Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Some Favorites on World Cat Day

I’m celebrating World Cat Day but I’m still gonna be hopping around cos it’s fun. I’m sharing some of my favorite things since Favorite is this week’s 52 Snapshots theme.

wet food: Fancy Feast Grilled Tuna in Gravy
Favorite kibble: Chicken Soup For the Soul

Favorite treats: Greenies SmartBites and Wellness Kittles
Favorite human food: chicken (it’s the meat the peeps eat)
Favorite cuisine: Chinese!
Favorite herb: valerian

Favorite interactive toy: peacock feather
Favorite nip toy: bonbons from Catnip Confections

Favorite game: foam rockets
Favorite activities: attacking the peeps, running through The Tunnel of Pain & Suffering

Favorite human: Pop! (who else?)

To recap, let me sing you this little song: I like ♫ Biting my humans and forever homes for kitties / foam rubber rockets and springs I can hitty / SilverVine pillows and long coated strings / These are a few of my favorite things. ♫ Greenies SmartBites and peacock feather / Fancy Feast tuna and scratching on leather / wild salmon paté and FURminator on my fur / These are some more things that make The Cat purr ♫ Well, actually, I don't scratch on leather but it rhymed. Heh heh.

Thanks to Christina and The Lazy Pit Bull for hosting the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge this week and every week throughout 2015. For those who would like to participate, next week’s theme is Black.

Here’s my submission to the Caturday Art Blog Hop. Not a lot to say about it except it was a one click in an online photo editor. The filter is Pop Stars which is fitting cos I am a pop star.

Many thanks to Athena and Marie for hosting the Caturday Art Blog Hop every week. Stop by the see some creative anipals strutting their newest art images.

It’s been a rough week in the condo with TW fighting flu-like symptoms that almost sent her to the ER. That’s what happens when you get as old as she is. If we haven't been visiting regularly, it’s all on her. I hope next week will be better but we have a lot on our plate coming up. Have a nice weekend and I ax for your patience with TW until I can whip her into shape.


Image courtesy Ann Adamus—

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  1. Happy World Cat Day, CK!
    We hope TW is feeling better soon. Sending her lots of purrs of love and light.

  2. Some of those things are my favorites too!

  3. That song is so fabulous SK. I suppose I shouldn't be so pleasently surprised because, I mean, it's YOU! I did have a kitty who liked scratching on leather (Gryphon) but Jason ignored my warning and tried to have a leather couch. Long story short, the couch left. Jason and Gryphon stayed. And we got a way better couch! Tell that human to take good care and try to give her a short break from the biting. Amelia sometimes lets up on the biting when I am sick... although it is SUCH a favorite thing of hers! :)

  4. Great song CK!! Happy World Cat day and hoping TW is on the mend now xxx

  5. That really is a great song and the photos are totally wonderful, but that's not surprising cause they are you!

  6. Happy World Cat Day :)
    Of course the pop star filter suits you very well , CK !


  7. Beautiful! Happy Cat Day!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  8. Happy World Cat Day CK! I hope TW is feeling better. Oh nearly forgot, I like your song and your art.

  9. happy world cat day love the photos zen hugs and purrrs

  10. Such cute photos! Love the happy face where you are getting FURminator. And I love your song :-)
    I'm sorry TW has been sick. I hope she gets better soon!

  11. Many of your favorite are our favorite too ! Happy World Cat Day ! Purrs

  12. We sure hope TW is feeling better now! We are purring.
    All your photos were fabulous!!! FABULOUS!!!

    Happy Caturday!!
    Annabelle,Boo,Ping, and Mr Jinx

  13. It's amazing CK, but you and I like pretty much the same things, cept I don't have any rockets. We both adore our Pop's too. Now if we could both only whip our typists into shape to be more dependable, we'd have it made. Hope TW feels normal again soon. Being sick is no fun.

  14. Super cute one CK!! Hoping TW is feeling better soon and happy World Cat Day!

  15. Your Poor Mom- I bet she is your favorite too- you just don't want to admit it. Have a great day- hope you get to enjoy lots of your favorites.

  16. Fab song CK and i am sure it really cheers Mum up..World Cat Day happiness to you and big hugs for Mum to get better..i am sure she misses being swiped at while not well..;) loves Fozziemum xxx

  17. A lot of your favorites are ours too. Happy World Cat Day!

  18. ROCK ON, GRRRRL! The three of us wish you a VERY Happy World Cat Day!

  19. Happy World Cat Day, CK! I will have your song stuck in my head all night! MOL! MOL!

  20. Ha, Samantha shares much of your same taste in food and treats! Happy World Cat Day!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  21. You have a lot of interesting favorites. I like those Greenies too.

  22. You are definitely a rock star and a pop star!! LOL!

  23. Happy World Cat Day! Thank you for visiting when we lost our poor Julie, it was comforting to hear from all our old friends. We're sorry it's taken us so long to write, but our mom was so upset. Purrs and headbonks!

  24. Happy World Cat Day!

    Noodle and crew

  25. Very nice art, C.K., and we LOVE your song. Tell TW to get better really fast. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty may, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  26. CK we are lat catching up on this post, but glad we did, we found ourselves smiling all the way through! Now we know what you need for Christmas!


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