When Pop told me he'd bought the Thanksgiving turkey, of course I was thrilled. I couldn't wait to see it and sniff it to see if it met with my approval. From the size of the box, it was a HUGE one! Size definitely matters to this kitty. Heh heh! Pop said he'd open it and place it in the pan so I could have a photo op.
Gotta sniff its butt. STILL doesn't smell like turkey. |
But Pop, this doesn't SMELL like turkey …
Pop, what's wrong with the turkey? It's not that Tofurkey stuff, is it? |
Are you SURE this is the Thanksgiving turkey? I'm starting to panic just a bit …
Of course, TW being TW had the turkey facing the wrong way in the first photo shoot, so we had to do it over to show you the front of the turkey. And, in the spirit of the holidays, let it be noted by Santa that CK cooperated.
OK, someone is pulling my paw! |
The joke was on ME, because the REAL bird was in the refrigerator thawing out for tomorrow. This is a 3½ pound CHOCOLATE turkey that Pop fell in love with. Occasionally Pop will spurge on himself but he's the breadwinner, so be it. Also, it's from a
small, local business and we definitely support small, local businesses. Just gave me quite a scare. Someone—I'm not saying who—is gonna be BIT for this and I don't mean a little love nip either!
When you least expect it …
I'm thankful for all my furrends and followers and their peeps.
♡ You're the reason for this blog. ♡
That is pretty funny CK. That sure one gigantic Chocolate turkey. Glad the real bird is in the fridge. We sure do wish you one Happy Thanksgiving for all of you.
ReplyDeleteWe'll have Turkey with bacon wrap again this year. I only like seafood but the ferals will have big feast. Jeego
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am truly thankful for your friendship. My daddy in hospital so mom will have quiet 4-day weekend. Luv you!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! That is one heck of a chocolate turkey...We hope the turkey in the refrigerator smells a whole lot better. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's one big chocolate turkey! Thank goodness the "real" one is in the fridge!
ReplyDeleteOMC, that is a lot of chocolate! Pretty funny in the pan.
ReplyDeleteHappy Turkey Day to all your family.
Cathy, you've got Julie's mouth watering now! She's been craving chocolate and trying to be good on a diet, whatever the heck that is, hehe!
ReplyDeleteA beautiful bird. Hope you enjoy both the one in the fridge and the one for the sweet tooth!
Happy Thanksgiving, my furriend!
That's quite the bird CK! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
ReplyDeleteOMC! I have neffur seen such a thing! Cod luf those Humans and their krayzee ideas about holidays!! Teh Human says it looks pretty tasty, but she likes the giant ears on chocolate bunnehs. Me, I think I'd keep my distance from anything that's about to get its head bitten off.
ReplyDeleteIn the first picture, M was thinking a roast of some sort - like maybe standing rib. Now M's mouth is watering for a big HUNK of that chocolate. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family CK. We treasure your friendship too.
ReplyDeletewhen I saw the first photo I was thinking "what the hell is that!!???" lol!!! I have never seen a 3 lb chocolate turkey before!
ReplyDeleteI remember your chocolate adventures from last year so this is no surprise. Didn't you have some sort of giant chocolate Easter Bunny too? MOL!
Have a wonderful albeit "chocolaty" Thanksgiving my friend!
Having to pose with a chocolate turkey certainly would make ME put the bitey on someone!
ReplyDeleteHoly CAT! ...I mean TURKEY! That cocoa bird is as big as YOU, CK. I'm with you, the real deal is much more appealing. Glogirly's swooning over the chocolate bird though. Her latest thing is putting sea salt on everything. Even chocolate. She thinks your Pop should try a little sprinkle of that crunchy, chunky, Kosher salt stuff. I think she's nuts. Just sayin'.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving!
xo Katie
I'm with Sparkle. Playing a trick like that on an innocent kitty. Unh, you might want to wait until you get some real turkey before putting the bitey on anyone . . .
ReplyDeleteTaffy and that woman
Good morning, my dearest CK! That chocolate turkey better have been replaced by the Real Thing by now! My Human is off on a quick overnight visit Elsewhere--I hope you'll make it to the house-trashing later ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, that is a huge chocolate turkey!! It looks delicious but you need a real one :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!!
Wow, it's a good thing that the real one is in the fridge or else I thinks "someone" would be paying the price. They sure pulled your paw on that one! Hopes you gets some good turkey today and Happy Thanksgiving to you. Thanks for your friendship.
ReplyDeleteDarling CK! You were INVALUABLE at the trashing pawty! You know, I am kinda sorry I didn't let you use to blowtorch--we coulda burned a paw into the upholstery of the "good" chairs (which she covers with quilts so I don't fur them up--as if my fur doesn't IMPROVE whatever it touches!!) XOXO
ReplyDeleteCK, don't you go getting sick! Let e know if I need to purr for you, just in case it isn't the Christmas decorations making you sing.
ReplyDeleteSick? What is this about Sick???? Oh I hope you are not Sick!
ReplyDeleteIf you are NOT sick, tell me what #wlf means on Twitter! XOXOXO
Ah ha ha ha ha! I loved the manifesto, especially about patrolling our territory and the soft beddies and stuff.
ReplyDeleteRe Singing: Sometimes (rarely) I go through periods of such intense vociferous night-time (The Human says the only correct word for it is BELLOWING) singing that the Human LEAPS from her bed and runs to investigate. There's neffur anything wrong. Just letting off steam is all. Sheesh--the Humans are such hypochondriacs or whatever you call it when it's about someone else.
Are you in good voice this evening?
::waves paw + sends kissies:: Good evening, My Sweet. Hope you are feeling all perky? XOXOXO
ReplyDeleteIf you wants to learn my pretzel moves, just pop on over. I'll be GLAD to give you lessons, Heh heh.