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Witchy Magic Art

Cackle, cackle, paint and trouble. Paint me a Halloween masterpiece. Shazam!

Witchy Magic Art

Whoa! I got four of them! This witchy magic stuff really works! I'll bet it's the hat. I'm going to remember this next week.

This was the original. I'll bet that pic looks familiar.

Witchy Magic Art

Cute, isn't it? I wanted to make it into a stunning piece of art. I tried painting in DreamScope first but I didn't like the result. Too brown and light not Halloweeny at all. At least I know how I'd look as a calico though.

Witchy Magic Art

Then I went to SuperPhoto to add a super texture. Yeah. A texture is what it needs … but not this one. It does look like brushstrokes.

Witchy Magic Art

Lemme start painting in good, old, reliable PhotoShop! Yessss! My Halloween masterpiece is complete!

Witchy Magic Art

Spoiler alert! I also painted some posters that I'll be premiering next Saturday and on Halloween, I'll have the first showing of two posters for movies you won't want to miss when they come to a theatre near you.

Thanks to Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty for hosting the Caturday Art Blog Hop so I can mess around with Photoshop and all the cool online apps that are so easy a cat can use them. If you'd like to see more Caturday art, click the link and check out the other kitties showing their artwork this week. You'll find all kinds of art styles and one of them is bound to catch your [cat] fancy.

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  1. Hello my beautiful darling! You *always* look perfectly beauteous, but these 'altered states' are great too--if you didn't look *quite* so pale, I'd really like that second one, but you do look much more like yourself in the later ones. And there are still 10 more days till The Big Night XOXOXOXO

  2. Great artwork CK. We tried dat fotoshop and still don't see how you do all you do with it. Guess we'll stick to what we know. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  3. Beautiful Halloween goodies! I love to listen to your experiments! Thanks for sharing them. Love the outcomes.

  4. I am bewitched by you, CK. Your art is lovely as always.

  5. I love these! Photo editing is so fun to play with.

  6. Oooooh, a movie starring CK. THAT I would go to see. I can't wait

  7. How spooktacular! We quite like all of the versions, CK, but that last one really is purrfect. And I can't help but say that we love calicoes around here, and you would make a gorgeous one, CK! We can't wait to see your Halloween posters next week.

  8. Boo...that's some Cool Spooky Artwork, CK...I like the brushstrokes, they look spooky, but you found some more cool always :D Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  9. C.K., each individual art piece is a masterpiece, but the finished product with all four is incredible. TW is very talented when it comes to photo editing. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. Fantabulous!!! That intro picture is just amazing...and we can't wait for your movie posters!

  11. Perhaps my sweet darling blue-pillow girl needs to send me a sultry pin-up shot? Even email would do as we has good paper and a printer. I have *just* the spot . . .

  12. I love all your art works! The last one is Halloween masterpiece indeed. I love the one with you in calico color, too :-) And you are very cute with witch hat!

  13. I think every one of them came out great.

  14. Bravo, CK! Those are masterpieces, one and all. And we must say, you're looking especially great in that hat. :)

  15. Those are all fabulous!!! We think each one is special!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. :nuzzle nuzzle:: ::chirrup:: ::purrpurrpurr:: Anybody home? Lemme in!

  17. ohhh that last one is nice! We haven't done a thing for Halloween, maybe I can get Mom L to do something


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