside the box and on the floor....Gosh mes long winded today, all me really wanted to say was mes glad yous feels better (must be oldtimers disease)

  25. Thank you for worrying about me, darling! It sent little chills up my spine. But here's what happened: I get my dinner late (like 10 pm)--I like it that way--and eat it all in the deep of the night (well, surely you've noticed?) But last night I got a dinner that was an FF flavor that is not my favorite any more but the Human still has some cans so once in awhile she'll try to sneak one past me. But I really don't like it. So I didn't eat. Then when breakfast arrived, I was SO STARVING that I wolfed down half the can before I even stopped for air (I am normally quite a delicate eater, as you have no doubt also noticed)--so then I just frowed it all right back up again. Both the Human and I were quite surprised. But I placed it very well and she had to scurry to clean up. It was fun. XOXOXOXO See you later

  26. Hoo boy, that was so scary, CK. WE are happy that you're back to your old ghetto-licious self, sweet pal! Hugs!

  27. We are sorry this cat litter may have made you sick! The Mom has seen that there are kitties who have had a bad reaction to this litter, but we have been using it for months with no issues. We have been using the general brand (with its different formulas) for years without any issues.

    We are glad that you are feeling better, and we hope you continue to stay healthy, CK! <3

  28. Yay! So happy your feeling better!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  29. We're sorry you've been so sick, but glad you are feeling better. Charlie has IBD but we have it under control now with diet.

  30. We are so glad that you are now feeling better again, thank goodness!


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