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Shelter From the Storm

I know you’re waiting for the ending of my Wednesday post about our friend George so I’m going to make you wait a little longer. HAH! I’m starting with my entry in Athena and Marie’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. I was playing around with a couple of pics that I had already played around with. Here’s the result of my playing. I like the above pic cos the blankie has an almost 3-D effect.

Directly below I used the Inner Shadow effect first and them played around in PhotoCat. They don’t name their textures but I liked this one so much, I used it twice. You can’t tell but both pics on the right have film edges. PhotoCat also lets you compare before and after shots so we did screen grabs.

The pic (bottom, left) was originally done using a Lithos filter. Anyone remember lithographs? TW does. She remember rotogravure too. It’s also my entry in Ruckus Eskie’s Sepia Saturday.

I hope you read our Wednesday post about our friend George. When we left off, George had passed away, leaving Gertrude, Tippy, Hope, Rusty and Wendell “orphaned” and unceremoniously dumped back into the yard. Friendly Fred had disappeared while George was still alive. No one knows where he went but it wasn’t good. Here’s where this week’s PhotoHunt—told ya we’d revisit it—challenge fits in. The challenge is Shelter. I know you want to know where this is going. Did they wind up in the shelter?

Although the peeps couldn’t take all the kitties in, they continued to feed them and they told the new upstair’s neighbor the kitties' story. While he was too immature to care for any animals he did what he could, including building them this shelter. He put it up on the porch and out of the weather. It was two carpeted floors and big enough for them to all crowd in. Of course, the biggest problem was the strife between Gertie and Wendell. Gertie was the oldest. She loved being an indoor cat so she moved into the basement where the neighbor had his art studio. She had a litter box and feeding station where she lived until she went OTRB at a ripe old age.

The Calico’s private two story SHELTER. Look at the great paint job. They even have their name on it!

All the kitties lived well into their teenage years. Rusty and Wendell were such good furrends, they went OTRB within days of each other. Even though Rusty had an autoimmune disease, he lived a long and mostly happy life. They were loved by all the neighbors in the old house. They were born in 1986 and Gertrude was still alive to see the new millennium.

Check out who’s riding in the fire truck watching George!

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  1. What an amazing story...that shelter is so cool! Now I need to check out PhotoCat...

  2. How awesome that these kitties were looked after - they were so much luckier than most.

  3. I like the choice Gertie did make ! Pretty smart :)
    Lovely story CK.
    And your art just look unique !

    Have a fantastic weekend

  4. Great story ! And very cool artwork ! Purrs

  5. That is a pawsome story CK. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. That was quite the story CK and you look very artsy!!!

  7. Very cool story and yes, sigh, I do remember lithographs. Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties!

  8. Love your art work CK. It's really neat.

  9. What a story! Great photos too :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  10. CK! Your Mommy is one talented lady! And what a great story!

  11. What a great story! The shelter looks beautiful. So wonderful the kitties got care and love!
    Love your art image. The 3D look is very cool!

  12. I never heard of photocat, I must try that. Your art came out nice. I am glad all the cats were cared for, but poor Fred I wonder what happened to him?

  13. What a lovely ending to the story so heartwarming.

  14. Totally cool photo art........and we love that the story of the kitties had a happy ending........

    Hugs, Sammy

  15. What a good story about the kittens. I am glad the "shelter" was the one they had, not the BIG one.
    Enjoyed your photo art too.

  16. That was a great story. I am glad everything worked out well for those kitties.
    I like your photo art. Those textures look like an oil painting, but then I always knew you are a work of art.

  17. Yes, yes--The Human is a total Fail, a well-established fact after these last four months or so. Sigh. you have NO IDEA the stuggles I have around here. Sigh again. We are glad to read the "rest of the story" and glad the babies werte mostly taken care of for the rest of their lives. You should not be so hard on your Peeps, CK --though I can't believe I am even saying that--cause they are good peoples who love the Kitties. That is one heckuva good little castle! XOXOXO

  18. Pawsome pictures on you CK as always !
    Glad thoose kitties wad cared for and got a nice shelter !


  19. Great story!

    Have a wonderful weekend

    Noodle and crew

  20. Sure glad it all worked out. Daisy under the table and Ziggy is sleeping on bed
    coffee is ob

  21. Wonderful story and I just love your photo effects!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  22. Awww.... what a great story, CK.

  23. We're so glad that everyone pitched in and took care of the kitties. Those are some cool pics of you, CK.

  24. I like the way everyone shared the care of the cats. They had a good looking artistic shelter.
    Nice pictures CK!

  25. That's a cool art photo of you, CK! What a great shelter the kitties had and we are so happy that all were cared for and safe after George passed away.

  26. It looks really nice ! very artistic !

  27. Wonderful photos and artwork CK.
    Oh we loved the story and we are glad it did have a happily ever after ending.

  28. Pawsum foto CK and wunnewful endin' to what kulda udderwise been a sad story.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  29. Hello darling, Guess what? My stoopy Human finally figured out how to add my picture to Cat on my Head's blog hop! Woohoo! There'll be no stopping me now! XOXOXOX

  30. That is a wonderful story my pal. And I do truly admire that photo of you at the top. Nicely done TW

  31. A wonderful; ending CK and so glad the kitties were cared for..the art is fab too and I must have a peeky! I am having a pill of a time trying to comment and I know my addy is a pill to find..computers urghhh
    loves Fozziemum xx urghhh

  32. Wonderful Caturday Art! Your Mom outdid herself this week!


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