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Greetings From Fort Keisha

Greetings From Fort Keisha
Circa  February 2010

The first Foto Frenzy of the year! Isn't it exciting! I guess it's good to start the year by looking back at the older fotos in our archives and remembering what I was up to years ago. What's even better is my furrends and readers pick random numbers. I match them up to the foto in my archive and publish it without any photoshopping. Some don't need any touching up like the above foto and some need a lot of work (see below).

I think this captures my mischievous and playful side. When I run through the condo, I like to kick the rugs up and then I hide behind them. I call it Fort Keisha. When I’m inside Fort Keisha, I can plan my attack on the peeps and they can’t touch me. When I attack, if they try to run after me, they’ll trip over Fort Keisha. Heh heh. This is one of the rugs in Pop's room. It's a big, heavy wool rug but I have no problem kicking it up and moving it.

Greetings From Fort Keisha
Circa March 2013

I got a new cat tree for my Christmas 2012/Gotcha Day 2013 present. Uncle Vince constructed it for me with the help of the sticky little human. She wanted to climb up it before I did; cos of course, I was in my office UTB during that afternoon. This was a long 14-foto shoot cos TW had never seen my go up to the penthouse before. There were celebrations all over the condo. I ended the hoopla cos it was only one of the only two or three times I ventured up here. I preferred to just lay on the landing waiting for TW to shoot foam rockets. You can see the rockets waiting on the little house thingy part of the tree. Anyways, I never went into the house or used the scratcher in the front so the peeps got the idea that I didn't like it and gave it to the shelter for Christmas the next year.

Greetings From Fort Keisha
Chosen by Aunt Pauline
Circa June 2010

This bookcase is the tallest piece of furniture in the condo at 94" and I used to climb to the top. I can look down on my minions from here. I can see TW scrambling to get the flashy box to capture this moment. (See TW. See TW “run." MOL!) There are 10 different shots and I have laser eyes in all 10. *shakes head* I wish I was still able to jump up here but I can't.You wanna know why? To get up here, I have to jump on the counter, then on Gramma's old wobbly china closet (TW loved to see me up there!) and finally on the shelves. Trouble is, the counter is so full of people junk that I can’t get up on it anymore. Behind me is a piece of original artwork given to TW by an artist she was once very close with, although his name is now a four-letter word. It’s one of a set of three geometrical designs.

Tomorrow I may be putting on my smock and getting artsy fartsy. Dunno what's on tap as far as art. Guess I'll just fake it. Any plans for this weekend?

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  1. That's a cool cat tree - I'm glad rescue kitties got to use it since you didn't like it.

  2. That cat tree is amazing- we have cat tree envy, the rescue kitties were very lucky.

  3. We love Fort Keisha, we make Forts out of Mommy's rugs too, but we like yours the best.

  4. Bear envies your set up with Fort Keisha! All our carpets are attached to the floor. Then again, he doesn't bother with stealth attacks anymore. Nope. All Momma has to do is stand in one place facing away (like at the sink brushing her teeth or confusedly in the middle of the family room as Momma tries to remember what she was doing) and BAM! Bear bites the back of her leg and runs into his cat tree corner where she can't reach him.

  5. Great photos CK! We are gonna be watching the snow this weekend, yep, snow in the south is always entertaining!

  6. CK.....can we pick em ore what....while all theeze fotoz rock de houz N yur stunning az ever....we all like ta pay a vizit two fort spesh a hall way izza grate place for a fort heer... coz de floor iz kinda slipree....

    heerz two an atlantic silverside kinda week oh end ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  7. I like your Fort Keisha. It looks like a great place to spring an ambush. I used to attack and bunny kick the door mat and it would end up on top of me. Then my mum went and changed it and the new one was rubber backed and no good to play with.
    I choose #542 and #766

  8. Great photos. Can't you just knock everything out of your way so you can get on the cabinet?

  9. Oh MeOW CK dat was a pawsum tree. It's a good thing we're so poor and mommy keeps stuff whether it appears we like it or not. Cuz eventually we play with it and luv it. When me furst got here there was a big pole with 3 shelves. It had been here fur 3 years and no kitty had ever graced a shelf. Till me dat is. Me luvved it from day one. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  10. We love Foto Frenzy.....we pick 2732. Your fort is totally pawsome!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Great fotos this week, CK. We wish we had some rugs around here to make a fort.

  12. Sounds a bit like a magic carpet ride into your "fort." Sherpa likes to climb too - maybe if you ever visited he would show you the top of the walls.

  13. That first photo is a winner, for sure. We used to love getting atop the kitchen cupboards before our humans redid the cabinets and took them all the way to the ceiling. So thoughtless of them! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. Fort Keisha looks pretty impenetrable! And we love how you're up on that bookcase, CK. We can attest to the fact that thing is super tall. Impressive!

  15. wow! Now that is one great cat tower CK. We outta have one of those! And that rug has colors just like one we have hanging in our home. Ours was hand tufted by Dad's grandma

  16. These are all great pictures, CK. But I must admit that 3131 is my favorite. Perhaps I'm just biased since I picked it!

  17. Great pics and the Fort...the best.



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