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Feral Friday: Fresh Nip & Other Delights

Hola kitties! How was your week? Did you achieve a good ratio between napping and playtime? I didn't. All naps and no play make kitty a grumpy cat. If you ax TW, she gave me "loads of playtime" but "I didn't want to play." I just "stood there and looked at her." Fake news! I am a playing machine; a very playful kitteh.

Feral Friday: Fresh Nip & Other Delights

We gonna go straight to the Friendly Fill-Ins, a feature held weekly at this time. Let's meet our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics with further comments in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. Today it relates to number four. Amazingly there aren't any photos where I'm eating the food but she posed me with the menu.

Feral Friday: Fresh Nip & Other Delights

1. 2006 was a very good year. It's the year I found a forever condo.

2. There is nothing quite like fresh nip. I don't have a garden so we can't grow any but I was lucky enough to win some primo fresh nip during #Chilipawty last Saturday. They put flower boxes next door but they never landscaped. TW is thinking of putting some nip seeds in there to see if they'll grow. I think Tiny Pearl Cat is going to send me some.

3. If I had a talk show, I would want to interview Barack Obama and Cory Booker. Not together, of course. I'd ax Sen. Booker about being a vegan and some of the laws he'd pass on animal cruelty, making pet food safer, farm animals, etc. President Obama will always be this little ghetto kitteh's hero.

4. There is nothing I wouldn't do for Chinese food. Also rotisserie chicken. I jump on the table but TW is trying to train me that I don't get nothing unless I wait on the floor. Yeah, I'll even obey her for some po'k fried rice or chicken.

Coming up is my Feral Friday entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to provide a platform for anipal artists to showcase their latest digital, Photoshop and original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into works of art.

Feral Friday: Fresh Nip & Other Delights

I first made this sketch back in 2015 but I don't believe I ever used it. Correct me if you dare if I'm wrong. I drew myself all nipped up with the nip plant on the lower right side. Those were the days when we actually grew nip in the condo. Truth be told TW sampled a lot more than I did. She said it was good for her migraines. I dunno about that woman.

Happy Mother's Day to all the human cat moms and especially the feline cat moms. I miss mine so much.

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  1. I would luv to see ya interview Cory and Obama CK!

  2. My human totally got the album reference in your title - her parents had that record when she was growing up.

  3. WHAT?!?! You have to eat on the floor ... like a DOG?!?! We think it's time you trained TW, CK!

  4. I like the sketch effect of your art.
    I once bought a nip plant for Flynn. It grew and spread like crazy but he totally ignored it. The butterflies loved it though. I found out later that it was the wrong variety of nip.

  5. CK ... We need proof of this playtime you claim to have. I like to nap all the time, NOT play, but say I did! - Peaches the cat

  6. Great answers and great art CK! Hey, we're supposed to get some rotisserie chicken today, wanna come on over?

  7. I'd watch your talk show if you had one. It would be quite entertaining.

  8. Manna and Dexter would definitely agree with your answers about catnip and rotisserie chicken. You have great taste, CK!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  9. We didn't know those things about Cory Booker, we are going to have to pay more attention to him (or wait for your interview). Sam loved her nip plants, but she never told me they could be good for migraines! Guess she didn't want to share. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. Ah yes, the wonderful nip! The Female Human is no gardener so I'm afraid fresh nip probably won't be in our future but we have some local dried stuff (Meowy Wowy) that is fantastic! Chinese food? I just may have to try it, although The Female Human says I need to go on a diet.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  11. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I miss no drama Obama. Yes, 2006 was a very good year indeed. I am glad you got your forever home. Beautiful art. Happy Mother's Day to TW- she is your adopted mom and so good to you. XO

  12. Cool art, CK! Mudpie has the same answer for #1, just a different year :)

  13. CK Darling! That is a terrific shot! And I think that Ninja is PURRFECT for your Feralness! (Except I, Marv am much more feral than him.)
    I LOVE your fill ins too! Absolutely Purrfect! (Just like you)

  14. Beautiful art! I didn't know catnip was good for migraines. I don't care if it sounds crazy CK, when you are suffering, you'll try ANYTHING.

  15. Love the art!

    I don't have catnip but Mum buys me kitty grass and I love it!

  16. Well CK I would be very careful about complaining about TW not playing with you, Mommy's solution was to get a bunch of kittens ~Scylla

    We would be happy to play with you CK. ~Yin, Yang & Chimera (aka Scylla's kittens from another Mother)

  17. You should totally have your own talk show, CK. We would listen, for sure! Barack Obama and Cory Booker would be awesome first guests. :)

    We hope you get some Chinese food and/or rotisserie chicken real soon.

    Happy Mother's Day to T.W, and all moms everywhere!

  18. Pawsome artwork, CK, I don't care about the nip, I'm always nipped :D Now, shall I help you with the menu? Delicious Pawkisses🐾😽💞

  19. 2006 sounds like the most purrfect year indeed. It's the year CK met her human minions!


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