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4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

Hola kitties! Can you believe TW forgot last month's Pet Photo Fails? I can, since she's #senile. You're in luck cos it's the last Friday of November—in fact, the last day of November—and she remembered! The Pet Photo Fails blog hop has been hosted by Miss Cuddlywumps, Paisley and Webster of the Cuddlywumps Cat Chronicles blog. Sadly, I have to do this one in tribute to Roby Sweet aka Sarah Andrews, the author of the blog. She passed away on November 5 from cancer at the young age of 49. Sarah left us way too soon and we'll miss reading Cuddlewumps Cat Chronicles. I will continue to post photo fails until the end of the year in her honor.

4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

There were plenty of photo fails from the our November shots. There were those in the kitchen when I was looking for turkey, so let's start with those.

4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

I couldn't wait for the flash to reset, I had finished and was looking for more.

4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

TW cut the stunning part of me off! She claims I was moving too fast and by the time the flash reset, I was gone. At least these first two are in focus.

4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

Unlike this one. ☹️ I had put the turkey on the nice clean floor and wasn't even facing her. This one isn't even in focus.

4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

I wanted to share one from another shoot. Can you believe TW is photobombing me? GASP! She started photographing me on Pop's sink apparently unaware of the mirror and that she was in the pic—twice. Can you see her above the yellow cup? Too bad you can't see her red kitty pajama pants. I'll bet she didn't see the reflected clutter either. Sorry if it didn't move for you, Woman. Great job, TW. She did actually learn and moved out of the way for the rest of the shoot which hasn't been posted yet and prolly never will.

4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

We will miss Miss Cuddlywumps, Webster, Paisley and Sarah. The Pet Photo Fails blog hop will now be graciously hosted by Mudpie over at Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows and you can link up there.

The Friendly Fill-Ins is a feature held once a week at this time. Let's meet our hosts—15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics with further comments in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it relates to number two.

1. I refuse to shop in Walmarts. The peeps are boycotting Wally World so I will too. Pop also refuses to step foot into Ikea after his experience there a few months back. Heh heh. I hear it was quite the experience too.

2. A store I wouldn't mind being trapped in overnight is PetSmartI'd have all the luxuries of home: food, litter box, beds, cat trees and toys, treats and I'd release all the adoptable kitties (do they stay overnight?) so we could pawty! If Chewy had a brick and mortar store, I would stay there too.

3. I'm dreaming of more turkey. Of course, the peeps say I'll have to wait until next November. OK, I'll dream about Chinese takeout.

4. I wouldn't touch a human lap with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole. Nope, I'm not a lap cat. TW is still holding out hope since Boris Kitty recently started to sit on Humanz Two's lap and he's almost as old as myself.

4 Pet Photo Fails to Make You Laugh

Here's a stunning artwork I "Painnt-ed" recently. Lately I do a lot of Photoshop art cos even though I was one of the first to use many of these apps like Painnt, I can't seem to find filters that make my photos pop. My furrends are pros on the apps and they create wonderful and imaginative art. I have a feeling that TW doesn't take enough time to sort through the different filters or maybe this little ghetto kitteh is too darned fussy. MOL! Anyway, I don't remember what filter this is but I really liked the brush strokes in this one.

This is my entry in the Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to provide a platform for anipal artists to showcase their latest digital, Photoshop and original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into works of art like this one.

Would you like to comment?

  1. My human learned really fast how to stay out of photos of us cats, even the mirror ones! I think it was Sparkle who trained her.

  2. TW photobomb photo is the best! Love it! Great to see TW on the blog. MOL!

  3. Those photo fails were really fun CK. Hey, we're outta turkey too, dang, that's not right!

  4. Those are great photo fails. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I enjoyed your answers. I am sorry you have to wait a year for turkey. I know Walmart would be your choice for #1. I only get litter there because it is so cheap and we go through 5 bags ( 20 pounds each) per week. Beautiful art. Have a nice weekend! XO

  5. Those photo fails are just the best. We love turkey too and hope yours was delicious. Plus you got photobombed. Great fill-in answers. No turkey for one year, but tell her that it's so good. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  6. Those are great photo fails, and I love your expression when TW photo bombed you. I love your art too.

