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Wednesday Word of the Day

I wasn't sure what was going on either yesterday but TW assures me that she was talking about Macoun Apples—not Maine Coons. She just wasn't pronouncing the name correctly. Her diction isn't nearly as good as mine. This is what Wikipedia says about them:

Macoun apples are a cross between the McIntosh and Jersey Black varieties. The Macoun (sometimes pronounced "McCowan") was developed at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, by R. Wellington. Named after Canadian fruit grower W.T. Macoun, it was first introduced in 1923, and has been regarded to be the finest eating apple in the World. Macouns are also very popular at roadside stands and pick-your-own farms. Availability is generally October through November.
Aside from its short season of availability, the popularity of the apple is somewhat compromised by the problems it gives orchardists. The Macoun has a short stem, and there is a tendency for the apple to push itself off the branch as the fruit matures; also, the Macoun tends not to produce reliable crops each year, with a good harvest followed by a sparser one.
I still don't think TW is the sharpest tool in the shed. Na mean? We didn't have apples in da hood. We had FRIED CHICK-HEN!

Would you like to comment?

  1. My humans also go for those Maine Coon apples, and the other ones they like are called Portland apples. Or something like that. Maybe I meant Cortland.

    That is interesting about the short stems.

  2. Now you tell me, I guess I will have to look for tabby apples instead!

  3. Never heard of that variety of apple in the midwest. Sounds good tho. he he - I like the Maine Coon idea myself. It's interesting because I have relatives with the last name of McGown.

  4. Glogirly is all gaga over the Sweet Tangos here. Thought it was a dance but appears it's an apple. Never understood apples. There's nothing fun about them. Chick-Hen on the other hand...
    xo Katie

    Pee S: OK ALREADY! So Glogirly got laid off on Friday. She's been all "busy" with a new resume. Meanwhile she's going to 6am Boot Camp M-W-F, there's no food in the house and Gloman, my only savior is out of town. So cut the poor kitty some slack. Chapter 9 just posted. I'm ignoring Glogirly for the rest of the night.

  5. I'm pretty confused in last post too ! but now I got it !

    and CK, thanks so much for your kind words to day.

  6. we dunno what Jersey Black apples are so we SURE don't know nuthin bowt no Maine Coon apples or whatever. We are WEST COAST denizens!

    Thank you for soothing my poor battered heart--but you know, I have always spread the love around, if you know what I mean, and CK? I think you do, hahameow. Right? Keep the light on for me. And oh yeah, find us one a them apples, too ;-)

  7. Didn't I post a comment on this blog, I don't see it??
    Anyway I was going to say about your comment I think you are probably right, She was waiting for her Dad to come to bed and snuggle with her!!
    xxx, Happy & Fern

  8. Who would want apples anyways, when you can have chicken?!

  9. Our mom says she's never heard of those kind of apples. Here in the midwest we got something called Honeycrisp and our mom says they are mighty tasty! Though we agree with you...we'd much rather have chick-hen.

  10. Well, you know, I don't DO "Human"--but perhaps a white satin bow tie might set off my luxurious black furs rather nicely? And pick up the lovely white of your white & gray ensemble? Might a suggest a tiara?

    And you know, after checking out the site, I'm a little scred of all those #'s cause I don't really know what they are but I think they might be Twitter or sumfing & Spitty don't get all that. Can I just show up and you'll report what I should know to my Human???

  11. Um, "...I suggest..." and "scAred"

    My secretary is overpaid.

  12. My Mom had nefur even heard of Main Coon apples! (cod luf her) Chick-hen sounds better to us too!

  13. That does sound like a yummy apple. Glad you got TW straightened out as far as the name goes. We kind of like calico apples. Take care.

  14. We never seen any of them Macoun apples down this way. I bet I would like them though.

  15. Yay for fried chicken! Haven't heard of Macoun apples before, they sound interesting.


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