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Wednesday Word—Olio

Today I'm doing an olio of topics. TW's head is all over the place. I've been rolling it around and dribbling it like a b-ball.

The first order of business is that Sammy of onespoiledcat is having a costume contest. I know many of you are also entered. Everybuddy knows how competitive this little ghetto kitteh is. I'm in it to win it. I could sure use some votes. Please vote for my Stunning CleoCATra Rising From the Pumpkin Patch costume and I just might pick one of you to share my prize. Just swear on the Good Book—no, I don't mean Homer's Odyssey—that you voted for me to enter.

We had some excitement at the condo last month. A young man a few apartments down got himself busted! We heard the po po come on Pop's scanner. TW and I heard them pass our door on the way to the elevator! Apparently, he was making too much noise but talking himself into getting hauled off.

Here's my November calendar. Pop thought he was the boss of me and ordered me to put the chocolate turkey from 2011 on it. I only complied cos tomorrow's his birthday and I didn't get him anything. HAH! Photoshop was doing funny stuff with the type so we had to take it into another program. I hope TW didn't screw it up. Click on it to biggify and let me know if she did it right.

Remember you can still enter the Giveaway for 20-lbs of Royal Canin  Indoor Adult 27Indoor LightIndoor Intense hairballSpecial or Kitten formulas. Use the Rafflecopter and get more entries every day until the 10th. Don't forget they'll be in-store on November 2 & 9th at select NY/NJ locations. If you don't win, you can still get a free 12-oz trial size bag of Royal Canin Feline Breed Nutrition™ by filling out the form on Pet Food Direct's site. You'll have a choice of Maine Coon, Persian, Siamese or Ragdoll formulas.

Would you like to comment?

  1. My dear, I voted for you. You are far more lovely than that original Cleo-whatshername.

  2. You think YOUR human is scattered - you should see mine! She is leaving for the CWA conference in DAY and she hasn't even finished preparing her talk for her session. Or finished scheduling my blog posts.

  3. Looking good, CK! We love how you rock the Cleocatra look.

  4. Wow how exciting a visit from the Po Po. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. I voted for you last night CK. You look quite royal

  6. I sure voted for you. You look marverous in your costume! Happy birthday to your Pop tomorrow and happy Halloween!

  7. You look great in your costume!

    cats of wildcat woods

  8. Twiggy & Onyx just cast their vote for Stunning CleoCATra! Good luck!

  9. You've got my vote babe! Hmmm, wasn't there a song with those lyrics in it?

  10. We voted for you, CK, yesterday AND today.

    Wow, that's crazy about 5-0 coming to your building, and taking away your neighbor! Bad boys, bad boys, whatchoo gonna do...

    Happy day before Halloween and Pop's birthday!

  11. Cute custome and of course a chocolate turkey

  12. CK just so you know, no matter how many votes you wind up with I think you are one sexy CleoCATra! Woo Hoo!

    Kitty hugs, Sammy

  13. I'll bet TW is also a crossword puzzle enthusiast to know a word like "olio"!

  14. CK, we are going to pop over to Sammy's and try to vote for you. Misty May, Mauricio and Lily are in the contest but not getting many votes, so we will see if we can help you out. We did vote yesterday and tried to again this morning but the system would not let us do so. Sam said that might happen, but we'll try anyway again anyway. Mom was kicking herself that she didn't put our photos up today and ask for votes, but it wouldn't have helped as our site is down 'cause once again WestHosts, where are blog is stored, has been hacked. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  15. CK we voted for you today and yesterday...since we could vote for more than one photo we most certainly did. If I am lucky enough to win a prize, I am giving mine to you. Love, Cody

  16. It warms the Human's English teacher heart that you used olio and used it correctly. She has the impressed. Me? Eh, whatever.

    Whatcha doing later? I might have a blue pillow available with your name on it XOXO

  17. You look far moore better as Cleopatra than Elisabeth Taylor did in the movie !


Holla! Louder … I can’t hear you. Anonymous comments are disabled due to humans who have nothing better to do than spam. Thank you for understanding!