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Another Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy

Another Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy

It's Friday again! Is this the weekend we mess with the clock and "fall back" or something? I can never keep track of what humans have up their sleeves. They're always doing some stupid thing or another to make their lives more difficult.  Huh? Pop tells me that's not until next month. I'm making my life easier by having another Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy! I've gotten great suggestions from the "peanut gallery" which have been thrown into It's picked out some weird ones indeed this week.

Chosen by Kitties Blue
Circa September 2008
I'm laying in the first cat bed I ever had—a blue cup shaped one. The peeps called it a "mauve thing" cos that's what cat beds are called 'round here. Autumn once actually had a mauve bed and, at the time, TW had never heard of the color mauve, hence the sarcastic name. None of these 10 fotos are particularly in focus although there are a few cute ones where I'm washing. This is one of the better ones. Digital cameras were new to TW so she took what was almost a full "roll of film."

Another Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy

Chosen by Nellie the cat formerly known as The Cat From Hell
Circa September 2008
What the heck was I staring at in this foto? I was in the hall near the linen closet before we put one of my tunnels there. Perhaps I was suggesting a tunnel would look nice there. It was prolly dinner time and I was axing when she was going in the kitchen to feed me. She, on the other hand, had heard me playing with that little plastic seal off a bottle and was looking for some actions fotos. She never got them but if she knew what was good for her, I got the food.

Another Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy

Chosen by Aunt Pauline
Circa April 2014
The Petter was a calendar we won from Cat Chat Caren and Cody. It's a planner and scrapbook for keeping track of important dates in your busy cat's schedule. It was a really tasty cool book and I thank Caren and Cody for it. TW was trying to get a decent foto so we could blog about it. She took five fotos and only one came decently. This wasn't it. I was kinda biting on the book in most of the rest of them. Here I'm putting my scent on it just in case TW decided to give it away or something. She didn't.

Hmmm, TW hasn't even started on my art for tomorrow. She better not be thinking of grabbing some random Halloween art from the past and featuring it. I'll guess we'll all find out tomorrow.

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  1. I love seeing the early photos of you, CK! I think I will toss out a number for you, whenever you get around to new ones: #145.

  2. get a break...we don't mess with the clocks until November 6! We hate that and wish we could just keep the time one way. No matter how it goes it messes with the humans.

    We always enjoy Foto Frenzy! We pick 957 for next time!!

    The Florida Furkids

  3. I'm not excited about "fall back" time...clock is easy to adjust but kitties' stomack clock is a different matter!
    Glad TW didn't give away your calendar. Scent marking totally worked :-)

  4. Hmmm, those are really good photos.... as if you could take anything but a stunning photo.

  5. As always CK we think you look gawjus. And we gotta tell ya', you don't even need to edit those furst 2. You're a great poser and TW's great a ketchin' ya'. Big hugs fur all. Have a great weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  6. Some great pics, CK! I think #235 is my fave of these ones.

  7. I like the second photo. It shows off your lovely eyes.

  8. These are great, CK! If I'm seeing it right, we have a kitty bed just like the one in that gorgeous first picture. It's over 20 years old, and it came about way back when our angel Rosie and her brother Sammy were just young things. These days, the thing is starting to show its age, but my momma's boy Evan loves it. Purrs to you!

  9. We always enjoy your fotos, CK. How 'bout posting #1088 when you have the chance?

  10. Ck some amazing fotos of you got chosen!

  11. We love the foto frenzy, CK. It's nice to see pics from when we didn't know you.

  12. CK! Great pictures (as always) and mes thinks its great that Mommy gets a extra hour to sleeps (She needs it!) But somehow mes thinks that Cinnamon won't care!!!
    Kisses grrl friend

  13. Great choices, I especially like #235.

  14. You're stunning in the first photo ! Purrs

  15. Ooh, we sure selected a great photo. That one would have landed on our blog. Looks nearly purrfect to us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. We love these photos, CK. That first one is especially stunning!

  17. You look wonderful in all the photos CK. Mauve, is a favourite colour here. Dad calls it menopause mauve.



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