  7. I'm not a Walmart fan either but there aren't many choices around here since Kmart closed. Mudpie is a lap fan though! TW's photobomb is hysterical!

  8. I enjoyed these photo fails. Guess TW is as bad as mom.


  9. Those are some great photo fails, CK. Our mom totally forgot about it this month. Do you know she’s never been to a Walmart? She’s boycotting them too.

  10. You rock them all, CK. If it were all up to you, your pictures would always be stunning.

  11. Thank you so much for letting us know that the Photo Fails hop is continuing!! We were so sad about Sarah too. I met her at BlogPaws SC and enjoyed visiting with her. I'd been concerned about her health, but never knew just how bad it was. :(

    At first, we wondered if you ever found any turkey! We're glad it seems you did, though sad you have to wait another year for more! We sometimes cook one for Christmas too, or just during the winter - mostly for the pets!

    TW's photo bombs are the best!! We hope she and your Pop get feeling better soon too.
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Great kitty pics! A kitty party in Petsmart overnight? Sounds like my kind of fun. Have a great weekend!

  13. Love the fails. Well done.

    We won't shop at Walmart either. Terrible place.

    Petsmart would be a great place to be overnight.

    Have a purrfect weekend. My best to your peeps.😎

  14. What is painnt? We've only heard of paint.

    Neat photobombing. So that's TW. ** waving paws**

    Happy weekend.

  15. Hello Beautiful! I really love the last "fail"! We think BOTH you and the Woman look stunning! In fact, we think she should be in more pictures, especially ones showing her kitty pajamas.

    We are awful sorry to hear that your friend crossed the Human Bridge. Forty nine is so young! But we bet her kitties and blog fun helped her during the hard times.

    Sorry we've been such lazy visitors! XOXOXOXO

  16. I love the bathroom photobomb- since to see your TW. I have the clutter background problem often lol. I’ve never done the art hop because I have no skills - I’ll have to explore some of the apps.

  17. Your photo fails are furry amusing, CK.
    WE don't have any photo fails to show because Our Human hides HER mistakes by destroying the Evidence.

  18. The photo fails weren't fails to me since they showed off your fi-zeek, CK. I think it's horrible you have to wait til NEXT YEAR for more turkey!!? What? Anyway, your blog ended well with great art! - Tom x

  19. Nice photo fails, CK! That one with TW double-photobombing you is a classic! Are Pop and TW feeling better, health-wise?

  20. First - we are sending continued purrayers for TW. We know she has not been feeling great.
    Second - we miss Miss Cuddlywumps, Paisley and Webster. Sarah was far too young.
    Third - We think the mirror shot of TW should OT be a fail!
    Fourth - I ALWAYS LOVE your fails CK. Actually I LOVE all your photos, fails or not.
    Five - The Friday Fill-ins ROCK!
    I am sorry my human has been too busy to help me comment. But I am reading.

  21. Those are great pics in our opinion!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  22. We were so sad to hear of Sarah's passing. What a wonderful tribute it will be to Sarah to have Mudpie and Melissa hosting the Pet Photo Fails blog hop. As always, though, CK, we are just certain that no photo starring you could ever be considered a blooper. And your fill-ins are just as purrfect as your bloopers! This here human is not a fan of Walmart either, even despite the fact that my uncle works there. Sorry, Uncle, I just can't do it. PetSmart, though, we're all for that. And we love the sound of staying at a Chewy store if one existed. Best slumber party ever!

  23. It is sweet for you to continue the Photo Fails Blog Hop in honor of Miss Sarah. Tell your momma that I send her hugs to help her feel better. Tell her that my mom photobombs my photos, too, in her pajamas. Sometimes the doggie photobombs my photos as well. Tee hee hee. -Valentine (& Mom Kerry) of Noir Kitty Mews

  24. MOL..You're photo fails are so cute, CK..without a head...MOL :D We didn't know that Melissa took over the hop, that's great. We always remember Sarah with a smile, Granny still has her IG where she sang and played music on her piano.Still can't believe she's not with us anymore👼 Your artwork is beautiful as always. Hope you get a lot of turkey soon. Flavoured Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday🐾😽💞


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