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My Cat Tree & Celebrating a Birthday

Hola kitties! Pop's staycation is over. All I have to look forward to is the weekend or if I can talk him into working at home at least one day a week. At least the temperature won't be a hunnert degrees. While Pop was on staycation, the peeps only got a paltry two things accomplished. They finally took the Easter tablecloth off the table and my cat tree was completed. I'll bet you all want to know how I liked my tree?

My Cat Tree & Celebrating a Birthday

I love it! I've been all over it except the two very top perches. TW is most impressed that I jump over 30 inches from the pink perch/gym into the condo in the new tree "at my advanced age." Yeah, she actually said that. I may be more of a ground dweller than I used to be but I can still be a lean, mean jumping machine.

My Cat Tree & Celebrating a Birthday

These pics were all taken on the iPawd late at night so they're not the best quality. We lightened them in Photoshop.
My Cat Tree & Celebrating a Birthday

Look how tall it is! I've been in every floor except the two up top. I even climb through the hole. I love the sisal posts the best.

It's another Music Monday so I'm joining the Music Moves Me blog hop hosted by Curious as a Cathy and a chorus of others. This week is another freebie which means it's my choice of themes.

TW's birthday is on Friday. I don't want her to think I li-li-like her or anything but I'm gonna play some songs for her. At first I thought I'd share some of her desert island disks but it's turned out to be female artists. Springsteen, R.E.M., Winter Hours, Dave Edmunds will have to wait for another time. Heh heh.

The obligatory Happy Birthday song that's not the Beatles.

One of her faves and one I used to play at Pawpawty/Nipclub quite a lot when we were celebrating someone's birthday. It's a fun rockabilly tune.

Let's get loud! Another Nipclub fave. I had a different song by Pink picked but TW really likes this one so "Raise Your Glass" to the old bag.

TW has been accused many times of being a Patti Smith doppelganger or look-alike maybe cos they both don't wear makeup. That's alright with TW who adores the other Patti's music and even worked with her and her mom to put out a fanzine. She's sang with Patti—Cod help us all!—and danced with her. I won't let TW out to see concerts anymore but if I did, Patti would be one of the few artists she'd still go to see.

*Looks around* Do I have any street cred left? I hope so. Maybe if I tell you that I'm not getting TW a gift, I can still keep my dignity. This post was her gift.

I hope you enjoyed listening and pawtying. Everyone has different tastes in music so please be polite when commenting. Last week, Kris Kristofferson won in a landslide in my unofficial Battle of the Bands. Should I do another Battle of the Bands?

Would you like to comment?

  1. Your tree is amazing!

    I've already planned my musical birthday post and it's not until September! Conway's Happy Birthday Darlin'... that's all I need each year!

  2. Your human is SO lucky to have worked with and hung out with Patti Smith! My human is envious. And I'm envious of your awesome cat tree!

  3. I'm so happy to see you love your tree CK! Happy early Birthday to TW, she's a special one!

  4. We Love your cat tree, it's super tall and has a cool design. Great music selection. We didn't realize your mom hung with the stars. That makes her famous too! Happy climbing, jumping and scratching! Purrs

  5. Your tree is awesome! You should ask TW how high she can jump at her "advanced age." Bet she wouldn't make it to the top of that tree. Great music choices too--I am alert and ready to work now! :)

  6. That is such a pawsome tree and glad you like it!
    Happy birthday to TW this Friday. You are so nice to play great songs for her :-)

  7. CK that is one amazing tree you have there!
    Happy birthday in advance to TW!!!

  8. Hey, we have a tree just like that! Well, our sister Ruby has it and she LOVES it! Our Mom took the short scratcher and perch out of the middle and laid a soft heated cat pad over the hole and Ruby swears that is the best spot ever, especially in the cooler months. That tree is the best tree ever!

