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Mother May Have

Mother Syssy and her wee little ones still in their birthing box.

“Mother, you had me. I never had you.” wrote John Lennon half a century ago. I don’t think anybody could disagree with that obvious statement. A great quote to lead up to this week’s 52 Snapshots of Life theme. In case you don’t know, #52Snapshots is a weekly themed photo challenge hosted by #TLPB that anyone on social media can take part in by using either of the aforementioned hashtags.

I never knew my cat mother. Word on the street is that she got run over several weeks after my birth. A local feline gang—those would be The Alleys—took care of me and became my posse. After a whirlwind of events, I found myself living with some elderly humans in a condo. I never refer to TW on this blog as my mother and never will but I did run a photo of us together last Sunday.

Gertrude’s brood weren’t too bright. They nursed until they were teens.

Back in the day when they had the old house, TW had two litters of kittens born days apart in her front yard. Syssy had three babies—all were adopted and two were later poisoned by a crazy neighbor. One became Gramma’s Chizzy aka Big Tym.

Gertrude had six in her litter. One didn’t make it, one was adopted out and the nice upstairs’ neighbor, George took the other four.

Here’s a nice, sweet mother story about Gertrude. The day after she had her Ladygardenectemy, she heard one of her kittens crying for help. He’d went into a neighbor’s yard and their dog wanted to have him for dinner. Even though her stitches were new, she started throwing herself against the chain link fence to distract the dog so Friendly Fred could get away. Soon George came running out of the house yelling at the dog. Thankfully Fred and Gertrude was both shaken up but alright.

Let’s go to the hop. Athena and Marie’s Caturday Art Blog Hop, that is. You know how I always say I’ll never “pay to play”? TW found some Photoshop actions she had to have. As a bonus the money was going to be donated to the relief effort in Nepal. They’re painting styles which I’ll be showcasing over the next few months. I picked a nice bright image of me in my tunnel surrounded by wrapping paper for the Impressionist style. It’s kinda neat cos the smaller you make the photo, the more it changes and the more abstract it becomes. You can biggify them to see the nuances. Trust me, it’s worth it.

I love them and hope you find them inneresting. I can’t wait to try the other artistic actions and learn how to play with the settings. There’s no telling how many effects we can make with these.

So whatchoo guys up to this weekend? I hope it involves food and nip.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Cool art, CK, but I especially loved hearing about Gertrude.

  2. My weekends always involve food and nip.

  3. You have quite the background story, CK. So glad you have a warm, safe, and loving home now. Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  4. CK Gertrude's story is great. YOUR Caturday art is out of this world! We LOVE it!!!!!
    Marty and the Gang

  5. Wonderful art and thanks for sharing Gertrude's story.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  6. Gertrude was aa good mama. I love your art -very cool.

  7. The photos of the mama kitties are wonderful. Gertrude sure was a brave mom to draw that dog's attention away from her little one. And your artwork today is very pretty. Even though you had to pay for the added features, the money went to a good cause and now your human has more effects to add to her creative arsenal.

  8. So interesting and colorful. We like those a lot. Please join us tomorrow for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. Whoa! CK!!! Mes thought mes was having one on Mommy's hippy flashbacks looking at your Caterday Art! Psychedelic!!!
    Mes LOVES it! Kisses

  10. Love your colorful art! Gertrude was a brave mom. Glad both were ok.

  11. I just loved Gertrude's story!! Makes my heart feel good! I love your impressionist pics. I did bigify and it WAS worth it!! :) xx

  12. Gertrude was a very brave momcat. I like your art. I couldn't see you in the second picture until I biggified. Then it was easy to see you afterwards.

  13. Gweat stories CK. Ifin we didn't have mommy we wuldn't have any mommys at all. Neevew of us member anypawdy but mommy. Weez sowry yous kitty mommy got runned ovew. But weez veewy glad TK gave yous a home. Luv da fotos.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  14. Ladygardenectemy...I love that MOL. Gertrude sounds like she was a very special mama cat. And your artwork is *really* cool!!!

  15. Pawsome artwork! What wee the Photoshop apps TW got?

    The Florida Furkids

  16. CK, LOVE this post and Ladygardenectemy should be in the dictionary!

  17. Those are super-interesting effects with your Human's new art toys.

    Was it really 50 years ago? Cause that just freaks the Human out completely!

    I don't a-member my mother. And I don't know what happened to her. But she *is* my mother, not this silly Human, who does mean well, but c'mon! Not a hint of furriness!

  18. Interesting story about Syssy and Gertrude, love your new effects and the art you created, beautiful!

  19. We think your arty effect were cool! Our Daddy knows all too well about "mothering".

  20. Dear Keisha, thank you for visit and nice comment. I took a moment looking around your blog and let me keep it real too: I don't need Wednesday to be Wordless! Everything here, just amazing. Your posts are truly touching. Keep your style! Purrr and luv

  21. Thanks for telling us about Mom Gertrude CK. She did a terrific job in difficult circumstances.

  22. Sorry we missed a few of your posts this week.
    We are so glad that some other kitties helped take care of you until you found your human, but we are also sorry to hear about your kitty mom. Gertrude sounds like an amazing mommy! She loved her babies very much, and I'm glad neither of them were hurt.

  23. What fascinating stories CK.
    We sure DO like the artistic effects.
    YOU look fantastic, as always.

  24. The story of Gertrude is amazing! She was such a brave and loving mom.
    Love your art images. The colors are very pretty!

  25. We really enjoyed Gertrude's story, CK. And that artwork is WAY cool!

  26. Love that artwork. I enjoyed reading all about Gertrude too.

  27. Cute kittens with moms and cool photo effects.

  28. CK, this is outstanding. I love how you did these. xo


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