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Keisha in the Middle

Wait till you hear what my peeps did!
My peeps rarely eat meat. It’s a treat when we have it and it’s usually chicken cos they don’t eat red meat. TW was still feeling poorly on Thursday. Her legs felt weak and she was dizzy. She remembered her acupuncturist telling her she needed animal protein last time she was so sick. They decided to get hot sandwiches. TW ordered the dead calf and Pop ordered chicken. The fun started once the food arrived. Unfortunately, there is no video or still photos of this incident so I had to use file footage of myself on the table.

I thought the takeout place should have been marked C for Cow and C for chicken but they weren’t marked at all. TW was really looking forward to her veal since she hadn’t eaten it in decades and rightly so. She said desperate times call for desperate measures. It had been so long that she had no idea what it tasted like. (That should have been a clue, Pop.)

The Cat jumped on the table as soon as she saw the takeout. Whoa! I’m getting a treat! TW took one of the sandwiches and passed the other over The Cat to Pop. She took a small bite. She assured Pop that it was the veal.

They should have ordered meatball pizza.
Pop: Are you sure? This doesn’t look like chicken.

TW: Lemme see.

Passes sandwiches over The Cat again.

TW: Oh yeah, that was the veal.

Pop: OK

Passes sandwiches back over The Cat.

Pop (eyeing sandwich): So you’re sure cos I don’t eat that stuff.

TW: That’s why I’m tasting them. Pass it back and I’ll try it.

CK: When am I gonna get some grub.

My head is spinning. All I want is some of that meat.
Passes sandwiches over The Cat once again.

TW: I’m telling you, this is the chicken.

Passes sandwiches over The Cat one last time.

TW: I’m going to eat this sandwich before it gets cold.

Did I mention that since TW is sick, she can’t taste anything? Neither did she.

CK mooches a piece of meat from each sandwich. She loves TW’s but ignores Pop’s.

TW: She’s enjoying a new taste in her mouth. Look, she won’t eat the chicken. This veal sure is tender.

The Woman finishes her sandwich.

Pop (pushes half sandwich away): I’m full but I think I got the cow. Look at the color.

TW (leans in): Are you through with that? Let me sample that one. [chomp!] You’re right! That IS the veal! I’m sooooo sorry. The veal is usually sliced much thinner than the chicken. Oh, I guess I should have warned you everything tastes the same since I’ve been sick.

Ya think?
I’m staying on the chair where it’s safe. Those two are nutz.

Would you like to comment?

  1. heh heh heh...your peeps are funny! It's all good though, as long as YOU got some!

  2. I hope TW gets well soon - you need an assistant with all her faculties, CK!

  3. MOL! Well, as long as ya got some!

  4. Darling...if only...if only....if ONLY there were video! Sigh. Can I come over later and sniff around for scraps??? XOXOXOXO

  5. Yep, the video would have been priceless!

    It's all good as long as you got some, though. Heh-heh.

    Happy Monday, CK!

  6. The picture with the big eyes still makes me laugh when. Scroll up and look again :-)

  7. CK peeps are totally wide hahahaha :) have a great meaty Monday :) hugs Fozziemum xx

  8. Hahaha! Isn't it time you traded TW in for a newer model, CK? She's a hoot, but lacks judgement! ;)

    your haiku was great
    even had the right number
    of silly bubbles! :)

  9. MOL!! That sounds like a riot! Your poor Pop, though.

  10. Your silly peeps. :-)

    Hey, at least you got some!

  11. OMC. TW needs to learn her meats better. ;) We're glad you snuck some, CK.

  12. Maybe when TW and Pop are all better then the menu will get straightened out!

  13. MOL You have your paws full CK!! ☺

  14. LOL! Love the conversation and "passes sandwiches over the cat" lines :-) I agree, the sandwich place should have marked C for cow and C for chicken, then this won't happen! Hahaha.

  15. Me too would have LOVED to see that on video *mol*
    Hope TW gets really well soon !


  16. hahaha! I would have loved to see that in video!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  17. Hahaha. Mommy laughed so hard and now she can't stop coughing. Seems like you really enjoyed the "veal", CK. MOL!

  18. Sorry to hear you're under the weather but thanks for the chuckle. Thank Cod for acupuncturists.

  19. CK....bee veree veree thank ful ya dinna get any veal...yur meow wooda terned inta a mooooo ore baaaaa..ore a mooobaa N due knot EVEN getted uz started on de dam burd thanx....

  20. MOL! At least *you* could taste it, CK. That's what's important.

  21. They should have got you to taste it in the first place. Would have saved all that passing it to and fro.

  22. Oh, poor TW. She really needs to get better

  23. Hmmmm we are wondering how much they got and how much you procured for yourself :)
    Marty and Ralphie

  24. MOL! Well, you know what they say. Everything "tastes like chicken". I hope your peeps have fully recovered by now.

  25. Oooh you guys! Poor Mom not being able to tell eh? That IS being totally sick right?

    Harvey Button

  26. MOL Sowwy TW not be feelin' good and sowwy dat pops not got tu eat. But yus stowwy is funny. Yous will fink so tu when yous feelin' bettew. MOL

    Luv ya'


  27. The sandwich story made us laugh!! We hope your peeps enjoyed whatever sandwich they got!!

    The Florida Furkids

  28. That's very funny. Why didn't they ask CK?

  29. MOL! They should have just asked you in the first place, CK! At least you git some samples, sweet pal!

  30. Wow, score! Still, really considerate peeps woulda brought you your own sandwich. Still, you fared pretty well. I don't know why I have never been interested in the Human foods. And, surprisingly, the Human tries pretty often. I enjoy sneering at her offerings, I must say. XOXOXO

  31. We hope your mom gets better very soon ; not matter if she cannot see the difference between chicken and meal as long as you can get a piece of it ! Purrs

  32. Is everybody crazy pants at your house? I sure hope the sickness is gone by now and life is back to normal. tee hee But hey, it could happen!

  33. If we understand correctly, TW got most of the dinner because she kept tasting the sandwiches. Only she couldn't taste them. So she ate. You and Pop starved. Do we have our facts straight? :)

  34. *slaps paw to forehead* BFGF!!! You simply MUST get TW back under your paw...she has gone crazy since she got so sicky pooh


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