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Games Without Frontiers

What am I staring so intently at?

In the middle of our condo stands a column. It’s one of the things that TW loved about the place when they first saw it with the realtor. She said that and the fact that the rooms aren’t completely square give it character. That column also affords me a primo play space.

TW is my favorite play toy or as I like to sing “Games without frontiers, claws without tears.” In TW’s case, there are plenty of tears when the claws come out. I don’t mean to hurt her—or maybe I do. I get so frustrated when I swing and miss. The extension of my claws gives me the extra inch of so I need. Don’t forget to read the captions to get the whole story.

I think I see a bug on the column. Gonna swat it.

Do you see it? It’s ugly and it’s moving toward me.

Lately this is my go-to game. I jump up on the pink gym and peer around the corner where I see—or I better see—some finger food inching toward me. I slap at it a few times. If TW notices I’m using my claws, she’ll substitute a peacock feather for the finger food.

Gotta concentrate. Maybe if I stick my tongue out at it …
I’ll get you, you big ugly wrinkled bug you!

We caught it all on video so let’s go to the videotape! You can also view it on YouTube.

Does your humans tease you like this and do you let them keep all their fingers?

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  1. I let my momma keep her fingers - it are what she feeds me wif.

  2. Your very own column! What a lucky cat you are! Let mommy think she's teasing you - I know you are just playing along and really teasing her!

  3. I never use my claws on my human! Ever. I was trained not to. Plus she keeps them trimmed really short in case I ever try to swat at a judge or another human... which would never happen anyway.

    Binga, on the other paw...

  4. You do surprise me CK! I thought the claw swiping was a little half hearted!! Though the eyes tell a different story!! Nice photobomb at the end there!!

  5. Every once in a while I have a big oops with the claws CK!

  6. That looks like a dangerous game (for the fingers)! We don't get to play games like that with fingers, only with toys... we can't imagine why....

  7. Love your concentrated look, CK. And you have a very impressive swat moves!

  8. Every once in awhile Rosie plays a similar game with our assistant using a blanket. The fingers pop out from under the blanket and Rosie tries to catch them. This game never lasts too long because Rosie is pretty quick and the fingers usually end up needing a bandaid.

  9. Well done CK! We can see why you love that column!

  10. Great... now you've reminded Glogirly that we're both overdue for our mani-pedi's.
    ; ) Katie & Waffles

  11. Dat looks like lots of fun CK. Weez not have a pole in da middle of our pawrtment so no weal ambush sites there. Altho me duz hide behind da steps in da bedroom and jump out at mommy when she walks past. As a Ragdoll me never weally uses meez claws tho' and dat makes mommy weally happy. Have fun.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  12. We use a blanket and sometimes we draw blood. Mommy just yells owie and we stop. We don't try to hurt her, we just forget to keep the claws in at times. She must like playing with us 'cause we play this almost daily. Have a wonderful day!

  13. C.K., Humans who tease their kitties in that way get what they deserve if they have to run for the bandaids. Mom is always trying to touch our toes, which usually gets her smacked. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. thiz song iz in R headz...nice videe oh bomb by popz....984 paws UP for yur mewvie coz it wuz filled with suzpenze....and yur tongue at de column ree mindz uz oh de mewvie A Christmas Story !! double tripull dawg dare ya ~~ ♥♥♥

  15. you ARE aware of the fact that I am willing to bet that maybe just a handful of peeps here even KNOW the song that "games without frontiers" came from? Yep, I seriously think that.

  16. I saw you lick your lips in anticipation! The finger bug creeps up on me when I am on the cat tree. I often draw blood.

  17. Tee! hee! Mes good at the game, well not so good now that mes blind in one eye (and can't sees out the other!), Mes LOVES to blood the hand that feeds mes!

  18. Wow loving the drama there CK!!!!!! Dynamic music, the panther in action - TW had better watch out!!

  19. Your mom is very brave CK. Our mom plays withus with her fingers under the bed covers and our blankie with cat nip in it. What a wimp!


  20. I use my fingers as toys sometimes- I still have them all, but I do have a lot of scratches. You look adorable playing :)

  21. We let her keep her fingers....they open the fancy feast....

    The Florida Furkids

  22. TW was just asking for a nailing, CK!

  23. TW is very brave to be your prey.

  24. People are sooooooo "tender"--honestly, every game is enhanced by a few drops of bloods! My Human says it is way more fun to play with me since my claws were brutally chopped down to nothing (They were neatly clipped-Ed.) when I was knocked out as my teefs were ripped right out of my head! Go figure.

    They'll grow back, right? Right? Love you XOXOXOX

  25. Oops ! Mum almost never plays with her fingers with us, for her own safety. Purrs

  26. That is a fantastic game! You're so lucky to have a column.

  27. The only time we accidentally claw mom is when we need a trim and get carried away making biscuits!


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