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Monday at the Movies

This could easily be entitled Where's My Meal Monday, as TW was showing off my new raised kitty dishes that she got on special. What's the matter, woman, I'm not worth full priced dishes?? I was NOT impressed cos as you can see THEY ARE EMPTY. What's up with that? In fact, this week's Pathmark trip did NOT yield any Fancy Feast—grilled tuna or otherwise. They said I had enough for the week and it was a whole 69¢ a can. The store brand was on sale and I won't eat that because I DESERVE BETTER! I guess TW wants to be my finger food again. The video could also be entitled TW is a SLACKER as she didn't even bother to edit in the video captions I axed for. This little kitteh is ready to pack her bags.

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  1. Isn't there some kind of law against empty bowls? If there isn't, there should be CK!

  2. The bowls are pretty, but I agree, they should be full! MOL!

  3. I'd invite you over here, but it's not much better here. I've been thinking about running away too. Meet you in Ohio! he he

  4. We got hungry just watching you lick your lips! We have the same tunnel as you but we never find cool stuff in it like Clooney does!

  5. We get cheap food too. Mom got Friskies from Amazon for about 24 cents a can. That's the best we get for canned food. Meanwhile, she eats steak & chicken & tuna. Is that fair? *shaking head*

  6. Unacceptable situation! Come ofur here, we've got plenty of Fancy Feast!

  7. My human spends a fortune on cat food - she only buys the expensive stuff and never looks to see if it is on sale or not. And I still won't eat it sometimes - boy, does that make her mad!!!

  8. Hrrrmph. Yeah, they're nice bowls, but if the Humans don't put FOOD in them you will STARVE and then there will be not POINT in having the bowls.

    Sheesh. Do we have to tell them EVERYTHING?

  9. 4 bowls ?..OMC ! Imagine all of the bowl fill with food...That's going to be really Awesome !
    I hope your human take a big responsible for that so soon !

  10. What a sad thing. A bowl is a terrible thing to waste. Fill 'er up Mom! xoxo

  11. FOUR pretty bowls ain't pretty if they ain't filled up! Get to work, Mom! :)

  12. Beautiful bowls CK, and as I'm a "afficionado" of cat food, I'd insist that they be filled. Then when no body's looking, I can zoom in and glom it all up.

  13. Yes bowls must be full all the time!!
    Maybe TW does want to be your finger food..hee hee.

  14. Do you think something came and sucked out my verreh soul, CK? How can I get my mojo back?

  15. I mean theese bowls do look nice on display in front of your tunnel, but a gal like you really deserves some Fancy Feast Grilled Tuna in them, that's for sure!


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