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Wednesday Word—Sick

Food critic one day; nurse the next.
Before you panic, it’s not me. I’m still healthy as a cat. I’m all revved up with no one to play with. Pop says I’m getting cranky from the lack of attention. Well, it’s not my fault.

Both peeps are under the weather. They’re still not sure if it’s the flu or some stomach bug/food poisoning. TW had the night from hell Sunday night into Monday morning. She was frowing up and other gross, disgusting things all night. We were ready to call 911. Pop was sick and I finally got into the act tossing a hairball. I think Pop wins though cos even though TW had worse tummy issues, his fever was almost a degree higher. MOL!

Won’t somebody play with me?
It’s really amazing how I’ve been tossed aside like some stuffie. What’s worse is I heard through the grapevine that the only other time they’ve both had food poisoning, little Autumn didn’t get fed! She was residing in the basement because she couldn’t get along with Nicky and had started spraying Pop’s bed. She was sent packing to the basement until they got a door on the living room so she could live in there. Anyway, they were too sick to go downstairs until late in the afternoon so poor Autumn didn’t get fed until dinnertime.

Autumn didn’t look like she missed many meals.
For those who haven’t been able to follow on Facebook, we’re very sorry that we haven’t been visiting and leaving comments. It’s NOT my fault! Today is the first time TW has been out of bed in two days. I hope you’ll continue to visit this little ghetto kitteh who has been ignored these past 48 hours. I need to feel the love. Please don’t ignore me too!

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  1. We are so sorry TW and Pop are so sick, CK! Don't worry, dear friend. We will never forsake you! :)

    Purrs and prayers for the humans there. We hope they are better soon, 'cause you need to be pampered!

  2. Purrs and hugs to CK and Pop from all of us. You and Autumn hang in there!

  3. Aw, man, being sick is no fun...even for humans. We're purring that TW and Pops are feeling good again real soon.

  4. ck....they eated BURD...dinna they....

    we bee sorree TW and popz both iz havin a hurl fest but ewe canna say they wuz knot warned....

    we iz guessing they dinna get de memo ewe left on de fridge bout de math equayshin

    burd = hurl = bellahache = Y in de be jezuz iz CK knot gettin paid cash monee

  5. Sick humans are sooo hard to take care of !!
    Hope they feel better soon !

  6. It's so awful when humans are sick - who knows when a kitty's gonna get fed? Last time my human was sick, she was really bad off, but she did have the strength to call the pet sitter and have her come feed us (her boyfriend was out of town at the time). Hope your humans feel LOTS better soon!

  7. We're sorry that your humans are sick ! Did they eat a forgotten mouse ? We're sure they will feel better very soon with such a good nurse like you ! Purrs

  8. CK we are so sorry TW and Pops are sick. We are glad to hear that they are both starting to feel better. Now maybe you'll get the attention you deserve! We're glad to know that you're alright and didn't miss any meals.

  9. hoping both of your Humans feel better soon! They are lucky to have you taking care of them CK!

  10. CK, darling, we won't ignore you. You are quite cute in your nurse's cap.We sure hope your humans are feeling well again very soon, so that they can cater to your every need and whim. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. I do hope they are both feeling better now CK. It is not fun to be sick!

  12. Yikes! We're sorry your humans have been so sick and are purring for their speedy recovery. You must be exhausted, what with all the nursing. We hope YOU'RE being fed on time!

  13. Hope your peeps get better soon. And hope ya gets your foodz!

  14. It is not possible to ignore the Ghetto Kitteh!! I feel your pain, CK, and we hope the peeps are 100% again soon! Nasty things bugs! xox

  15. So sorry to hear the peeps are not feeling well! Paws crossed that they start to feel better sooN!
    Food poisoning is NO fun! And Autumn was a beautiful kitty!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. Oh CK we hope the family is feeling better and Fozzidad both got a bad flu last year and I think the pups and kitties were close to feasting on our bods if we had rotted any further! so there is always nibbling in their tootsies if they forget you :) sending hugs to all sickly peeps :) hugs Fozziemum xxx

  17. I say that as long as the Peeps have use of their limbs, there is not excuse for the Kitty to suffer pangs of hunger or lack of attention. Surely they can stagger out from their sickroom and play with you a little?

    I do hope they are feeling a bit better, though. If not, you might have to go in there and, um, remind them that a little activity will help them heal. Right? XOXOXOX

    If they don't recover soon, just come on over here. I have lots of foods and clean litter!

  18. You poor wee chickie, its rotten when your cat servants pull a sickie. Never mind just think when they've done with the feverish nasties they'll need a lot of convalescence and cuddles and that is precisely where you come into your own. They'll think the world of you as you purr them better.
    Love to your peeps for a speedy recovery.

  19. I hope they feel better soon.

  20. Wees unnewstand what yous goin' fwu. Wees be purrayin' fuw boff yous hoomans.

    Luv ya'


  21. You make a very cool looking nurse, CK. I hope TW and Pop don't need your tender services much longer. Feel better soon!

  22. Oh no! We hope your parents get to feeling better soon! That is no fun :( And we also hope you get fed, CK! And we can relate to the lack of visiting and commenting - we get behind ALL the time because Mom is "busy." We will still continue to visit when we can, no matter!

  23. We love you, CK!

    We sincerely hope your pawrents are on the mend!


  24. I'm sorry to hear that your humans are sick! That's never any fun. Make sure you give them some extra purrs. We will keep them in our prayers and purrs. :)

  25. SO sorry TW & Pops are so sick! Sounds like they've got it BAD! : (

    You may need to call in some reinforcements, CK. If only to get those food cans opened up.

  26. Nice of you to donate a hairball to the mix! You are one creative kitty cat. We do hope everything is getting better and the peeps are recovering.

  27. Oh no I am so sorry your peeps are sick :-( And that sounds really bad. You look very cute in the nurse hat. I wish their quick recovery!

  28. Poor TW and Pops! We hope they feel a whole lot better soon.

    You look really adorable in the nurse cap, CK.

  29. CK you come right on over here and mom will pay attention to you.

  30. CK and TW Firstly, thanks for the support, we appreciate it ever so much. We will reciprocate over the coming week now Mum is not at work except for Monday.

    Things sounds not good, Mum gets nervous panic attacks but she doesn't have anything like this. Hang in there, you will be OK. Give Mum and Dad our best love and Get Well Soon's OK.

    Miranda Kitten,

  31. It took me a long time to find you CK, so I won't be deserting you now!
    I hope your Humans are soon feeling better and they don't forget to feed you.

  32. Oh CK, I'm so sorry Pop and TW have been sick. M has been a little "under the weather" herself the past couple of days. It's not fun is it when the humans don't feel well enough to play. Tunnel on over there and I'll play with you as it's boring here too. Hope TW and POP get well quick.

  33. Panfur Purrs for your TK an Pops feels better soon. Me an brofur know how dat is when da human get sick and we not eats our fuds when we expects.

  34. Oh my, oh my, so sorry to hear that both TW and Pop haven't been feeling well, we just know you will be a great Nurse to them both and we send huge purrs and good thoughts to them for feeling better ASAP!

  35. BFGF hop in that Fast Leopard Teleport Tunnel and get right over will luvluvluv the SF bay area fog...and the warmth of my East Bay sun puddles...let the humans sort themselves out...purrrrrrs, Savvy


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