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Hello Dali #CaturdayArt

One of TW's favorite artists is Salvador Dali. For today's Caturday Art, I'm saluting him by using the Dali effect on my paintings. The effect is a fail cos it doesn't resemble any of the Dali works I've ever seen. Granted, TW hasn't been to MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) in quite awhile but she doesn't remember his work using these brushstrokes or colors. Dali or not—enjoy anyway cos it is what it is.

Hello Dali #CaturdayArt

Actually, this is the first art that looks better in a shrunken size than the original size. The photos are off the i-pawd. I think my real whiskers are a lot more attractive than the Dali 'stache that TW 'shopped onto me.

Hello Dali #CaturdayArt
The First Study of Keisha's Tail

Hello Dali #CaturdayArt
Self Portrait of The Cat

Although I'm sure that everybuddy in the world is familiar with his works, you can see great Salvador Dali art here. Especially check out his Tuna Rising! I tried to find a public domain copy of this on both the MET and NYPL digital collection since those sites offer unrestricted use of some of their collections to no avail. Here's another of his famous works—Persistence of Memory—from the NYPL digital collection.

If you liked my art—or even if you didn't—you can see more feline and pet art by checking out Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for all the creative links to the Caturday Art Blog Hop. Athena and her mum would love to see you.

Would you like to comment?

  1. It's a cool effect, but yeah, it doesn't seem very Dali like.

  2. Haven't been to MOMA in a long time either; let's go! Dali was a cat lover too; another reason to enjoy his art.

  3. You look amazing CK, but you always do!

  4. You always look fabulous CK! AND we enjoy each week seeing what you've created!

  5. I guess I am not into art because I have never heard of him. I like all the art you made though. Of course, any art with you as the subject is perfect. XO

  6. Dali like or not, it is still a lovely effect for you.

  7. My mother loved Dali. He is not one of my favorites. You work is, as always, mgnifique

  8. I like it ck, you could call the style...Dali-Keisha....then it would've all yours.,

  9. It's not really Dali-like, but it's a cool effect ! Purrs

  10. I agree, it doesn't look like Dali, but your art is superb, CK! Love the title, too. The first study of Keisha's tail :-)

  11. Love the mustache!
    Have a wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  12. Your art looks great but you're right--not very Dali-esque. Sometimes I think they just give an effect whatever name sounds cool. The 'stache is purrfect! :)

  13. Wow. i really enjoyed this, incuding the artwork by Dali. Cool.

  14. We wish we could show TW some of the Dali exclusive art he painted for Hallmark - there's a Santa one that's TOTALLY Dali!
    We agree - that filter is NOT Dali, but it still creates cool stuff.

  15. We always love your art, CK...whether it looks like Dali or not. :)

  16. I like your artwork, but I agree that it doesn't seem very Daliesque.

  17. Love your mustache Dali CK.


  18. Very nice artwork indeed. We love that cool moustache:)

    Mom says you can color us any time you want:)

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  19. You and TW are correct, CK. That doesn't look Dali-esque to me, either. But it IS stunning! :)

  20. C.K., we think you look super cute with your mustache. It goes nicely with you beret. We really like your art this week; though, you are correct. There is nothing remotely Dali-esque about it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  21. MOL! That stache looks so good. And a couple more masterpieces to add to your collection as well.


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