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I Often Dream of Art

Welcome to the weekend and to this week’s art image. (You can see the other art by clicking on Athena & Marie’s Caturday Art Blog Hop.) Later in the post I’ll be featuring this week's Snapshot since it’s a rerun from the other day. I’ve salvaged another blurry pic from the archives in PhotoShop by making it grayscale. Yes, it was created in 2014 but it was reinvented two night’s ago when I took it into Pizap to add some needed color. Pizap has added some cool filters since I’ve last visited them. I thank Athena and Marie for giving me the chance to rescue these otherwise unusable pics. Below is the original image.

Even though I didn’t take this pic myself—I could do better than TW does—I’m gonna link it up to The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie blog hop. Like I said, it’s not a selfie but I’m stunning.

Once again I’m participating in 52 Snapshots of Life hosted by The Lazy Pitbull, who sure lives up to his name. The challenge is Dream and this week I’ve already posted two Dream images. One Wednesday and this one that I really like from Monday's post honoring MLK Day.

"I have a dream that anipals will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their furs or by their breed but by the content of their character.”

We’re expecting snow today—anywhere from a dusting to seven inches—so the peeps will be home with me instead of out shopping. I’m well-stocked with food and litter so it doesn’t matter to me. Will you be dreaming of snow or art this weekend too?

Would you like to comment?

  1. That's a very beautiful dream, CK. And you look beautiful while your dreaming too!

  2. I love your art, CK! It's - well, it's STUNNING!

  3. Yes stunning CK. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Is Art the new boyfriend? You are stunnalicious as always CK! xx

  5. Oh my C.K of course you are or no art :) loves Fozziemum xx

  6. That's such a beautiful art image. It looks like fireworks!
    Love the dream photo - it is so beautiful, too. We hope the dream will come true!

  7. Hope your dream was stunning too! No snow here...we were too far north for this one.

  8. We're dreaming of some sun. We had a lot of rain pour down from the skies yesterday -- all day -- and it's supposed to clear and be sunny and windy and COLD ... but SUN! Great graphics CK!
    Happy Caturday!

  9. Beautiful photo and dream :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  10. Oh, that is great! I tried to come up with a way to use a quote from Dr. King's Dream speech, but couldn't think of anything. I love what you did with it.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. This is a purrfect photo for Sunday Selfies, and we really like what you all created in piZap. It is our favorite for making cool things. Hope that snow is just a dusting. See you tomorrow for our Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. All great photos, you are stunning.

  13. I like that one CK. Good job again. You always have a special talent for working with pictures.

  14. Love that quote and your clever upcycling at its best. I always say there are no bad photos but only one that's not edited yet.

  15. Who is this Art, should I be jealous? I hoped you would share your beautiful dream with me.

  16. Looks great.......Pizap is always tweaking and adding or doing something - we love it. We don't have photoshop and Pizap seems to do most of what we wanna do anyway!

    Hugs, Sammy

  17. As always CK we fink yous fotos awe gawjus cuz yous in 'em. Sorry yous spectin' snow but glad yous all stocked up. Stay safe and warm and hav a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  18. Allie: Oh girlfriend - you're styling even WHEN you dream!!

  19. That is one spectacular shot! Mes LOVES it! And that it could be your selfie too...And that last shot of yous...Stunning!!!
    Yes yous is Stunning Kathy Keisha!!!

  20. That is a most excellent dream, Miss Keisha. Maybe some day, it'll be more than just a dream.

  21. We had rain and it's supposed to get up into the 50ies this week. Something is just wrong with that.
    That is a very nice dream CK

  22. Oh be still my heart--there's that ADORABLE picture again. My little heart just melts to see you all stretched out and seepies like that. ::squees softly to self::

  23. Love this art of yours, CK! We think the original photo is a great selfie too.

  24. CK, you are da bomb in doing these selfies! <3

  25. Great job, CK. You're right ... you're stunning (as always)!

    How much snow did you get? Oh, and are you ready for Tuesday's storm?


  26. Scary, you look a lot like my cat bro Bert. Dream on :)

  27. Excellent job Keisha, love the artwork! Purrs, Rhette

  28. And what a wonderful dream it is!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  29. You really are stunning! Happy dreams! - Gus, Jaq, and Pearl

  30. Nice art work, CK. How did you like the snow? More coming tomorrow and Tuesday!!

  31. Lovely art, lovely dream and lovely you :) Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  32. It's okay to take a selfie 'through' the peeps, I should think.


  33. Great pics and art CK... definitely no snow here... stay warm!

  34. Nice work on rescuing that photo!


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