Affiliate Disclosure: Sometimes I use affiliate links. What does that mean? It means that if I’ve used a product and liked it, or it's a company I buy from and trust and they have affiliate programs, I sign up. Then, when I mention that product or company in one of my blog posts, I use my affiliate link. I thank you for clicking the links to help my treat fund.

Looking Forward to Turkey Day

Hola kitties! I have Friday on my mind all week since I'm dictating this post to TW on a Monday. Of course, not the fill-ins but the rest of the post. Lately, I've been thinking about turkey. The peeps are getting closer to the $400 they need to spend to get a free one in the soopermarket. Thinking about it makes me happy—and hungry. The peeps are still eating leftover Halloween candy so I don't think Pop is ordering a 3-lb choco turkey this year but don't underestimate him.

Looking Forward to Turkey Day

Once again, I'm gonna start with the Friendly Fill-Ins, a feature held once a week at this time. Let's meet our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics with further comments in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it relates to all of them!

Looking Forward to Turkey Day

1. I can't wait to have TURKEY on Thanksgiving (if not in the USA, substitute your next holiday).

2. I am thankful for TURKEY at Thanksgiving. I'm also thankful I have a home with peeps that cook a turkey on Thanksgiving. I could live with some veterinarians who don't eat any meat like some of my furrends.

3. When it comes to pie, I prefer TURKEY. I also like pizza pie but only with grilled CHICKEN on it. NO pie beats a nice roasted turkey; not even turkey pot pie. Can you imagine turkey and pot in the same pie?

4. A feast is not a feast without TURKEY. You can keep the homemade stuffings, sweet potatoes, etc. Just carve up the turkey, baby!

Now let's head back to the past with some Flashback Friday Foto Frenzy choices. There are now 8900 fotos to choose from. Can you believe it? That's a lot of stunning. Can you also believe these both are in focus. As you know, foto editing is forbidden in the Foto Frenzy. You gets a camera raw foto.

Looking Forward to Turkey Day

Since I was just talking turkey about eating, let's start with #7777, which I let Pop pick. It was my birthday gift to him. Actually, I made some nice Stunning Keisha cocoa mugs for him which I can't believe I haven't shown you guys yet. This foto was one of the hunnerts of outtakes from a January 2017 post reviewing Tiki Cat noms. I do seem to be enjoying it, don't I. Truth was, as is true many times, I love a food until the post goes live. Then I lose innerest. This is a real cool dish too cos it's got kinda low sides.

Looking Forward to Turkey Day

George the Duck meet Georgina the Duck. Actually that's Pasta the Duck cos he was a gift from Pasta the Twitter cat Heh heh. George is the one with the shades. The Trout Towne Tabbies selected #1894 from September 2011. In honor of this special innerduction, TW did an extra-long foto shoot. George came to visit cos he wanted to hitch a ride home from the 2011 Blogpaws conference with Plush CK. It was the first one we attended. He had so much fun going to Yankee games, playing with the fake Ramones and having acupuncture that he came back a few years later. Then I learned a terrible secret. He was really a clone! Gasp! He certainly had us fooled.

Looking Forward to Turkey Day

I wanted something difference for my art. I've been working in oils for a few weeks so I decided to do a watercolor using the Thanksgiving/Fall theme. I added a frame in Photoshop CC. This is my entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to provide a platform for anipal artists to showcase their latest digital, Photoshop and original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into works of art like this one.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I am hoping my human will be bringing home turkey from where ever she is having dinner on Thanksgiving!

  2. I get the feeling that you like turkey, CK! You look like you are enjoying those noms. Maybe you will like them again now you have had a break from them.
    My numbers for you are:8400 (Flynn's birthday 8th April 2000) 1508 (my birthday 15th August) 8899 just because.
    Your art is beautiful just like you.

  3. I had to laugh that the Trout Towne Tabbies ended up choosing a photo with birds in it :) That is a cute photo though. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. All I had to do was spend $25 and then I could get the turkey for 39 cents a pound which was a really good deal. I hope your folks get their free one. I hope they share it with you too. Your Pop has to order the chocolate turkey, it is tradition :) I love your art, that came out great. Have a nice weekend ! XO

  4. Love your watercolor.

    Uh, the 3 lb choco turkey your Pop ordered in the past wasn't for your Thanksgiving Dinner, was it? We're trying to picture anyone eating a choco turkey with gravy. :)

  5. So tell us how you feel about TURKEY!!! MOL we think you like it a LOT!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. It appears that turkey is the only thing you really want for Thanksgiving. I'm guessing you'll get it too.

    Thanks for linking up to Feline Friday.

    Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥

  7. My poor, poor kitties. They won't be getting any turkey. We're vegetarians, but guess what, CK. We're having TWO vegan Thanksgiving meals this year - a first for us! Even I'm not too sure about them...

  8. I am loving your watercolor of your kitty! So cool. It is great you like turkey so much. I don't mind it but sometimes it is a bit dry so I prefer ham.

  9. Ooh we wanna see the cocoa mugs, CK! Something tell us you're looking forward to your turkey dinner :)

  10. You like Turkey then? MOL! You are so precious, darling pictures!

  11. You should come over to our house, CK. My Momma's not big on meat period, and The Boy prefers other meat. Last year, us kitties got a HUGE plate of turkey before the humans even sat down to eat!

  12. So, to like TURKEY!!..Not quail, duck, pheasant or *gasp* pigeon, but TURKEY!! Well, this time of year is just right then, for you, CK! Enjoy the holiday with your peeps, dear! - Tom x

  13. Let me guess - you really, really like turkey!
    Hope you get plenty of it!

    We love your art.

  14. Like turkey much? roflol How about gravy? I like gravy, not cream gravy though. Mom calls it giblet gravy and she only makes it for me. I requested fish for Thanksgiving, but I don't think my vote counts. Purrs, Buddy.

  15. Your answers were great and had us laughing. :) I love turkey, too. I spend all year hoping that Thanksgiving would hurry up and get here.

    I hope that you get all the turkey that you want and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    Have a blessed weekend. :)

  16. Keisha,
    You're so right about Pizza. I forgot about it and The Tribe of Five loves it. The Female Human asked the woman in the white coat at that place they take us to and she said that many cats like the taste of tomato and garlic! Garlic, can you believe it, as if our breath wasn't stinky enough! (and she said it doesn't hurt it as long as we don't make it a regular diet.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  17. Mom and Dad just put a turkey in the fridge. We are hoping for a bit of bird for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your turkey with a side order of turkey.


  18. I adore the ad for Prancie's Prayer. Such a lovely cover on the book.

    Hope you all enjoy your soon to be purchased turkey lurkey. We had urs last month so I've ghad enough of the wild child with feathers.


  19. CK, all we can say is TURKEY!!! We sure hope you get some of that Thanksgiving turkey. Certainly you'll make sure you get your fair share. If the peeps don't share, we assume there will be blood, yes?


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