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Celebrating My Pawsomeness

Hola! I don't have to tell anybuddy how pawsome I am. I can do things that others only dream of.  That's why they named tomorrow's Day of Awesomeness after myself. I'm celebrating today since I gave up blogging on Saturday. Most cats are pawsome which is the feline equivalent of awesome. Better make that all cats are pawsome just not as much as me.

Celebrating My Pawsomeness

Looka! I made a pawsome new graphic for Friday's Foto Frenzy! It shows a preview of this week's fotos, making use of some pawsome filters. Hope you like it. I like it better than starting with one of the fotos. Also, since I have a pawsome Friendly Fill-In graphic, I didn't want Foto Frenzy to feel like it was less important or less pawsome. Today I'm featuring two ancient fotos—oh well, they can't be too ancient since I'm still a kitten. The first one, I've run before but if you haven't seen it, it's new to you.

Celebrating My Pawsomeness

Look at how young, fresh-faced and stunningly cute I am in the pawsome lead foto—#2, picked by Summer Samba—taken in June 2007 on the Tibetan rug that I’ve yet to yak on. I've gotten the fringe but not the rug. This is from the very first roll of film TW took of my stunningness. Yeah, it was a roll of film since we didn’t own a digital camera. You’ll notice TW was an even worse photographer with her SLR. HAH! No one appreciates digital photography more than TW. She was watching the ballgame and I wanted to play. This is the story of my life.

Celebrating My Pawsomeness

Whoa! This one brings back mixed emotions. #895 was taken in March 2010. A package had arrived with my name on it. Since it came from the pawsome Nip and Bones, I couldn't wait to open it. TW thought I'd love that Undercover Mouse. She was wrong. I would stare at it for awhile and then get bored. If there was a full moon, I'd bat at the mouse once or twice. We gave it away. Alas! it was the toy that wouldn't leave. The toy was re-marketed under the name The Cat's Meow and I found myself the winner of one a few years later. This time I showed even less innerest. The shelter got that one too. Kudos to Dezi and RaenaBelle for the foto suggestion. I hope I don't see anymore of these in my future.

Celebrating My Pawsomeness

The Friendly Fill-Ins are hosted each and every week by 15andmeowing and McGuffy's Reader. They make up the fill-ins and I make up the answer. My answers are in italics. Each week my image relates to one of the fill-ins. This week it's #1, obviously.

1.Before you bite the peeps, you need to tenderize them with perhaps a lick or two and then a nibble.

2. After eating, I love to run crazypants through the condo.
3. Winter is cold and this one seems to keep going and going like the Energizer bunny. Just when it starts getting warmer, we get snowmageddeon. Last Wednesday, it was practically 70F and this Wednesday we had thundersnow! TW said it looks like we only got about four inches but further west, they got over 20".

4. Spring means BASEBALL. Yankee baseball, in particular. TW has been watching Spring Training cos she's looking to latch onto any sign of Spring.

Any signs of Spring in your neck of the woods or are you snowed in like we are?

I'm going to share a pawsome piece of self art for your viewing pleasure. I still can't believe I inspired this wonderful day celebrated worldwide.

Celebrating My Pawsomeness

I decided to cartoon myself for my early entry in The Caturday Art blog hop, hosted by the lovely Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty and her mum. You can see digital art created on one of the online apps, Photoshop art and art that is painted or drawn by those with true talent.

Have a great weekend!

Would you like to comment?

  1. I like your new Foto Frenzy graphic a lot! TW did a pretty good job.

  2. No argument here CK, you're totally pawsome! Hey, I hope Old Man Winter takes a hike soon!

  3. Yep, you're pawsome, CK! Love the art, too. Sophie goes crazypants after using the litter, not after eating.

  4. Very nice photos, that is funny that you ended up with 2 of those toys. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You are too funny with tenderizing the humans. We ended up with 10 inches of snow so it could have been worse.
    I hope you have a nice weekend! Very pretty art too. XO

  5. LOVE that "cartoon myself" photo! It's pawesome and we already know that you are! My husband has been watching the MLB network every single signs of Spring here yet other than that! catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. Your Foto Frenzy graphic is just as stunning as all of your art, CK! There aren't many post-food crazypants times around here, but Evan does go a bit wild after dropping a bomb in the bathroom. We were so excited to see some daffodils coming up in the yard this past weekend. Then they got buried in snow.

