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Here's to a Fuzzy-Focused Friday

Hola kitties! Let's go hopping now, everybuddy's hopping now, come on and read my post! We're gonna be doing some Flashback Friday Fotos, then join in the Friendly Fill-ins and finish off with some good art while you wait. Nothing much new going on in the condo. Pop is working at home today but he better have bought TW's b-day cake per my instructions. Enough chit-chat. Let's start the hopping.

Here's to a Fuzzy-Focused Friday

Let's find out what that Keisha is up to this week.

Here's to a Fuzzy-Focused Friday

My furrend Real Cat Paisley chose our first flashback, #6034 from November 2015. I received one of the first Cat Lady Boxes to review. TW made me pose for two separate foto shoots cos she couldn't get the first one right. She blames me for not cooperating but you knew she would. This was the second one. She liked the "Cat's are my Bag" tote so much, she draped it over this box in front of my perch/gym so people could see it better. I wanted to see it better so I started to climb up on it. I've got three paws up. I had my eyes on that watch. I wondered how much I could pawn it for. I'm sure she'd have cropped the top with my rockets off if she used the foto larger than stamp size. BTW, she liked the bag so much, she still hasn't used it; in fact, she doesn't know where it is.

Here's to a Fuzzy-Focused Friday

Don't wipe your glasses cos it's the foto that's out of focus, not your eyes. #320 is from a long badly focused foto shoot from October 2008. This is a very popular shoot since this is the 3rd shot from it that's been in a foto frenzy. This is the kind of foto that could become a great art piece. Only TW could muck up digital photos on the Automatic setting. It’s not like she had to focus or anything. I'm posed in front of my original bed. Whoa! The old rocking chair was still in Pop's room. I want to play; she wants to take bad fotos. Thanks to the Eastside Cats for choosing this flashback.

Here's to a Fuzzy-Focused Friday

The Friendly Fill-Ins are hosted each and every week by 15andmeowing and Four Legged Furballs. They think up the fill-ins and I fill in the answers. My answers are underlined and in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it kinda relates to number three and why not?

I'm gonna let TW answer the first one cos you're not gonna believe her answer. Go ahead, Woman, confession is good for the soul.

1. As a child, I feared CATS. Yes, it's true. Gramma bought TW a stuffed cat cos she was always crying there was a cat in her crib and it was gonna get her.

2. Friday the 13th is the day TW was born. She was indeed born on a Friday the 13th. In fact it was a Friday the 13th in July much like today. Even worse for her peeps, it was shopping night which had to be postponed.

3. I think my eyes is are my best quality. That's what Pop tells me all the time.

4. You can't go wrong with a cat or two in the house. Any house. I only permit one in this tiny condo but I encourage you to splurge a little at the shelter and adopt a bunch.

Here's to a Fuzzy-Focused Friday

For my art this week, I made another Photoshop painting that isn't as dark as last week's offering. I had artified the foto last September using PicsArt but it didn't seem artsy enough. I wanted a picture to hang in my gallery. I wanted to see brushstrokes so I once again used the smudge stick and then the texturizer. I finished by pawtographing it. What do you think? Yea or nay? I think it's gonna look super in my gallery.

It's my entry in The Caturday Art blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum to provide a platform for anipal artists to showcase their latest digital, Photoshop and original art. No talent? No problemo. There are hundreds of one-click apps for desktop or mobile devices that will turn your photos into works of art.

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  1. Happy birthday to TW! My human's birthday is next Caturday!

  2. Paisley is so happy that you're showing the foto she picked! That Cats Are My Bag bag is pretty cool. Guess TW liked it so much she put it in a super-safe place. Great art too--definitely gallery-worthy. And happy birthday to TW! :)

  3. Those were all terrific CK and a most Happy Birthday to CK from all of us!

  4. Happy birthday to TW! How are you helping her celebrate, CK? Are you gifting her with lots of love bites today? And we sure are glad TW got over her fear of cats, because now she can follow the rule you mentioned in #4, CK. Every house needs a cat (or 2, or 3, or 6, or 12). Happy Friday! And happy birthday, TW!

  5. Hahaha I hope TW's favorite bag will show up at some point :-) Happy birthday to her! Your artwork is very pretty!

  6. oh CK I LOVE your artwork!! And...we wish TW the happiest of birthdays!! TW is one special, special lady and brilliant and talented too!!!! xoxo

  7. TW was afraid of cats? Oh my! Now she's just afraid of you? Happy Birthday to TW. Be nice to her!

  8. Happy birthday to TW!

    I can't imagine being afraid of cats, but I imagine some cats could be pretty scary. When one of my cousin's children was a toddler, she was mauled and almost blinded by their cat, and I know that was terrifying.

    Have a blessed weekend. :)

  9. CK, I love this: "I encourage you to splurge a little at the shelter and adopt a bunch"...Cats are like potato chips; you can't have just one! Well, except in your case, sweetie!

  10. Thanks for sharing the wonderful flashback photos. Also Happy Birthday to TW!! Paisley must be so happy that you shared the photo that she picked. They are really cute. Hope you have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  11. Happy Birthday TW and we love the bag too!

  12. So TW feared cats??? She still kinda does with you around, CK. ;) Happy Birthday to her!

  13. I love my Cats are My Bag tote too! And how fun that she was born on Friday the 13th :) Happy birthday, TW, and I'm so happy you got over your fear of cats!

  14. CK, I am hear to sing (and enjoy the art and the pictures of you) but mostly I am here to sing to TW!!!
    And I am going to sing in PERSIAN!!!

    بسیاری از خواسته های خوب
    Many Good Wishes

    تولد تولد تولدت مبارک
    تولد تولد تولدت مبارک
    بیا شمع ها را فوت کن
    که صد سال زنده باشی

    Mommy says I should give you the wishes in English...
    Birthday birthday, happy birthday
    come blow out the candles
    so that you will live 100 years


  15. Happy Birthday to TW!! I hope your Pop got the cake. Great photo choices, that is a nice watch and a cool bag. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. That is funny that TW was afraid of cats. You do have beautiful eyes, bot my favorite quality of yours is the built-in bikini. Very nice art too. Have a wonderful weekend! Maybe no biting TW for her birthday weekend. XO

  16. It is good to have a cat in the house again. I would not have chosen to do so, but it just happened. Have a blessed week.

  17. Lovely art and photos!

    Happy Birthday, TW!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  18. No. Way. TW feared cats? We had no idea!!

  19. Two paws up for #4! A cat or two, or five is an excellent idea!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Oliver & The Tribe of Five

  20. There is a difference between real cats and stuffed cats. The stuffed ones don't talk making them appear superior and judgemental...a scary combo.


  21. Great flash back photo and Happy Birthday to TW!
    Have a spectacular Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  22. Great fotos, CK. That second one really would make a great art piece! We especially love TW's fill in 4!

    1. And happy birthday to TW! I am sick, so a little delayed/hindered in commenting and visiting.


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