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They Taste Just Like Chick-hen

BREAKING NEWS! Pop's foot has been attacked again! You may remember this picture from a couple of weeks ago, now there's been a repeat mauling and once again the gangsta cat has been blamed. I know you're getting as tired of reading about these attacks as I am of reporting them.

File "foot"age of Pop's foot from the last attack.
Pop admits that he didn't see me; and, furthermore, he didn't even know I was in the room. Hint to Pop: I wasn't in the room. I'm hurt because I expect better out of Pop. I know TW is looking for any reason to send me back to jail but Pop loves me. As you can see below, there were many actors in the room. I wasn't one of them. I can prove my innocence. I will hire the best mouthpiece available.

I dare Pop to pick the culprit out of this lineup!

 I've once again been framed!

FWIW, and this is between you and me: Humans DO taste like chick-hen.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Ouchy CK! That foot monster is just no match for you!

  2. The evidence is all circumstantial. it will never hold up in court.

  3. I bet you it was the fat one from the line up. The one fardest to the right. That one looks so mean and capable of such crime!

  4. I think it was the one with the spots on it. Mean gangsta type.

  5. Humphrey would say take the 5th! Just hopped by, thought we would follow along ! Stop by Brando and Bogart!

  6. As your attorney, I advise you to admit to nothing,,,not even being in the house at the time that the attack occured. As a matter of fact,,,I will testify that you were with me in a business meeting at the time the attack took place.

  7. ha ha Good one! Poor CK - framed again.

  8. MOL!!!

    Love, Fluffbomb

  9. Miss CK, I'm sure you are innocent !
    Can't be You !..Seriously !!!
    I'm sure it's a tiger one...tee...heh
    You must love me now, I guess ; )

  10. CK..NO way! No way on EARTH would that have been YOU! You wuz framed fur sure. We'll stick up fur you and I too think it was the fat one on the right. yeah, on the right..that one.

  11. Humans taste like chicken? Really? Word on the street was that they tasted more like pork.

  12. Psssst! CK, your secret is safe with us!!

  13. CK, we know for sure you are innocent Besides Missy might need her Aunt CK, so we hope you don't get put in jail. And if by some remote chance you did do that, we know know that you didn't mean to. Take care.

  14. Obviously you are innocent, CK. If the peeps continue with these ridiculous accusations, you'll need to seek some decent representation. Chick-Hen or not...the NERVE!
    ; ) Katie

  15. My guess is the fat grey cat to the right did it :)

  16. Honestly, you'd think the Humans would learn not to leave naked exposed body parts where you can reach them, darling! If he'd just wear shoes, this sort of thing wouldn't happen! And for the record, that fat gray cat looks really mean.

    I think you should teleport over and take a tiny nibble of handsome neighbor man. He might taste like prime beef, doncha think??


  17. Me thought Daddys' feets was like Valerian. And yous knows what happens when yous does Valerian, just like silvervine, yous is NOT responsible for your actions!

  18. Hey it's Jet here. Glad to meet you. My K9 sister, JJ gets a lot of the blame in our house... possibly because I may, possibly, sometimes, throw her under the bus! Would you like the name of her attorney?

    Glad to meet you on the hop.

  19. Anyone looking into those eyes would be mezmerized.. I mean, convinced that you were innocent! We say this of our own free will and not because we were hypnotized...

  20. Chick-hen! Yummy! You makes me laff... i mean- You've been framed, look at that sweet innocent face!

  21. CK, you're so funny. I never thought about it, but I'll have to bite somebody just to see if you're right!


  22. Allie: That's just HORRIBLE! Don't they know grey girlcats don't DO such things? Why the nerve!!

  23. Sorry Dad, but I´m laughing!!!

  24. You didn't. You wouldn't. You've been framed. Someone should take mug shots of those gangstas.

  25. Well look...that 3rd character has similar color furs to you, a mistake could have easily been made.


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