  7. LOL about tenderizng peeps and I love your cartoon art!
    We are not having snow but it's freezing cold. Stay warm and have a great weekend!

  8. CK, you are adorable, even if you like biting your peeps! Our snow drops are blooming...well, now they are under snow, but hopefully it will melt or blow off in the next few days.

  9. You are purrfectly pawsum CK. We luv seein' all your fotos as always. We think it's purretty ironic that we happened to pick a foto of you with one of our facorite toys. MOL Sorry you don't like it, we think it's the cat's meow. MOL Like you, our weather is all over the place, so we don't know ifin we're comin' or goin', so to meow. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  10. ck ewe iz all wayz stunning..... N catz round heer like ta go crazed afturr leevin a dee pozit..... ☺☺☺ winterz knot outta de land oh trout either...we had nice two weekz ago N now itz brisk again FSG hopes de stuff that bloomed when it WAZ spring like doez knot fry out now ~~~~~~


  11. I wonder if TW and Pop ever feel ... not quite good enough ... in your stunning presence. We think you shine brightly, CK! I thought about getting that toy for Bear ... but the last toy I bought him (he plays with the ones I get free at the Conference) - TurboTrack ... and he gave it a whack or two and quit. Ellie loves it though ... so I'm glad I was too lazy to pitch it!

  12. That is a great Foto Frenzy graphic, and I love your cartoon art too.

  13. Your #1 fill-in is too funny.
    Spring is trying to show up here, but then we get a freak cold snap & hail storm. Oh well, we need all the winter rain we can get in California.

  14. That first photo of you is SO sweet! Mudpie loves our Cat's Meow toy...but she loves most toys :) We've had some warm spring temps but winter keeps coming back. We've gotten snow this week, but no where near as much as southern New England.

  15. We had an undercover mouse and we loved it. Unfortunately it broke and we never got a new one. We miss it.

  16. Great photos...we pick 848. Mom got us a new Undercover mouse but she hasn't let us play with it.

    Great Fill-ins!
    The Florida Furkids

  17. We got a foot of snow, but a lot of it melted. Now we have just enough snow to make a mucky mess. I can't wait for spring. Your photos are always stunning.

  18. You are pawsome CK. I have a Cat's Meow or did but when mom brought it out I ran away and hid. Hey, I don't get paid enough to take chances! Kali thought it was fun and when she didn't want to play anymore she lay on it. Shut the mouse right up.


  19. Oh sweetie you ARE awesome!
    Have a spectacular weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  20. Well IOHO (in our humble opinion) You are awesome AND awesome!

  21. Your new photo frenzy photo is amazing! xoxox Hayyel from

  22. CK! I LOVE all the pictures of you this week! THey are all pretty artistic! TW has talent (we even likes the SLR photo).
    And we LOVE the fillins too. This winter has been pretty normal for the wet coast, though the snow, when it fell has been deeper than usual. Spring is happening! The leaves are starting to give the branches green coats and the crocuses are blooming, soon to be followed by the Daffydowndillies!

  23. You look amazing in all your photos and the art is fab!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  24. OH CK those fotos are all fantastic, we really loved the last one you did. YOU always take such good photos!

  25. Fantastic fotos and your St. Paddy's header is super pawsome, too! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang.

  26. Your new Foto Frenzy graphic is cool, CK! And for what it's worth, we kinda like photo #2. It shows off your stunningness, for sure!

  27. Happy Pawsomeness, CK...on everything :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

  28. I am amazed that there are photos of you on FILM! That is truly stunning. I was all excited to get the Real Cats that Undercover Mouse toy too. They played with it exactly once and lost interest. :)

  29. Bill drives to upstate NY weekly. So, he drives through Winter constantly. I think he is ready for Spring, too.


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