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I Wanna Be Your Cat … Bedford’s Story

June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month so I’m giving shout outs to some special needs kittehs that are still locked up in the local jails animal shelters through no fault of their own. I was rescued from a kill shelter only to be sent to another shelter where I waited a long time to make my break. Life ain’t easy for cats deemed to be less adoptable like I was.

This week I'm featuring another one of Secaucus Animal Hospital's adoptable pets of the week. He was also featured on their FB page the week of May 15th so our boy has been waiting awhile for his forever home. This adorable tabby boy is Bedford and he is incarcerated at Happy Feet in Secaucus, NJ!

If Bedford was a singer, I bet he’d be a Beatles’ fan and this is the song he’d be singing.

I wanna be your kitty, baby
I wanna be your cat.
Love you like no other kitty
I wanna be your cat!

Tell me that you love me baby
Let me purr and purr
Tell me that you love me baby
I wanna be your cat

Allow me to tell you a little about Bedford, who is 8 months old and very sweet and cuddly. He loves both dogs and cats and is up to date on all his shots, dewormed and housebroken. Bedford tested position for FIV which means that he has a weakened immune system. FIV is not transmissible to humans or dogs. While it is transmissible to other cats, it can only be transferred via a deep penetrating bite wound or through breeding. So FIV+ cats can live with non-FIV+ cats. For the month of June, all of their special needs kitties are available for half price of $75. If you are interested in Bedford or any of their cats and kittens, please visit

I’m taking part in the Opt to Adopt and Blogpaws Adopt-a-Cat blog hops. Click on their names to see more entries.

UPDATE: This little ghetto kitteh was actually offered a kitty referral, which I’m presuming is some sort of commission, if I send any innerested buyers to the realtor of the condos I featured Wednesday. How pawsome is that!

Would you like to comment?

  1. That is one cute kitty! Maybe he could be an added attraction to that new condo?? I hope he finds a furever home very soon, CK. He is pretty adorable!

  2. Bedford is cute! And I love the Iggy nod.

  3. We are so glad that more people are now better informed about kitties with FIV (Mommy included!). Bedford is a very handsome Tabby!

  4. Hope this little cutie finds his forever family as he is so sweet.

  5. What a handsome guy! We RTd your tweet about the post to share him. Triberr is giving us acid indigestion and won't show us the posts we want to share, so we just share manually.

  6. The Staff says she would adopt every kitty if she could!!!!!! I'm not sure it would work myself!! Will share xxx

  7. Awww so gorgeous!
    Definitely sharing your post!
    Have a great weekend!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. Bedford is so adorable! I've read recently that FIV+ kitties can live with non-FIV+ kitties. There are many things poeple don't know about FIV+ kitties. Thank you for featuring him. More information is always better. I hope he will find loving home very soon xoxo

  9. He is such a sweetie and we sure hope he gets his happy soon.

  10. shared on FB and will send out tweets; pawsome work BFGF and concats on the commission thingy...ya never know, huh

  11. best fishes two ewe dood ya findz yur for everz home by monthz end !!!
    N heerz two a perch & cod kinda week oh end two all !!

  12. Bedford is a super handsome man-cat with such a sweet face. We will be purring up a storm and keeping our paws crossed that he will find his forever home very soon. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. Bedford is adorable...and he sings a great song! We purr that he finds his furever home.

  14. Bedford id precious! Paws crossed he finds a home real soon! Sharing.

  15. Bedford is a sweetie. I hope he gets adopted very soon.

  16. Such a handsome boy.... just look at those eyes. xoxo
    Bedford, we hope you find a forever home very soon.


  17. Crossed paws for little Bedford!
    And Keisha, sweetie, just how are they paying the commission? Kitty treats? Toys? Food? You are one lucky ghetto cat!!

  18. What a sweetheart, huge purrs for him to find a safe and loving forever home.

  19. Hims vewy cute. Meez hopes hims gets a home soon.

    Luv ya'



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