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I am a Cat of Many Poses

I am a Cat of Many Poses

I'm doing the head tilt like Summer always does. In fact, I think I've aced it. I'm beckoning y'all to come on and visit with me this frenzied Friday. Today's fotos come from different years and different phrases [sic] of my life. You've never seen them before and will likely never see them again. Heh heh! Just kidding! You may see them cropped differently is what I meant to say.

Chosen by my BFGF Savannah Paw Tracks
Circa September 2010
I'm sure TW loved the head tilt since over half of this fairly long foto shoot is of the head tilt. What was I looking at? TW's finger. She was baiting me with those juicy sausage fingers that I couldn't wait to dig into. I was on TW's bed, where the light isn't as good, and not Pop's for once. Yes, our condo seems to be one big bed, doesn't it.

I am a Cat of Many Poses

Chosen by that spoiled cat Sammy
Circa November 2011
It's time to start thinking about Thanksgiving; the time of year when every cat and human dreams of a nice fat, juicy turkey. This is the kind of turkey my turkeys humans dream about—a chocolate one. In case you're wondering, it's a HOLLOW choco turkey but it still weighed a few pounds. The day before I'd done a nice foto shoot where the choco turkey was in the pan. All the props were in place … right? Then TW noticed she had the turkey's back facing the camera. We had to do another emergency shoot in Pop's room. I stayed for two fotos and this was the first one. Of course, I didn't get a sample of this turkey nor did I want one.

I am a Cat of Many Poses

Circa June 2013
We go from Thanksgiving to Spring. I've just stolen the chair out from under TW and it's nice and warm but there's no food on the table! I've been jobbed! TW always thinks if she gets out the flashy box, I'll run but sometimes I hold my ground. Woman, I'm staying until the food gets served! I bet in the next shot my head was turned away from her.

Today's fotos were all taken with the Canon. I like that I've assumed a different pose in each one. Bet you guys are looking forward to your Thanksgiving turkey now that I've whetted your appetite.

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  1. A head tilt like in that first picture will get you just about anything in this house. And a chocolate turkey offering like in the second ... same thing :)

  2. Yepper, that is a professional level head tilt CK!

  3. You look even more adorable than usual with the head tilt.

  4. Wow, that is a huge chocolate turkey! As a vegetarian, that is one turkey I could enjoy at Thanksgiving. And I think you have your poses down!

  5. I love your head tilt photo - you look sooo adorable :-)

  6. Whoopee!!! We picked one of your best photos ever!! That head tilt is tops!! And that number is Mom L's month and day of her birth! APAWS! On to the lottery

  7. Mom says that she doesn't want Thanksgiving getting here too soon as that means Christmas is just around the corner. If you lived at our house that first photo would have surely been on the blog. We love it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. OMC, the head tilt photo! You are very talented, CK!

  9. CK, I love that picture of you with the tilted head. You look like a kitty model - just line Summer. Well, you and summer don't look alike, but the way you both pose makes me think of both of you. Great job. Love the chocolate turkey. Yummmm!

  10. Clever head tilt CK. We are thinking of Thanksgiving here as Monday is thanksgiving.

    Big hug you tilt-a-whirl.


  11. You have the head tilt perfected! And that chocolate turkey looks amazing!

  12. I say you get an A+++ for that head tilt, CK! And that turkey? Yeah, I'm going to need one of those on my table this Thanksgiving. Can you hook me up? Purrs to you!

  13. We love you with that giant chocolate turkey, CK.

  14. I love your head tilt and also love that I can see your little tongue peaking out.

  15. Great choices, I want a turkey like that for Thanksgiving :)

  16. Awesome head tilt, CK! You definitely aced it. :)

  17. CK you totally aced the head tilt....Summer will be impressed - I know I am! Love the flashback photos!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. ck....we waz offline on fryday coz de food gurl haz vay cay time ta get in bee for de yeer endz......say it iznt sew.....while EWE look gorgeouz & stunning az all wayz......say it isnt sew....N we noe ...ewe noe.... what we meen ~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥


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