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Clean-up in Aisle 2

Why wasn't this is my dish?
We've all heard these announcements while shopping in our local supermarket. Clean-up in Aisle 2! I never expected to hear it at home. OK, my peeps are clumsy so it was only a matter of time before I heard it. Today was that day. It was a good day for the blogging kitteh.

TW was getting ready to run errands when I hoisted myself out of bed and demanded lunch. She felt bad cos she'd stepped on my poor little paw yesterday and caused me to scream out loud so she knew she better prepare my lunch pronto. She got out my Soulistic Island Illusion and grabbed a dish. As she ripped the pouch open, I heard a splat and some HBO words. Bear in mind that Island Illusion is one of the fishiest-smelling foods on the planet. In short, it smells heavenly. Cod knows why TW doesn't think so. Check out this mess.  It looks like someone tossed their cookies, doesn't it?

To her credit, she poured what was left—about half a pouch—into my bowl and fed me before the big cleanup. To her detriment, she didn't open another pouch to replace what was on the floor. While carrying the food over to me, she discovered her slippers also had some fallout on them. In a sense, she was dragging it all over the room. I was giddy with delight as I watched her kick her slippers off.

I won't eat unless one of my peeps is standing there watching me so I took my time noshing while the mess on the floor stood uncleaned. TW's hands were covered with tuna and salmon juice as she stood watch over the dining Diva. The juice on the floor was gelling and smelling to high Heaven! Island Illusion never tasted—or smelled—so good. I slurped up what was left of the pumpkin soup and then went to investigate what the big fuss was about.  Is this it? I axed. It's cat food; what's the problem? I was ready to help in the cleanup when the dreaded flashy box made an appearance. I wanted her to document it for this blog but couldn't she wait until I had my cut? Are your peeps as clumsy as mine?

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  1. Eeewwww. I thought you had haucked on the floor

  2. My dear, you are a Queen. I cannot believe your humans did not replenish the royal bowl.


  3. My human lets out a string of HBO words when the cat food goes awry too! I have no idea what the big deal is. At least she has a clean-up crew. Yesterday, she was preparing my food and dropped it. Binga and Boodie were on it immediately, so she told them, "enjoy your breakfast," and made me another serving.

  4. LOL you make a pawsome hoover Keisha. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Shocking that she didn't replenish what she'd spilled! Why, you'll starve! Waste away to nothing! It's inhuman.. no, it's inCATan!

  6. You have some style, CK!!

    To really annoy my human, when she is preparing my meal on the counter, I make a very big deal of chomping on tiny bits of dried cat food that are accidentally left behind on the floor, so she feels REALLY REALLY bad about the fact she doesn't feed me nearly enough (and that she is also a pretty slovenly housekeeper)!

  7. We don't understand why the peeps get upset about a little spilled cat food, either. So what if it's on them. It improves their smell anyhow.

    Yes, the head peep is just as clumsy as TW. She burned her knuckles pretty impressively while cutting pizza yesterday and is still grumping about it.

  8. Haha, at first I thought you horked up a little. I think you need another pouch as she spilled part of your meal!

  9. We thought you left a gift for TW! Does her hands still smell of tuna and salmon juice? She may be afraid of you leaving biteys on her hands before but now, she must be terrified!

  10. Clean up is what we do best and you got it covered CK!!!

  11. ha ha - love the look on your face CK. You tell them girl! It should have been in your dish, and I hope your dish is a china one (not Chinanet either - real china).

  12. Mom doesn't use HBO words, but you can tell by her face when she's upset cuz she spilled or dropped something. I will say this for her - if she drops something we're allowed to eat, she leaves it for a while to see if we lick it up!

  13. food serviss purrson heer trips ona flat surfizz....

    sad lee never with canned, pouched ore cased goods.... tho her did leeve a dish oh sghetti oh's on de counter once N sauce finded hiz way two em...

    knot as good az salmon N toona but ya gotta grab what cha can while ya can ...ya noe !! enjoy yur week oh end !

  14. That's the kind of mess I'd LOVE to clean up. ; )

    Glad the show was a hit!
    I hope she doesn't go and wash her slippers.

  15. Around here, we would have been expected to clean up the mess (even though we didn't make it) and would have been happy to do so. If something is as good as you say this food is, we can't imagine you didn't demand to be allowed to clean the floor. We've never heard of that food, but it sounds like it would be yummy. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. CK are you still looking fur a date fur the Howloween Ball? Have you seen that Bailey Boat Cat is looking for a date? He's some kind of handsome kitty...Misaki is making arrangements...He's continental and well-traveled so he'd be purrfect fur a sophisticated kitty like you

  17. My kitty friends eat that cat food and boy does it stink. They love it. I bet that was funny watching those shoes being kicked off. Hope she cleaned up the floor and I really don't think its fair that she didn't open another package to replace what was dropped.

  18. I *never* stoop so low as to eat up my food that the Human drops or spills. Sorry, it's just garbage once it hits the floor.

    I make an exception for Gerber's, but only if it falls on the table, where I can lick it up without getting my tongue dirty.

    I'm still a little disappointed this wasn't a puddle of bomit that sent one of your Humans onto his or her keester.

  19. It'a not as bad as I thought. I thought you pooped one the floor. Food is okay even if it is smelly.

    Do you really get breakfast, LUNCH, and dinner? What a lucky cat.

  20. Um, we don't unnerstand why you just didn't do the clean up yourself, CK. That's what we wouda done.

  21. Some people might say I'm clumsy, but I deny it! lol... Tell TW not to feel too bad. Shiner had a poopy accident in the laundry room today. It was 3 piles probably the same consistency of that cat food there :( She couldn't help it, but gosh that is so not fun to clean up.

  22. Thank Cod my mom have never ever dropped any of my stinky goodness on the floor , but pretty much efurrthing else.
    So YES my mom is clumsy !!

  23. My Mom does a bit of splashing in the kitchen from time to time but nothing (yet) that I'm much interested in. I am however always "at the ready" when Mom's in the kitchen JUST IN CASE.

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  24. oopsie! Don't worry most everything is clean upable...

    Noodle hugs

  25. Sometimes I do not know how Mom does not trip on her own feet cause she is sometimes kultz. This time it looks like it was a bounty with the aromas yum.

  26. Hello my darling girl, Yes, don't worry, I *will* ded that pink smousey for his horrific betrayal of my trust. I'm trying to decide if he was telling the troof or just trying to start up trouble. What do you think?

  27. Oh Yeah! Yous should has seen Mommy when Jo-Jo knocked her toasted turkey and bacon sandwich on the floor this morning! HBO words, cats mewowing, dogs trying to slurp it up, snorting and snuffling it was glorious to watch! And I managed to snags some turkey too!


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