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Wednesday Word of the Day—Paint

This little ghetto kitteh has a new hobby. Painting. TW has finally given my iPawd back and I loaded the Cat Paint app. Although I'm not about the cut off my ear or anything, I think I'm quite good. I'm just now experimenting with different colors and palettes. When I get better, I'm gonna take my spray paint and start to beautify the city. I've chosen to name my pieces after the famous fish painter, Jackson Pollock. He was one tasty talented artist.
As I paint my masterpiece. The artist at work.

Baked Pollock
 I'm also gonna make political statements with my art, as you can see by this last piece. We are all Trayvon Martin.
Poached Pollock aka The Senseless Murder of Trayvon Martin.
My art will soon be coming to a subway car or a vacant building in your hood. At a later date, I'll also be auctioning some pieces off for charity.

I didn't do it and I don't know who did!

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  1. Yous is a cat of Many talents! Yous should sell your pieces on Zazzle!

  2. Those are some mighty fine paintings, that is for sure CK. They are every bit as good as Jackson Pollock. Too funny. Take care.

  3. Hard to believe you have ANOTHER talent! When will it all end? MOL!

  4. Baby Girl, you never cease to amaze me! You bring the pain of the ghetto to the canvas like no other!

  5. I am totally impressed CK, you got the artist paw!

  6. MOL! I didn't no my cousin was so talented.

    Love, Fluffbomb

  7. WOW CK - you are really getting good. Before long you'll be selling your paintings for millions of dollars each. You'll be able to support Pops and TW.

  8. Jackson Pollock? Phyffft!!! He's a no talent - ok I know he's dead!! CK you gonna exhibit? lol

  9. We are so impressed, CK! Let us know when and where you'll be exhibiting your just have to do that!

  10. I didn´t know that you could paint too , Cathy Keisha.
    I´m sure we will see your art on a train near by soon :)

  11. Very cool CK! Love your work! You rock as an artiste!

  12. COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Who knew you had this hidden reservoir of talent!
    Good move on the ear. You need them so you can flatten them out when TW does something stupid.
    ; ) Katie

  13. You sure keeps busy, CK! Way to go, Joisy Girl!

  14. These are awesome, CK! There is not much art talent here - none of us have shown any interest in the paint app here.

  15. That is really, really impressive, CK. My Human is too lame to have an iPad. Or an iPod. Or an iPhone. In fact, she's SO lame she still has a "dumb" phone (i.e., it makes phone calls. That is all.)

    About the shoes: Well, who knows? They might look really nice on me. I *do* live in San Francisco, you know. And I have sparkles.

  16. Fur sum unknown reason CK, you got us thinkin bout fish! Go figger. xoxo

  17. You have real talent CK! We look forward to seeing your designs on planes, trains, and automobiles. And it's so much fun, isn't it?

  18. Spitty's answer has my mom rolling on the floor and snorting. She sounds stupid and I am looking the other way. BUT I must say, mommy needs to get ME such a cool App. I have two fishing ones and I sit there like a stuffie or something not even paying attention and then walk off and leave the fishies. Good thing those Apps are free. Mom is still snerking and snorting at Spitty's comment.

  19. CK! What talent you have. We can hardly wait to see your work on everything. :)

  20. Yeah, my real Moms WAS a badass kitteh straight outta Golden Gate Park. But I think I must have a little Camel in me somewhere or I could not form such a purrfect mound, right?

  21. Genius! You have such amazing writing talent my need to publish a BOOK......

  22. Oh you're so totally Modern Art, CK! (and BTW, doesn'r TW know that all artists are a bit, wel, tempreamental?


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