  9. That's an amazing cat tree!!! Happy Early Birthday to TW!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. WOW... your kitty has his own CONDO! It's huge & I love it! Personally it needs a little color & hangy things for kitty to play with, right? HEHEHE! Thanks for joinin' us today! Luvin' your tunes you selected! PINK is my favorite! You have definitely ROCKED THE HOUSE! hugs

  11. What a spectacular tree! And happy birthday to TW - this post was very nice, CK.

  12. We wish we had a cat tree like that!

  13. ck....yur cat treez epic....noe...itz EPIC.....N joy everee hide out N level for yeerz ta come.....N how total lee kewl TW getted ta chillaz with patti smith....we haz knot hurd a toon oh herz ina while; thanx for de link { tho now de FSG is wunderin what happened ta her album; chek shelves three } ????? anyway; battle oh de bandz soundz grate anda happee earl lee ♫♪♫♫♪♫ ta TW; we iz offline thiz fryday sew heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez.....speekin oh yeer; sorree this commint went on for one ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  14. I am glad you like your tree. What did you decide to name it? Yes, do another Battle of the Bands! Nice song choices, better than The Beatles Birthday song. Happy Birthday to TW!! XO

  15. Groovy cat tree, CK, and an early HB to TW. We won't ask what number of b'day it is, but we've got a good idea from the folks she's hung around with...LOL!

  16. Wow, CK! That tree is amazing! We wanna see you on the very top. Happy early birthday to TW.

  17. I glad you're able to enjoy your properly assembled tree. Happy birthday to TW.

  18. Keisha,

    Your mommy needs to smack your furry beeehind for being so incorrigible! You shouldn't call her an 'old bag' after all the hard work she did to give you such a nice tree house. Hopefully your gift of mewsic will smooth things over and she'll forget your not because she's a year older! Tiss-Tiss! What am I going to do with you? She'll forget/forgive you because she really loves you!

    I'm going to scoot off for now but let me end things by saying it was great to have y'all on the dance floor and a great big ole "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, CATHY" I hope you have a purrfect day celebrating! :)

    PS: I think you should do another battle!

  19. There isn't a singer on the earth who would ever let our no-talent mom sing with them. Does your mom have any video of the event? Pink is our mom's absolute favorite contemporary artist. She drives Dad crazy as that's the only music she plays in her car! Happy Birthday to TW! 🎂🎈🎁 As to your cat tree...fabulous. We like the Amerikat brand, but we haven't seen that particular tree. May put that on our Christmas list. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  20. Wow CK that tree rocks!! My Mom makes those aging digs too, not always at me, but she does to Dakota! Happy Early Birthday to TW!!!!

  21. Happy, happy Birthday to TW. Maybe you can refrain from biting her on her special day ... err ... more than a few times. We love your new cat tree - so much to see and explore! Bear loved our cat tree until The Boy moved in - now he only uses it to look out the window :(
    I miss seeing him up there looking down on me!

  22. Hope TW had a nice birthday! And that's a very nice cat tree.

  23. Happy Birthday Cathy! Hope it's fabulous and that you celebrate all week.
    What a treat to hear Patti Smith's Gloria! I LOVE her Horses album, the whole thing. I've been into the album since it first came out. That was sometime in the mid to late 70s. One of my friends turned me onto it. That whole album is excellent!
    You worked with her?? How cool is that!!! She seems pretty amazing to hang out with, I bet.

    I had to crack up at your very funny kitty who writes these posts. When I read under Pink's song "...raise your glass to the old bag" it made me laugh out loud! That was funny.

    The other thing that made me laugh was when Wanda Jackson sings "but I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room." haha. Great line!

    Fun set here. Hope you are enjoying your special day...all week now!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  24. That cat tree is awesome, CK! So cool that you've explored it all except for the tip top. Happy birthday (early) to TW. We think she's the cat's meow!

  25. This was such a great selection, from your cat tree to your human's selection of Patti Smith. Where else could I find something like this? All of the songs were new to me - my favorite, Pink (and this old bag has seen the Rosie the Riveter picture in person - in Arkansas, no less!), but the second favorite was Wanda Jackson - the "I can shake a chicken" line had me laughing!! Hope you had a good week and your human, too.

  26. Anyway, I'm not sure if I put my blog handle into my comment, and you'll have to explain to your human that this old kittie sometimes loses track of where she is: it's

  27. I hope your momma had a wonderful birthday! Say, you really got yourself a special skyscraper there, CK. Maybe you could have your momma make up a 'CK Tower' sign for it? Purrs. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  28. Well Happy Birthday TW! I LOVE that Altered Images B'day song, I forgot how much I loved that one! I'm so glad you ditched the Easter tablecloth, LOL!! It's about time, right? What a gorgeous cat tree, I know you'll make it to the tippy top soon - Enjoy it!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


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