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Shake It Up Baby

TW has an oddball habit—so what else is new?—and I’m wondering if your human may do this. She says she got it from her Mother aka Gramma. I find it peculiar and annoying. Annoying in that it delays my dinner by a few hours seconds. She does it without even thinking about it.

She shakes my can of stinky goodness before she opens it as if the contents could settle to the bottom. Dunno what she’s trying to do. I can understand why Gramma did it cos the slop that Autumn ate was like cement. It was that hard. No wonder Autumn had a broken canine tooth. Before TW opens my gut rot pouches, she shakes those too. My food is not a milkshake. It may even spoil!

You guys ever hear anything so stupid?
I’m down here, Woman.
Next week I’ll tell you about how she sings Temptations’ songs every time she gives me those nommy treats and how she tries to bust a Temptations’ move while she’s singing. Don’t tell her but she dances more like Elaine Benes than the Temps.

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  1. I see she stacks your cans in order too. My Human has 'em all jumbled up which is why sometimes she doesn't realize we are all out of my FAVORITES until it is tragically too late. Last week, I had to eat my fourth- and fifth-favorite foods because the top three were GONE, Girl. I was so upset! Honestly, she doesn't even try sometimes.

  2. No shaking going on here either! ...of course that may now change.
    ; )

  3. Hmmm can't say that I've ever shaken a can of wet food before!

  4. My human doesn't shake the cans. Sometimes she shakes the pouches so that when she opens them they don't splash on her pristine fingers, which sends her flying to wash her hands! She's such a priss!

  5. Maybe my human should shake cans as it would be like a good old work out for her LOL. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Oh that's funny! I don't usually shake cans of any kind.

  7. CK, that is nothing but STRANGE. Tell her that cat food cans do NOT need shaking!

  8. Well, my Dad shakes our cans a wee bit before opening too CK. He want to make sure they are juicy enough. Y'all take care and be safe with that coming blizzard!

    1. That’s what TW says! She even shakes the paté in the store before she buys it to make sure it’s not like cement.

  9. I have a stash too. Do you like FF Chunky Chicken? How about FF Hearts and Livers in extra gravy?

    1. Nope. I don’t like the gravy lovers but I do like the grilled liver and chicken.

  10. The Staff does that too!!!! Why? It is so annoying! She says it's because she wants to get all the stinky goodness down the bottom before she rips it open! It still flies all over the place! We must have the only kitchen with tuna textured walls! MOL

  11. We are glad you have a stash full of noms CK. Well that is interesting habit TW has!!!!!

  12. gotta say that's a new one!! lol!!! Mom cracked up about the Elaine Benes dance, that was one of her fave Seinfeld episodes!! Love, Cody

  13. MOL! Our mom doesn't shake our cat food, but she takes FOREVER to open those cans. Geez, it's like she's trying to make us wait an eternity to eat.

  14. No shaking can here, and no dancing either : Mum doesn't have the "dance" gene ! Purrs

  15. My mum shakes the sachets but not the cans. She does attack the stinky goodness with a knife when it is in my bowl though. She mashes it almost to a pulp.

  16. Hee-hee, that's funny! But, nope, Mumsy does not shake ours. She shakes some other things, like those little cans that have "V" and "8" on them though.

  17. like de grate blizzard of 2015 iz headed yur way & TW and pops due KNOT...ree pete...due KNOT haz enuff canned goods in de houz for ewe...shakin ore knot, they better get ta de store N like pron toe...

  18. I never shake the can, but maybe I should start. I am glad to see you have a stock pile of food to ride out the storm.

  19. CK, we have never heard of shaking the foods and our humans have never done that. Very strange, but as long as you are getting your noms, we guess it is worth putting up with it. You also have a great stockpile of foods, which is excellent. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. Nope, our mom doesn't do that. We are jealous of your stash of food! Wish our mom did that!
    CJ and Mia

  21. The mom has never done that. But don't give her any ideas. MOL at the Elaine Benes dance reference.

  22. My tailio is NOT "short" -- that is a strange and foreshortened angle in that video--my tailio is long and floofy and PERFECT in every way and I am grieved that you would call it "short"! As if! I have to go lie down now and recover my equilibrium. I would do that better if you joined me on your blue pillow just to see how very mistaken you are!

  23. Nope we don't do that - it sounds messy and we wouldn't dare delay dinner for our fierce tigers!

  24. Those pouches need to be shook. The foods are all over and if you don't shake them to the bottom when you rip the top off stuff goes everywhere.

  25. Our mom says she's bought too many cans of cement to not shake the cans when she buys them now. Seems like a waste of energy to us. We've never seen a can of cement. Mom says there's logic there but we fail to see it.

  26. Hey CK, we follow up on all the kitties we post about. I always let the rescues know I am posting about one of their pets and they usually let me know when they get adopted,,,or not.

  27. Humans and their ridiculous habits! *snicker* Not that WE have any or anything.

  28. CK, I shake all the cans and bags and pouches here too. Sorry, it must be an adult human lady thing :)


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