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Easy Like Sunday

Usually I spend Sunday morning curled up on Pop's chair at the kitchen table. He had to go get another chair and then I wanted that one instead. Yep, I'm one spoiled, diva of a Housecat but I wouldn't have it any other way. Today the first Yankees' Spring Training game is on the YES Network so I'll be Occupying the Couch so TW can't sit there. A Real Housecat of the Blogosphere's day is never done.

I gotta rest up so I can pester TW while the game is on! HAH!

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  1. OH CK, that sounds like a great afternoon. Our Mom loves baseball but we can't watch it any more since we don't get the right channels. Be sure to get the prime seat on that sofa. Have a super Sunday.

  2. Darling! How could you not drop over for *MY* sunpuddles??? And honestly, can you even IMAGINE mayhem without you?

    Who needs Old Buzzhard anyway? Oh, well, sigh. I guess you could drag him along if you MUST. It's always good to keep an eye on the competition, you know. XOXOXO

    (The Human is pretty excited about Timmy Lincecum's 2-inning outing Furiday. He looked good!)

  3. I hope you get plenty of pestering in CK, that will make the game more fun!

  4. Concats on your selection as a Real Housecat of the Blogsphere, CK!

  5. Dear CK,
    Me was hoping yous and me would gets to0 work together, but me will has to be happy with my Man Cats! Me thinks wes is the bestest HoseCats of the Blogosphere!
    Fellow Catter Nellie

  6. What a purrfect day. he he - I'm spending it on whichever lap I can snag. Probably D's because he the one who sits in the roomy recliner the most.

  7. great planning of spending the day!!
    happy day to you....

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow Family

  8. I hope the Yankees won!

    CK, try not to bother TW too much. My meowmie watchs games too.

    Hope you had an easy Sunday.

    Love, Fluffbomb

  9. Enjoy the game and helping TW enjoy it more with your own special game enhancing commentary. xoxoxox

  10. HAHA! Yes, the life of a celebrity is a challenging one. So many responsibilities. It's all about the fans though.

    ...yeah, that's it...the fans.
    ; ) Katie


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